Any other "used to be fit" peeps in the house?

Hi! I'm new to MFP and would love to hear from other 40 something's who used to be fit before life got in the way and are trying to get back to it ;) I used to be such a die hard, active and in shape and very happy. Then I got married , older, house , kid and work/stress. You know. Fast forward to today and I am 30 lbs over weight. It can be tough sometimes not being able to do what I used to. Due to me not being in shape but also I know my age. Not a spring chicken anymore ! Running on treadmill isn't that easy on my feet and knees and really can't do it anymore, for instance. I want to be that happy thriving energetic person I once was. But am redefining what that new lifestyle looks while, balancing all my other priorities. Used to be all about me. No more. Can anyone relate??


  • glow19
    glow19 Posts: 17 Member
    I totally agree!!! I was very fit in the military. Once I came home I jogged daily. I use to visit health club daily too. Then life got in the way. I got married
  • glow19
    glow19 Posts: 17 Member
    Started having children and working jobs where I sit all day. Next started to have back injuries and problems with my feet. Now I'm learning to balance life again and learning how to had discipline & consistency back into my life.
    I'm motivated to reinvent myself and the new lifestyle change. :)

  • ccfitnesspal
    ccfitnesspal Posts: 7 Member
    Oh, yes, I used to be fit. I've lost at least 50 lbs twice before, once in my 20's and again in my early 30's (this should have been my sign) I was lifting weights, doing crossfit and running almost every day. I was going to compete in a fit body contest but backed down. I ate well, looked great and then I just thought I was going to be impervious to getting big again. I stopped exercising so much but my eating habits, although good, did not change so I was still taking in the big calories but not burning them off. At 39, I found those 50 lbs and then some. When I tried to get back into shape last year, I kept injuring myself. My knees were in pain, my foot was messed up, and now I've hurt my hips. My old tricks to lose weight were just not working and I got depressed.

    I joined MFP a while ago but just started up again (I'm on a 30-day streak). I also got the Runtastic app to track my walks and gym exercise and synced it to my Orbit fitness tracker. I also use Diet Point (android app) to help me with food, what to eat and when to eat. I'm taking it easy for the next week to heal my recent hip and groin injury so I'm reduced to the elliptical or bike. I'm cheating this time around and taking supplements that suppress my appetite and help me burn more at the gym.

    Getting back in shape is harder in our 40's but it is still doable! Just remember, your body will adapt, it will just take us a little bit longer and we need take it a little bit slower. I've learned the importance of stretching this time around, lol.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I used to be fit. Then I wasn't. Now, I'm fit again at 40.
  • lauranewman130
    lauranewman130 Posts: 36 Member
    Great hearing from you all. Stretching definitely cannot be skipped. My core is out of shape. Just walking for a half hour leaves my lower back stiff! Thinking I may incorporate yoga into my weekly workout to help. I've done hot yoga in the last and it's awesome...I experienced the best results when I came to flexibility and tone. It is going to take time and I am trying to balance high intensity with lower /easier days so my older muscles and joints can keep up with my younger mentality. Lol. Thanks for sharing !
  • thadden674
    thadden674 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Laura, I totally relate! Used to be pretty active and fit even when my kids were little. Then their schedules took over mine and I was doing a lot of sitting around and driving them everywhere. Put myself last on the list, same old story. Lol! It is so easy to be in denial about yourself isn't it? When even my "fat" jeans weren't fitting, I finally woke up! Went to my first kickboxing class in years and felt so out of shape. I kept going and just modified the moves to low impact, I was sore for 3 days!
  • ThatGirl_1968
    ThatGirl_1968 Posts: 47 Member
    I can sooooo relate!!! It's crazy that it seems like I'm busier with my kids the older they get! I've hit my goal weight a couple of times and the bottom line is making my health a priority and carving out the necessary time to exercise (walk or cycle to alleviate the foot/knee pain), train with free weights and track my eating. I also agree that the definition of "healthy" changes. I'm realizing how important getting enough sleep is - I can't keep functioning on 4 or 5 hours per night. I just got a Jawbone UP24 and am trying to walk for 30 min at lunch time at work and take the looooong way around to everything at the office to hit 10K steps per day. I still think I need to get back into weights and at least a couple higher intensity workouts per week, but at least this is a "step" in the right direction. Sorry - couldn't resist the bad pun!!
  • thadden674
    thadden674 Posts: 22 Member
    I can sooooo relate!!! It's crazy that it seems like I'm busier with my kids the older they get! I've hit my goal weight a couple of times and the bottom line is making my health a priority and carving out the necessary time to exercise (walk or cycle to alleviate the foot/knee pain), train with free weights and track my eating. I also agree that the definition of "healthy" changes. I'm realizing how important getting enough sleep is - I can't keep functioning on 4 or 5 hours per night. I just got a Jawbone UP24 and am trying to walk for 30 min at lunch time at work and take the looooong way around to everything at the office to hit 10K steps per day. I still think I need to get back into weights and at least a couple higher intensity workouts per week, but at least this is a "step" in the right direction. Sorry - couldn't resist the bad pun!!

    I'm thinking about getting a fitbit, I've heard these activity trackers really help you MOVE because you want to reach your daily step goal.
  • tikaanidog
    tikaanidog Posts: 1 Member
    thadden674, I just got a jawbone up last week, and it really is helpful. Very easy to use and a great motivator. My SIL has a fit it and loves it.
  • ForeverChasingTheSunsets
    I used to be fit and muscular. I was until I turned 41!! I'm not sure if it's hormones or what but five years later, I have to work three times as hard to lose the 30lbs that have creeped on my body! I began running three years ago which got rid of some weight. But during the winter, in Canada, you just don't run in -31 degrees celcius. Needless to say, my weight went back up over the winter. The most frustrating thing is I don't eat junk! I eat good healthy foods! I do have a low thyroid which doesn't help.

    After the commute home from the office, dinner, dishes and walking the dog, it's about 8pm. I lack motivation to work out at home, yet get me outside and I can go run for an hour. Now that Spring is here, I'll be running regularly and training for a half-marathon in September. I really need to kick myself when November rolls around because I'll gain everything I lost throughout the summer.

    Shouldn't losing weight get easier with age? LOL!
  • thadden674
    thadden674 Posts: 22 Member
    tikaanidog wrote: »
    thadden674, I just got a jawbone up last week, and it really is helpful. Very easy to use and a great motivator. My SIL has a fit it and loves it.

    I'll be asking for one for Mother's Day, I can't wait!
  • JewelLaverne
    JewelLaverne Posts: 3 Member
    It looks like lots of us used to be thin and fit. I used to be a ballet dancer. I rarely tell people that now because I doubt they would even believe me. I weighed about 115 lbs then (heavy for a 5'6" dancer). Now, at a little over 200, I can do a plié, but that's about it. I gained weight with my first daughter, lost most of it when she was about 2 through dieting, running and weight training, kept it off for a couple of years, gradually gained it back over about 5 years, got pregnant again, gained more weight, got pregnant with twins soon after, gained even more weight, and now the twins are 29 ms and I am back to dieting, running (well, sort of. As much as I can run, mixed with walking) and weight training.

    It's hard with kids, because they don't want salad, so I have to make a seperate meal for me, and I can't take 3 kids running with me. If I try to exercise at home, they just crawl all over me, plus I'm constantly interruptedI just joined a gym with child care. Hope it works this time!
  • Ellaminnow
    Ellaminnow Posts: 2 Member
    Used to be...and will be again! Before I moved to the Midwest (from the Rockies), I was totally fit. I lived in a pretty remote area in the mountains where there were no fast-food restaurants and just the altitude alone could keep my heart rate up. happened :) and we moved to Iowa be closer to family. Here in the prairie-lands it's a lot harder to avoid easy/convenient eating. I try to blame my kids but that's not entirely fair because they often eat more healthily than I do since they're diets are more controlled than mine. I heat what I want - they eat what I give them...most of the time!

    At my last doctor's visit, I weighed 156 pounds which, for me, is shocking. I have a gym membership that has gotten dusty over the winter but I just got a fitbit and I'm more motivated than ever to get back into shape.
  • Dead_Mans_Party
    Dead_Mans_Party Posts: 891 Member
    I used to be very very active. Am a single guy and was playing softball, volleyball, swimming, cycling. Had a job that was outside with physical labor so it was easy to stay in shape. Then I got my current job. Stress, long hours and periodic full days in the office chair packed on 100 lbs. Got fed up and joined MFP 4 years ago. Dropped 80 lbs in a year and been active again. But frequent shift changes haven't helped lately. Put some back. Happily to say I'm getting back on track but have some work still to do.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi there. I still exercise quite a bit but my eating habits are all over the place, plus age isn't helping as everything seems to have slowed down and I'm having a harder time losing weight. I need to lose about 20 lbs. which I know I can do, but my patience is running out and sometimes feel like quitting. I'm not giving up though. Currently, I'm on week 9 of StrongLifts although I haven't seen much results (yet). Plus bike to work and run 3x a week.
  • sky1967
    sky1967 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for posting everyone. Sometimes I feel shame for not being that athlete of yesteryear. Now I don't feel alone. I'm 30lbs over weight and find it challenging to move because of the damage I did to my knees during my play. Running is out but I do love to walk and hike. This summer i plan on adding swimming which is a totally new exercise for me.
  • barbarae130
    barbarae130 Posts: 16 Member
    Swimming is great sky1967 - and because the water supports you there's less stress on the joints. If you're not into swimming up and down up and down constantly - aqua aerobics is great, and a great laugh too which is the best part for me. But then again, it only takes one to get everyone going lol >:)
  • MrsJohnson1217
    MrsJohnson1217 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All-
    I think this is my first MFP post even though I've been off and on it for a couple of years. I'm 42, mom of 2. Six years ago I was 5'9" and 124lbs (I'm most comfortable at 140lbs but I was in the midst of a divorce). I'm now still 5'9" (lol) and 161lbs. I weigh more now than my last day of pregnancy with both of my kids! :o Last year I came in 2nd place in my works "Biggest Loser" contest but I quit working out and gained it all back plus 5. My goal is to get down to 145 and get stronger. I don't mind working out but struggle with food. Plus I've noticed that since I turned 40 it really is much more difficult to lose the weight. I started back on my treadmill 3 weeks ago, did my 2nd 5k (walking and walking/jogging) yesterday, and am doing my first 10k in a month. I feel like crap so figured it was time to get serious. Plus all of my clothes are tight and I refuse to move up a size.
  • barbarae130
    barbarae130 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm the same with the clothes. No way am I buying bigger sizes. I have some really glam pieces that are a size or two smaller than I am atm so they are my goal.
  • JBROC5
    JBROC5 Posts: 37 Member
    I can soooo relate! 4 years ago I was training for a 1/2 marathon. The day We found out I was expecting baby #3, I ran 7.5 miles. Due to some complications, lots of stress, not exercising, and never really understanding the sheer amount of food I was really eating, I found myself over 40 lbs from where I should be. For the last 3 years I made all kinds of excuses for myself such as my thyroid (it has been hypo since my late 20s), or my hormones or surly it has to be something! After rejoining MPF and logging everything, I realized I was really eating way to much. I started to exercise again (stretching is so essential!!) and after 85 days I have gone from 173 to 152. I still have a ways to go, but it i am slowly getting there. We got this ya'll!