August mommas



  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    SW: 170
    Week 6: 169
    Week 10: 175.6
    Week 14: 170.2
    Week 18: 173.8
    Week 22: 178.4
    Week 24: 180.4
    Week 26: 181.8
    Week 27: 181.2
    Total gain to date: 11.2 lbs
    Goal: 10-20 lbs total

    Thought I posted this already?
  • aleikita
    aleikita Posts: 215 Member
    Hope I don't regret the cake, ice cream, shaved ice, burgers, and hot dogs I inhaled this weekend when I finally decide to step on the scale :# Hemorrhoids already have me not feeling the greatest. Ever since I entered my second trimester I have been waiting for the surge of energy I keep reading about so I can clean house from top to bottom but that is yet to happen! Andd on top of everything since the moment me and hubby found out we were expecting his libido is hitting the gas pedal while mine has been on blah mode.. Well hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    SW: 145
    4/15: 178
    4/27: 183.6
    5/4: 184.0 (27 weeks)

    Did better this week, tho I wanted to lose some of last week's huge gain. Never heard back about my glucose screen, so I imagine I passed (appt next week, will find out for sure then). I was kind of hoping there was something physically wrong with me, but no dice. Upped the cardio from five 20 min sessions per week to five 25 min sessions per week; still doing strength training 3 times a week. Thinking I may need to set my calories to a 1lb/week loss (right now it's at .5 lb/week loss). We'll see what happens this week....
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    Hello Ladies! I just re-found this group, for the life of me I cannot remember how to search groups! So I am due in August and need to re-commit to my healthy lifestyle, the last few weeks have been stressful and I have let my health get off track! Its time to reign it back in. This is my 6 child (8 preg 2 miscarriages along the way). My last I was super healthy and was aiming for this surprise to follow suite but did not start off in the same mind set and have had difficulty getting there, I was doing at least something active 5x a week, lately lucky doing 3x. My hubby has been working away from home= my higher stress, lately! I have been traveling with 5 kids on weekends to visit as he works or 6 days a week, on call 6 days a week. So lots of eating out which is something we NEVER do and it not always the best. So like I said time to reign it in. Would love some support and friends. My first 2 preg I gained min of 60 lbs and did not lose it all, next 2 I did not keep track I guarantee it was no less then 50-60 lbs as well, I was very large for all. The last I was taking back my health and lost 80lbs before pregnancy so I wanted to keep it up and I did, I started at 174 (lost 10) ended my preg at 177 ish... It felt awesome. I was hoping for the similar results this time around but ....
    So Starting weight
    (wk 9???) 178
    (week 24) 190
    total of 12lbs
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    So great news...seems that I must have had some serious bloating going on, so I am way down this week! I also switched providers to a practice that is closer to my home and delivers at a hospital that I am more comfortable with. My goal is to go unmedicated if possible. I talked my husband into going to a couple of childbirth classes with me, but convincing him to get a doula may be next to impossible. :-/

    12/13/2014 (Pre-pregnancy weight)- 205
    2/10/2015- 210
    2/28/2015- 209.5
    4/9/2015, 21 weeks- 217
    4/16/2015, 22 weeks- 215.2
    4/23/2015, 23 weeks- 213.4
    4/30/2015, 24 weeks- 223.3 (SERIOUSLY, WTF HAPPENED)?
    5/6/2015, 25 weeks- 216.3

    Due date- 8/18/2015
    Total gain at 24 weeks- 11.3 pounds
  • SidraJedi
    SidraJedi Posts: 3 Member
    SW: 169
    CW: 188 (@26 weeks)
    GW: ~30lb gain

    I'm still on my same routine but this week has been about half a bust since DD is sick. So we'll see where I weigh in at week 27... Hopefully it won't be too bad but last time I gained the most weight in 3rd tri so I'm not holding holding my breath.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    SW: 170
    Week 6: 169
    Week 10: 175.6
    Week 14: 170.2
    Week 18: 173.8
    Week 22: 178.4
    Week 26: 181.8
    Week 28: 182.6

    Total gain to date: 12.6 lbs
    Goal: 10-20 lbs total

    Struggling to keep the weight gain to a minimum. Still on track to hopefully stay under a 20 pound gain, but I really didn't want to gain more than 15. Oh well, I'm doing everything right, so I guess it's just what my body needs. I'll still be happy with a 20 pound gain after gaining 60 with my first :)
  • aleikita
    aleikita Posts: 215 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all you ladies!
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    SW: 145
    4/15: 178
    4/27: 183.6
    5/4: 184.0 (27 weeks)
    5/15: 184.2 (28 weeks)

    Usually weigh in on Mondays, but since Sunday was Mother's Day I knew I was holding a lot of water, lol (pasta salad and ice cream cake will do it every time!), so I'm weighing in today. Passed my glucose screen, so that's good. The gain seems to be (hopefully) slowing down. Have my 3rd child's birthday, my anniversary, and my birthday coming up in the next two months - there's 5-7 lbs right there. Have a head cold today (started yesterday), and it's killing my appetite.... maybe I'll lose a lb or two in the next few days. One can only hope :)
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    12/13/2014 (Pre-pregnancy weight)- 205
    2/10/2015- 210
    2/28/2015- 209.5
    4/9/2015, 21 weeks- 217
    4/16/2015, 22 weeks- 215.2
    4/23/2015, 23 weeks- 213.4
    4/30/2015, 24 weeks- 223.3 (SERIOUSLY, WTF HAPPENED)?
    5/6/2015, 25 weeks- 216.3
    5/14/2015, 26 weeks- 216.0

    Due date- 8/18/2015
    Total gain at 26 weeks- 11 pounds

    Trying my best to keep up with my walks and to keep on tracking!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    SW: 170
    Week 6: 169
    Week 10: 175.6
    Week 14: 170.2
    Week 18: 173.8
    Week 22: 178.4
    Week 26: 181.8
    Week 29: 182.6

    Total gain to date: 12.6 lbs
    Goal: 10-20 lbs total

    Starting to level off a little, thank goodness! Except now I'm starting to swell. We'll see how that affects my weight gain :/
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    SW: 145
    4/15: 178
    4/27: 183.6
    5/4: 184.0 (27 weeks)
    5/15: 184.2 (28 weeks)
    5/18: 183.6 (29 weeks)

    Having a cold has its benefits! Haven't been able to exercise in several days, but my appetite is down, so I've actually dropped a bit.
  • SidraJedi
    SidraJedi Posts: 3 Member
    Looks like everyone who is still checking in is still on track.

    SW: 169
    CW: 190 (@28 weeks)
    GW: ~200 max, preferably less

    10-14 weeks to go and <10lbs to go. I hope I make it. I didn't get to exercise the last tow weeks bc DD has been sick. Well, I got a 3mi hike in once but otherwise nada. This week I will regain my momentum. I'm still eating alright though. Lots of protein and water!
  • katyconser
    katyconser Posts: 92 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hey mommas! I'm due August 16 with my first, a baby girl :)

    I just got back to MFP. I was really good about eating healthy and walking in my 1st trimester (luckily I avoided morning sickness... don't hate me!), but the 2nd was rough. I'm 5'6" and have gained 13 lbs so far at 27 weeks.

    My goal is to keep total pregnancy gain around 20 lbs, which might be doable if I cut out the junk and up the exercise a little bit.

    Please add me if you want to help keep each other accountable. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to chatting with some of you here in the group!

    Edited to add: I started at 155, which is about 15 lbs higher than my ideal weight.
  • aleikita
    aleikita Posts: 215 Member
    Congrats Katy on your first little one!

    CW: 154.5 @25 weeks
    I have noticed this past week I have exceeded my sodium intake a few times and yesterday morning my wedding ring was so tight I had to take it off. Made it a point not to go over yesterday and today and It is back on my finger today yay. Had I not found MFP two months ago I'd definitely be on track to having another 50lb pregnancy.

    Yesterday my 7 year old grabbed my calf, then thigh, then belly, and finally my arm and asked if they would all shrink after I had baby girl.. yikes pressure already on to get rid of weight! My girls' last day of school is today and super happy. Plan on staying busy with them and hopefully it will make pregnancy go by a little faster.

  • peabean26
    peabean26 Posts: 78 Member
    I braved the scale this morning! I'm shocked that I haven't gained that much in the last few weeks.
    SW: 189
    CW: 209 (27 weeks)
    GW: 220

    I've been cutting carbs again, trying to stay under 100g per day. Its tough, mostly because I love fruit so much. I'm planning on a BBQ this weekend with lots of low carb sides and desserts. I found a low carb cheesecake bite dessert I've been making recently. So easy and delicious!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    SW: 170
    Week 6: 169
    Week 10: 175.6
    Week 14: 170.2
    Week 18: 173.8
    Week 22: 178.4
    Week 26: 181.8
    Week 30: 183.4

    Total gain to date: 13.4 lbs
    Goal: 10-20 lbs total
  • ten17
    ten17 Posts: 2 Member
    New to the board but starting a serious weight management program as I am 5'4 SW 135-140 and at 26 weeks I am weighing in at a whopping 164. Gah! That is what I was 9 months pg when I delivered my daughter 3 years ago! I was very nauseous and gained a lot in the first tri this time eating carbs ALL THE TIME. Hoping to gain less than 5 more in the 3rd tri.
  • aleikita
    aleikita Posts: 215 Member
    Welcome ten!
    Had my glucose tolerance test this morning and my doc told me he didn't want me to go over 30 lbs!
    Yikes.. Still have 14 more weeks to go and supposed to keep my gain at 9.5 lbs for rest of pregnancy. Hoping that at 28 weekswhen I enter my last trimester my weight gain will slow down a bit. Diet was terrible this past weekend during Memorial holiday, but on top of things... once again.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    SW: 170
    Week 6: 169
    Week 10: 175.6
    Week 14: 170.2
    Week 18: 173.8
    Week 22: 178.4
    Week 26: 181.8
    Week 30: 183.4
    Week 31: 186 Yikes!

    Total gain to date: 16 lbs
    Goal: 10-20 lbs total