plank challenge tick of



  • Deltaoutlaw
    Deltaoutlaw Posts: 350 Member
    Checking in for today. Made it to two minutes again.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Day 12 - 90 seconds done but failed at 69 and after a couple of seconds did the rest.
  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    Did my 90 seconds last night. (App wouldn't let me post last night) I had to list my butt up a few times to rest , but didn't give up. Maybe today will be a bit easier
  • oneunfitdad
    oneunfitdad Posts: 911 Member
    you girls and guys are awesome
  • oneunfitdad
    oneunfitdad Posts: 911 Member
    day of!!!! who else is happy about this?
  • charley_pop
    charley_pop Posts: 25 Member
    Me! I went out for a curry today :/ I had a stuffed pepper to start and a bit of a mango chicken curry. Couldn't even manage half but still very bad. Gym tomorrow and friday ! :)
  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    day of!!!! who else is happy about this?

    this girl!!!
  • LesieliSky
    LesieliSky Posts: 26 Member
    I'm surprised I'm still here lol You know what I hope I'm doing the right 30 day plank challenge. I started my challenge a little than you guys... Im on day 5 Side planks today. Keep it up everyone
  • charley_pop
    charley_pop Posts: 25 Member
    Plank done! My classes meant I had to do lots of them and a third time with push ups in between ! :o
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Day 13 did 3 x 20 seconds on day off to help strengthen my core.
    Day 14 made it to 80 seconds of the 90 then did the rest but I'm blaming that on a cats bum being in my face the whole time and I was laughing.
  • ashmarie1083
    ashmarie1083 Posts: 55 Member
    mockchoc wrote: »
    Day 13 did 3 x 20 seconds on day off to help strengthen my core.
    Day 14 made it to 80 seconds of the 90 then did the rest but I'm blaming that on a cats bum being in my face the whole time and I was laughing.

    Haha... My cat doesn't leave me alone when I'm planking
  • Deltaoutlaw
    Deltaoutlaw Posts: 350 Member
    Checking in for today. 2 minutes 15 seconds. Holy geez that hurts.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Day 11 95 secs
    Day 12....100 secs ....longest 100 secs of my life
  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    LesieliSky wrote: »
    I'm surprised I'm still here lol You know what I hope I'm doing the right 30 day plank challenge. I started my challenge a little than you guys... Im on day 5 Side planks today. Keep it up everyone

    Side planks? Now I hope I'm doing the right challenge?
  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    90 seconds done. Still have to lift my butt up a few times!
  • oneunfitdad
    oneunfitdad Posts: 911 Member
    side planks are great fr the oblique muscles hun but dont hit the abs very well or the the bum
    LesieliSky wrote: »
    I'm surprised I'm still here lol You know what I hope I'm doing the right 30 day plank challenge. I started my challenge a little than you guys... Im on day 5 Side planks today. Keep it up everyone

  • oneunfitdad
    oneunfitdad Posts: 911 Member
    LesieliSky wrote: »
    I'm surprised I'm still here lol You know what I hope I'm doing the right 30 day plank challenge. I started my challenge a little than you guys... Im on day 5 Side planks today. Keep it up everyone

    Side planks? Now I hope I'm doing the right challenge?

    yea you are hun hehe
  • oneunfitdad
    oneunfitdad Posts: 911 Member
    awesome hun
  • oneunfitdad
    oneunfitdad Posts: 911 Member
    well thats the last 90 seconds done tomorrow 120 second.... awesome cannot wait
  • Deltaoutlaw
    Deltaoutlaw Posts: 350 Member
    I could only get two minutes tonight. Don't like regressing.