Making Strides in May!



  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    HI All,

    I have been totally off the rails. I keep getting injured or sick. :/ Coming off a ankle injury so back to the gym. Hopefully, for a long stretch. Without exercise my I cannot keep the weight off.

    Work has been so busy I cannot keep up. This is the first chance I have had to take 2 minutes for myself. So, if this is my new norm, I will need to adjust the way I do things and become more efficient.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Will catch up later.

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I posted a new blog post, my 2nd ever, titled, THE 7 WORDS YOU CAN'T SAY ON MFP. I hope it will provoke some thought, and discussion. I hope you'll all read it, and comment if you feel like it. And vote if you like it. d
  • Phoenix4me18
    Phoenix4me18 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi all. Had a great day food wise yesterday - 100% ETL!! This was despite DH grabbing dinner for him and the kids on the way home from a late soccer practice. Was so proud of myself. I had a veggie stir fry and a kale mixed salad. At some point I want to make a big pot of lentil soup and have it on hand for dinners as well. Today is looking pretty spot on too. Makes me so happy to be able to put this effort into myself. Next week when I am finally done with school I am looking forward to going home and getting in a nightly walk in addition to all these changes.

    Spent last night typing up the first discussion post for the week for my class. That leaves one discussion post and a 12 page paper to wrap up by 5pm Friday. The final push! During that time I just have two end of year ceremonies and a soccer game to fit in. Geesh!

    Hope everyone is well. Gotta go read Sloth's new blog post!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi everyone :) We Canadians had our nice long weekend this past weekend and it was really lovely! Although I'll be jealous when all you American friends get yours this weekend. Every summer weekend should really be a long one!! Ours was quite full but just really nice and not stressful. I got my gardening done, all my spring cleaning in the house, went to a friend's wedding, did Mother's Day with my mom, and had a beer in the backyard when it was all over! We lucked out with gorgeous weather. I think the sun is an automatic mood booster.

    Zooty, retiring to Hawaii sounds amazing! I love that you're hoping to go there before retirement too to get settled, that's a great idea. Do you know which island you would prefer? I have never been either but very very excited! Happy to hear you and your Mom have a little extra help now too. And I echo Mihani's sentiments re the website... it was helpful for a time, but I didn't keep it up for too long. I miss the recipes though!

    Laura, wow lots of changes going on at your place!! Great to hear re both of your kids, how amazing. I'm also really happy about your MBA class ending too, lol. Hope you have a relaxing long weekend!

    Mihani, hanging in there? How is this week looking for you?? I keep meaning to ask about your pets... are the seniors all doing okay?

    I *think* I FINALLY got my mojo back. Full ETL yesterday and onwards!! I need to get off this sugar train and seeing the absolutely gorgeous bride on Saturday made me think "me too please!" haha. Better late than never I guess? I miss my good ETL habits! Day 2 of no (crappy) sugar!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Zoot, I went through a period of reading a lot of nutritional studies for a while too. There are still some books on my list, but time is limited the past couple years.

    Laura, glad to hear you are doing so well and that your stress is going to be reduced once you get through your last class. Yay for your daughter getting her cast off and your son’s graduation.

    Terri, I am glad to see you. Take it easy and make sure your ankle is healed.

    Sloth, liked your blog!

    Lia, sounds like a very fun weekend. I’m going to be working most of the coming weekend, but the following weekend will be off. Already told my boss not to even think about asking if I would come in then. All the pets are holding the status quo (which is good). Glad to hear you are feeling strong. June is right around the corner!

    Got in a short workout last night, a little longer one tonight. I have been checking out the Walk Away the Pounds videos on youtube. There are a couple full length free ones. They are more of a workout than I thought they would be.

    Consistent bedtime is a primary goal this week too. Being tired is a big danger for me when it comes to resisting cravings.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Great blog, Scott!!! Well put. Your blogs are well-thought out and reasonable, especially in the face of the crazies of the forums.

    Terri, welcome back!! I'm sorry to hear about your injuries but you've succeeded big time before! I'm sure you can do it again. Just take it easy on your body :)

    Mihani, I'm glad you have one free weekend glowing at the end of the tunnel for you! That is nice to look forward to at least :) I am also trying for some better sleep ! I think it fuels success in other areas big time.

    Day 3 - no sugar!! Woohoo!! I'm surviving! It's a miracle. Had my stuffed peppers for lunch today (finally, and they were amazing! Recipe below) and for dinner hopefully a nice salad and veg.

    Anyone have any creative ideas for cauli? I am a bit sick of cauli alfredo. Thinking about cauli wings (because when AREN'T they a good idea?!?).

    Easy Vegan Stuffed peppers:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    edited May 2015
    Day 3 on track for me too Lia... maybe we should make it a contest! LOL Those peppers look yum. Sleep is good. When I'm tired I'm more hungry, more stressed, less productive. Carla (wonder where she got to) turned me on to this recipe from Veganomicon. I make it often, it is wonderful. I use either 1 T of oil or no oil... you definitely don't need 3 T. I use a non-stick pot for this, otherwise I have a nicely burned layer on the bottom.

    Red Lentil-Cauliflower Curry

    From “Veganomicon” by Isa Chandra Moskowitz & Terry Hope Romero

    Serves 4-6 & takes about 1 hour


    3 tablespoons grapeseed or peanut oil

    1 large onion chopped

    1 large chili pepper (jalepeno or serrano), minced

    2 large shallots

    1 (1/2 inch) piece fresh ginger, peeled and grated (I use the jar stuff, so much easier)

    1 large parsnip, peeled and chopped

    2 teaspoons curry

    1/2 teaspoon turmeric

    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

    1/2 teaspoon ground coriander

    1 1/2 cups red lentils, sorted and rinsed

    4 cups of veggie broth or water

    1 1/2-2 pounds cauliflower, trimmed and sliced into small florets

    2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

    2 tablespoons lime juice

    1 1/2 teaspoons salt

    In a large stockpot, heat oil over medium heat and saute the onion and shallots until tender and translucent, 5-7 minutes. Add the grated ginger and chile and saute for one minute. Add the spices and briskly stir fry for thirty seconds then add the parsnip and stir fry for another minute.

    Slowly pour in the veggie broth then stir in the lentils. Cover the pot, raise the heat to high and boil for 1 minute. Give the mix a stir then cover the pot and lower the heat to medium-low. Allow the lentils to simmer for 10-12 minutes. They should turn light yellow and look mushy.

    Add the cauliflower florets stirring to coat with the lentils. Partially cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes until the cauliflower is tender but not falling apart. Remove from heat, and stir in cilantro, lime juice and salt. Allow the curry to sit covered for 15 minutes before serving.

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Thanks, but it looks like it's not getting any traction. Without votes to push it to the list on people's home page, no one sees it. Seems like this one will just die quietly. :( Oh well, I'd thought about writing it for awhile, and I wrote it. :*
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,310 Member
    edited May 2015
    NewMe, that sounds like a great time was had despite the hard work. I hear you about the refrigerator bursting at the seams with produce. I have promised myself a new commercial sized one or a second one for produce capacity when we get to move ourselves. I feel proud of myself that I need to consider a second refrigerator just for produce, lol. Best of luck on your paper due Friday and congratulations on your (very likely) last MBA class- woot! I'm glad your daughter is doing better with her foot and not in pain. That is wonderful! Also, congratulations on the impending graduation festivities! You have a lot going on!

    Lia- no I don't know which island I would prefer just yet but I can't imagine it being the big island- too touristy for me. We also chit chat about the Virgin Islands or somewhere like that, too. Anywhere with a beach, clear blue water and warm sun and I will stay there until I croak, lol.
    Below is a recipe I modified that is my mother's potato salad recipe (I can't tolerate the potato carbs hence the cauliflower). I am making this for Memorial day weekend as a matter of fact.

    FAUX-TATO SALAD (Zooty's Mom’s Potato Salad revamped)

    10 Eggs- hard boiled, cooled and diced
    1 head cauliflower-greens and core removed, diced to bite-size pieces approx. 1”, steam al dente, drain and cool a bit in the colander
    5 Scallions, diced
    3 Celery stalks, diced
    6 small Pickles (Vlasic Sweet Gherkins), diced finely
    Miracle Whip –approximately 2 cups (add slowly until desired consistency.)
    2 T. Prepared mustard- French’s
    1 tsp. Celery seed
    10 sprigs fresh parsley- chopped
    Salt & pepper
    Mix all the day before in a large bowl except the paprika to let the flavors meld. The next day, taste for seasonings then sprinkle paprika on top and serve.
    Makes 12 servings.

    (The nutrition charts didn't translate well but you can figure out the numbers by counting the entries left to right)

    Nutritional profile as made:
    Ingred. Cal. Fat Sat. F. PolyF MonoF Chol. Sodium Potas. Carbs Sugar
    Eggs 780 50 16 7 20 1870 620 630 6 0
    Cauli. 146 1.6 .4 .1 .1 0 176 1758 29 11
    Scallion 25 0 0 0 0 0 80 1380 2 .5
    Celery 18 .3 0 0 0 0 96 312 3.6 2.1
    Pickles 60 0 0 0 0 42 42 42
    Mir. W 1200 105 15 60 30 150 3000 60 30
    Parsley 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 55 .6 .1

    Totals 2233 156.9 31.4 7.1 50.1 2062 3978 4135 137.8 85.7

    Serving 186.08 13.07 2.61 .59 4.175 171.83 331.5 344.58 11.48 7.14

    Ingred. Fiber Protein A Calcium D b-12 Vit C Iron b-6 Mangan.
    Eggs 60 50 20 110 100 0 30 50 10
    Cauli. 12 11 0 12 0 0 472 13 55 22
    Scallion 13 2.5 20 28 0 0 21 32 0 0
    Celery 1.8 .9 9 3 0 0 6 0 0 3
    Parsley .3 .3 16 1 0 0 22 3 0 1

    Totals 27.1 74.7 95 64 110 100 521 78 105 36
    Serving 2.25 6.22 7.91 5.33 9.16 8.33 43.41 6.5 8.75 3

    For comparison, if you had used the original 10 medium potatoes:
    Cal Fat Sat. F Poly F MonoF Chol. Sodium Potass. Carbs
    Per 10 potatoes 1630 20 10 10 0 0 130 8970 370
    Using potato; totals 3717 175.3 41 17 50 2062 3932 11347 478.8
    Serving; totals 309.75 14.60 3.41 1.41 4.16 171.8 327.66 945.58 39.9
    Compared to cauliflower per serving +123.61 +1.53 +.80 +.82 -.015 -.003 -3.84 -601.00 +32.76
    Fiber Sugar Protein A Calcium D b-12 Vit c
    Per 10 potatoes 47 17 43 0 20 0 0 700
    Using potato; totals 62.1 91.7 106.7 95 72 110 100 749
    Per Serving 5.17 7.64 8.89 7.91 6 9.16 8.33 62.41
    Difference +2.925 +.50 +2.67

    Sloth, I enjoyed your blog post and got a few chuckles out of it to boot. :p
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Good morning, everyone! I survived Tough Mudder Boot Camp last night. Of course, I was the last one to finish everything, and some things were done a little half a$s, but I persevered. We did drills, we did sprints, we did lunges, we did squat jumps, jumping jacks, push up jacks (those suck!), squat thrusts, and on and on - I can't even remember everything. THEN, we did wind sprints TWICE around a circle (so that was 12 windsprints in all) - that really sucked because I was only 3/4 of the way done by the time everyone else was 100% done. But I kept going. THEN, we did more squats, lunges, etc. THEN we jogged to the hill. THEN we ran the hill TWICE. THEN we jogged back to the field and did stretches.

    I was so ticked off when my HRM said I had only burned 580 calories. It had to be more than that!!?? WTF!!!

    So my quads were pretty stiff when we got home. I did a couple more stretches and went to bed (at 11:30pm! - oops!) And I still woke up at 4:50 without an alarm. Allowed myself to sleep for another hour, then got up and was pleasantly surprised that my knees are a bit stiff, but that's it. My quads are fine. The last 12 weeks of my strength training class have most definitely paid off! WOOHOO!!!

    Feeling proud. I'm gonna go ahead and call that an NSV. B)

    But I have a long way to go. I really need to get my eating in check. I want to lose 25 lbs or more this summer so that when the race day comes in September, I'm lighter and quicker. :)

    IT'S GO TIME!!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Karrie - That sounds like a huge workout. Sounds a lot like what my 16 yr old lacrosse player son endures in practice. He's very athletic, and it damn near kills him. And 580 calories is a huge burn!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Thank you so much for the recipe ideas, Zoot and Mihani!! Both are great. I never would have thought of subbing cauli for potatoes, Zoot. Mihani, I remember that recipe actually! I couldn't remember where it was from though, so thanks for pasting :) Last night I had simple asparagus and tofu. Simple is best for me! I usually save my fancy stuff for Sundays, lol.

    I didn't get to exercise last night and I super guilted myself over it. Tonight I am going home to do some Insanity! I have seen some photos of me lately and they are completely FREAKING me out because I would like to look a bit slimmer before I'm in photos that I have to keep around my house forever lol.

    Karrie, wow, amazing workout!!! Woohoo!!! 580 sounds huge too! I am sure the extra muscular stuff will keep burning more and more too, right?

    Zoot, that sounds like the perfect retirement plan!!!! Keep us updated :)

    Mihani, Day 4 for me!! No sugar on my lunch times is actually my biggest accomplishment these past 4 days. How is your Day 4?? I like that we are on schedule together, we can be accountable to each other!! I pledge to you Mihani to not stuff my face with sugar tonight either!
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    karrie what a great workout! I find that the heart rate monitor is 1/2 the calories of the machine that I use.

    need to go to the gym still but so exhausted from work. So behind at work still :(. Hopefully, next week will be slower so I can catch up.

    night all

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Karrie, awesome workout! You are kicking butt!

    Terri, totally feel your pain. I am slowly but surely crawling out from the piles of work but there is always more waiting to pile up. I guess it’s job security, but geeze I’m tired of never feeling good about where I am with work.

    Zoot, I forgot, you asked if I was self-employed. I’m not, but I work for a solo lawyer and we are always busy. Plus I do freelance work in my “spare time”.

    Lia, day 4 went great for me! Hope yours finished out strong too. I am keeping things seriously simple. Smoothies for breakfast and lunch, apple with lunch, big salad with beans and sunflower or pumpkin seeds for dinner. A grapefruit or other fruit for dessert. Maybe a few nuts after a workout. That’s it. I figure if I give myself choice I’m going to make the wrong ones, so for right now I have removed choice. I do have some leeway with calories if I want them, but so far I haven’t wanted them. I’m feeling more determined than I have in quite a while. And I'm having no starches other than 10 (yes I count them out lol) croutons on my salad. That's my big treat of the day.

    I’m really enjoying the Leslie Sansone videos, getting ready to go do one now!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi Mihani, wow, that is amazing!! You're inspiring me :) I had a great day yesterday too! I got back on the Insanity horse. I did pretty poorly but I was sweating and tired so I think that's a win still! Lol. I also didn't eat anything at night because I wasn't hungry after my simple dinner (imagine that?!?). I am feeling pretty good and strong too! I'm a bit nervous though because it is my best friend's birthday dinner on Saturday.. no idea where she will pick, but it's usually pizza! I will stay strong and be accountable! I think it's true though re choice... I am making myself stick to what I bring for lunch and that's it, or else it turns into a graze-fest!

    good luck Terri!

    Happy Friday guys :)
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,310 Member
    Hi gang!
    Happy start of Memorial Day weekend (and happy belated for anyone in Canada).
    Today is a much needed leisurely lunch date with my mother as we get our first Hospice sitter for my Dad.
    Mihani, ah, that explains a lot with your looong work hours. I was a law school student years ago but quit after becoming disillusioned. I decided I wanted a life and family more, lol. Many of my female friends who are lawyers stopped practicing to have children because you just can't do it all at the same time and know your family.

    I need to figure out what I can do for employment from home or something with a lot of flexibility so that I can be there for my parents. I want to work. Six months ago I was all geared up to get a job (literally ready to hand out resumes) and return to school to finish my grad work and then suddenly my mother lost her ability to drive from macular degeneration (my dad had already stopped driving) and my dad had copious doctor appointments prior to the Hospice admittance. Thankfully all of that running has stopped. It is amazing how it is always the little things that cause the most stress. Anyway, I feel driven to do something but I just am at a loss for the moment. I think I am being pulled in too many directions and can't focus on some serious searching. If anyone has any ideas throw them out there, please. At this point I would love to just fall into something I can fit in on my own time.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited May 2015
    You wanna hear something funny?!? My hubby can't stop complaining about how sore his butt is from all those lunges. He's going on and on about it. I'm totally fine...

    And then this morning at class, we did 80 squats, 120 lunges, 60 lunge jumps, and 120 glute press/raises (?) I don't know what those ones are called, but there were 120 of them... And I STILL don't feel all that sore (but decidedly more sore than yesterday...)

    So I'm clockin' that one as another NSV. :)

    Tomorrow I'm gonna go for a nice, long walk - maybe 10 km. But all just walking. Then Sunday I am going to shoot for 14-16 km of jogging - hopefully all non-stop. Only 1 more week before the big race!!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Zoot, I keep telling my boss if I ever decide I want a life he is screwed lol. I had a friend who had her own business doing medical transcription, she had 4 or 5 doctors she did work for and made a pretty good living at it. We lost touch when she moved out of state so I'm not sure if she was able to rebuild that in her new location. I thought it sounded cool though.

    Karrie, your workouts are wearing me out just reading about them!

    Lia, hope you have fun tonight! I think we have to be able to have a now and then splurge but get right back at it afterward. That's my problem, once I start to slide a little it's like I'm on a runaway horse.

    Speaking of little splurges, I went out for a birthday celebration last night for my brother and indulged in a bloody mary (it was so good, haven't had one in years) and a couple slices of a pita size artisan pizza hold the cheese. I felt good about it, didn't go overboard, and ready to get back in the regular groove again today.

    Off to work, looking forward to a few days of peace and quiet in the office to get some catching up done.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Karrie you are on fire. I am so jealous; wish my body would cooperate to work out like that.

    Zoot sorry to hear about your parents. ARMD can be devastating, and your Dad in hospice I am so sorry. You are dealing with a lot right now.

    Mahini now I understand why you work so much. Glad you are doing well right now. Maybe this will help with your last few pounds.

    I finally have a Saturday to get some cleaning done. i spent Friday night transferring the winter clothes to the summer clothes. somehow i lost all of my shorts. Got to be somewhere. Today, it is finish the transfer project, clean the kitchen and bathrooms. My husband has been In Marrakesh, Morocco all week and is coming home this evening. Can't wait to see him.

    Been doing pretty well down 5 lbs so far. I came to the realization that I like being thin more then I like sweets. So, some how I am going to figure out how to cure my chocolate addiction.

    Tomorrow, my nephew is getting Christened, will be a bit of a challenge to stick to ETL. But it will be nice to see everyone.

    Happy Memorial Weekend and the unofficial start of summer :smiley:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Terri, I have more than a last few pounds now, I put on 10 lol. I lost 5 of them already but I'm not even in my prior range of comfort yet and I had 15 to 20 to go when I was there before. The worst part is that the 10 that I put on are all fat, I just look and feel awful. I am working really hard to get back to regular exercise so I can firm back up. Hope you enjoy your weekend, sounds like lots of fun planned!

    Spent about 7 hours in the office today. Boss is out of town for the whole weekend so I intend to spend it in the office catching up with nobody bothering me. The phone never even rang and I only got 2 emails today, so I think most people are in holiday mode and leaving me alone. yay! I really want to start next week feeling better about the office. I've been so far behind for so long that it is wearing on me mentally big time. And I have to get things in order before I schedule my carpal tunnel surgery, but I'm in pretty much constant pain now so I have to get it done sooner than later.