Osteo-arthritis of the knee and hip



  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thank you @Foamroller. He's in good condition - or was until this laid him up from road jogging a couple of months ago. He continued on his treadmill until about a month ago when even a fairly short run left it worse. He then did hill walks at a good pace on the treadmill. But we've now given that away and bought a rowing machine.

    His resting pulse is low 60s with excellent BP 117/84 at the most recent test a few days ago. Oh, and we have heart rate monitor straps that talk to Sports Tracker on our phones.

    He's a bus driver so, unfortunately, most of his work day is anchored to a chair, but he's pretty active outside of work hours and tries to walk as much as he can between trips. Sometimes he only has a couple of minutes each time though.

    He wants to avoid all the pain killers etc as much as possible.