Hi from sunny California!

ceciliaruns Posts: 41 Member
Hi! I started 5:2 yesterday. I had no idea about the 5:2 plan until I saw a post on Pinterest with ideas on 100 calorie snacks to get you through on fast days. That lead me to the video and now I'm here! I have been a yo yo dieter since I was a teen, I've never been overweight, but always strive to be lean for running, then I can't seem to maintain lean for very long after a big race! This lifestyle seems less obsessive and boring than cutting calories daily. Yesterday's fast was not as hard as I thought it would be, but I'm kind of dreading the next! lol! Will have to see how it effects my running and excited to see of it has any effect on my chronic hip girdle pain. My goal is to try to stop the roller coaster and maintain at a comfortable weight and decrease pain. Hope that this is the answer.


  • m1oscar
    m1oscar Posts: 44 Member
    Hi ceciliaruns! I learned about the 5:2 from my mom who has yo-yo dieted her entire life...that is up until she started 5:2 fasting. She has been doing it for over two years now with great success and claims it is the easiest eating plan she has ever done- and she has done them all! Today is my 6th fast day since starting this. I will weigh in tomorrow and see where I'm at. Hopeful for a drop but can say that I haven't yet mastered my off days in terms of not over eating...so there may not be one. I also stay closer to 600 than 500 calories. Personal choice. So far I've lost 3# but most of that was the first week. Good luck and keep us updated on how you are doing!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Hi from cloudy London....

    I'm a long distance cyclist rather than a runner but I find 5:2 to lose weight and 6:1 to maintain weight really fits in well with liftstyle and also long duration exercise. I combine it with MFP's "eat back exercise calories" method on non-fast days as very long endurance exercise requires fuelling on the day and also gives more flexibility.

    I've found extra benefits beyond calorie adherence in that it appears that fasting and fasted exercise also helps you adapt to burning fat more efficiently for exercise. My unfed endurance and performance has increased markedly. Would suggest building up fasted training steadily though - at first I had a few very wobby moments but now a 2 hour hard ride on a fast day recently felt absolutely fine.