Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story


slikorify Posts: 130 Member
Hey to everyone from the previous challenge, and welcome to any new people!

Just a thread for anyone that wants to to introduce themselves and get to know the other members of the group. The idea of the group is to help each other out so please make sure you're supportive of everyone. Will post he thread for the initial weigh in next Wednesday which is when the challenge officially starts

Good luck to everyone!



  • slikorify
    slikorify Posts: 130 Member
    I'll start it off :)

    I'm Jamie, 21 and from the UK, currently just about to finish my second year of university. Been trying to lose weight for a bit over a year and a half. Started off at 323 lbs, now I'm down to 193 lbs. Current goal is to reach 190 which puts me into the "healthy" category according to the nhs bmi calculator. I know it's not completely accurate but it's still a decent target. Still plan to continue to lose weight after that until I get to a point where I feel happy. I go to the gym pretty much every day since I really enjoy it, pretty much all weight training

  • jasonraygagnon
    jasonraygagnon Posts: 86 Member
    I'm Jay, and this is my second round of the 12 week challenge. Any day now I'm going to be a first time dad to a baby boy and we are so excited :smile: I'm presently sitting at 195lbs with a goal to get down to 185, or wherever I need to be to get the excess fat off (under 20% would be awesome). I train hard 5 to 6 days a week with weights and plyometrics. Love this journey that I'm on, and can't wait to see what the next 3 months will bring. Today marks the 100th day of diet and exercise, and I'm down a total of 25lbs.
  • runningsahm
    runningsahm Posts: 208 Member
    I'm a SAHM of three and babysit two more. Three years ago I was very close to my goal weight, but here I am thirty pounds away (gained all of it back plus a few more) and ready to change. I am almost 36 years old. This will be my first group since coming back. My goal is to lose 25 by Labor Day. The 12 weeks of this challenge will get me close! I have a half marathon (my first) this weekend, but I'll most likely be walking most of it. Still 13.1 miles is 13.1 miles!
  • turtlesmomma
    turtlesmomma Posts: 30 Member
    Congratulations on the baby Jay!! I have a 10 year old son and it is so rewarding to be a parent (and slightly terrifying).

    I'm Kim, also from the first round. I managed to lose a little over 15 pounds in the first 12 week challenge. My goal for now is to lose around 20 more pounds then decide if I want to keep going. I started strength training about a month ago and enjoy it much more than cardio so that is the extent of my exercise. Good luck to everyone who joins the group!
  • bestmeicanbe1
    bestmeicanbe1 Posts: 160 Member
    Hi I'm Brandi, 21, stay at home momma of 2.
    I was in the first group but stopped after the first week or two. I really wish I would have stuck with it but I let stress get the best of me and turned to food but today is a new day and I'm so ready for this!
    I'm currently back up to 160 lbs my goal is 140 by the end of this 12 week challenge.

    Congrats Jay! Best of luck (:
  • kewierschke2
    kewierschke2 Posts: 38 Member
    Congrats Jay!

    Hello all, my name is Kassie. I was part of the first challenge as well and this group pushed me from 178 down to 148.8. I'm at the point where I expect to lose slow so my goals for this challenge will be low. I surpassed last challenges goal by 11lbs.

    Anyone can add me as a friend. I'm here to give support more than anything!
  • TanyaS007
    TanyaS007 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi, Everyone! This is Tanya and I'm on round two! The first round was definitely a learning experience. I'd never joined a group before and did not know what to expect. I actually began to look forward to the weekly check ins even when I was struggling. I'm now ready to push forward through the next 12 weeks. Definitely need to add more focused activity and will work to avoid sabotaging my own progress. More mind over matter this round. Send a friend request if you'd like. I have a feeling we will all need as much support as we can get. Special thanks to Jamie for keeping us all on track! I truly appreciate it!
  • Rabby14
    Rabby14 Posts: 224 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I was in the first challenge group and I struggled, but I ended up still showing a loss! It is nice to see lots of people returning and for all the new members...welcome! This grouo really is positive and filled with great people :)

    I am ready to push forward and focus on these next 12 weeks :)

    Thanks for putting this together and keeping track of everything Jamie.

  • cands86
    cands86 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! I was in the first challenge but bailed because failed miserably! but this time it wont happen. No quitting for me! Good luck everyone!

    Lets do this :)
  • amlyles
    amlyles Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Everyone! I'm Adrianne and this is the first time I joined a "challenge" online. I have the strongest desire to lose weight, but I lose motivation because I don't see results as I would like quickly. Outside of losing the "motivation", I am quite busy with my 3 children so I normally grab quick bites to eat and keep moving. I've recently had the opportunity to slow some of my "running around" down so I can really put in an effort of losing weight. With that said, it will be nice to know that I have some people in my corner who I can motivate and be motivated as well. Nice meeting you all and good luck with the challenge!
  • tpeirona
    tpeirona Posts: 572 Member
    Hi guys!

    I'm Teressa and I started my weight loss kick a little over a year ago at 195 lbs. At one point, I was as low as 155 but have since gained about 15 pounds back. I want to get back on the wagon and lose the weight I gained back as well as those pesky last ten pounds. My goal for this challenge will be to lose 15 pounds and I'm going to commit to working out at least 4 days a week and trying not to let my sweet tooth get to me!
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi :)
    I'm Karen. I wasnt on the first challenge, but I'm happy to start this one. I have over 20 pounds to lose, but my goal for the challenge will be to lose 12 of them, or 1lb per week. I really need to get my focus back, and get consistent with my workouts. I'm ready to start. Good luck everybody!
  • xtina40
    xtina40 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone- looking forward to round 2! Am hoping to set more realistic goals this time. Am feeling good about my weight loss so far want to stay on track losing slow and steady.
  • Survivorstartingover68
    Survivorstartingover68 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all..... I am Margie and I was a 1st rounder also!! It was the only challenge I have stuck with! And it paid off!!!! I had some bumps but the groupd was awesome as a motivator!!

    I am facing some health stuff I just found out and am changing my eating drastically but its still healthy and hopefully will reach my goals again!

    Welcome to the new members!!

    CONGRATS JAY!!!! a new baby is soooo exciting!!

    JAMIE...thank you again for putting this together!! you rock!!!!!!
  • ShyPanda93
    ShyPanda93 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm a bit late to the game, but I am Brandi, also 21.I have a wonderful 16 month old daughter that I want to set a healthy example for. This would be my first go at this type of thing. I suppose my goal would be 18 pounds loss..
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,742 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi, all. I'm Terri and I did the first round and managed (just, lol) to beat my target by 2 lbs. I have been on here since 9th Jan and have found great support here. My goal is to lose 1 lbs for every week of 2015 and to date I am a month ahead of my target. After 12 years of yo yo dieting, I see this as a permanent lifestyle change rather than a diet.

    A million thanks to Jamie for setting this up and keeping it going.
    o:) Well done to my 12 fellow travellers who made it to the end of Round 1. o:)
    <3 Good luck to everyone in Round 2. <3
    Congratulations to Jay!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Sounds good to me! I'm Penny and I'd like to lose 8-12 lbs in these 8 weeks. Slow but steady, that's my style. Right now I'm at 155 lbs and my first milestone is 135. Ultimately 'd like to get back to 123 lbs (which I managed for my 25th anniversary back in 2003) but my main goal is to stay healthy.

    Slow but steady will also be the motto when I run my first half-marathon three weeks from now.
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,922 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm like Adrianne - this is the first time I joined a "challenge" online. I'm very motivated right now, but I know from experience that over time that goes away with out some outside support! I need to think about my goals for this challenge, but I'm excited to get started. Thanks so much for setting this up!
  • showey27
    showey27 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All,
    I am Krista. I am also in a group lose 20 lbs by july 4 but that group is enormous. I am really looking for advice or tips as I just don't know what else to do. I log every day, have a food scale, drink at least 12 glasses of water and exercise 5 times a week.. after an initial (water weight) 6 lb loss in Dec, my scale and tape measure have been quite stubborn. I started in Nov. at a 1200 calorie goal. Seeing no change I upped it to 1900 based on TDEE information. I have been at this caloric intake for a little over a month although realistically I get about 1700-1800 calories. I don't eat exercise calories back. Some of my food on my log puts me over my "carb" target, but MFP doesn't subtract sugar alcohols or fiber. I am getting close to doing a paper/pencil log but also want the "has logged in for 40 days" banner on MFP ; ) along with the community.
    Has ANYONE had a similar situation where you have been at it for so long and then something finally "clicks"? Would you mind sharing?
    I would so appreciate it!