Goal reached- transitioning to maintenance

Bebe6740 Posts: 57 Member

Just a quick question- have any of you transitioned into maintenance (once goal weight has been reached) by increasing carbs and staying within your calorie maintenance allotment?

I'm just wondering if one may transition over to maintenance and not gain weight (water weight is expected, I mean fat gain) as long as you continue to eat at your calorie maintenance goal?

It seems to me that eating low carb enables me to lose weight because there is an inherent calorie restriction with the addition of so much fat to the diet, so by default I'm eating at a calorie cut value. So wondering if maintenance could include an addition of healthy carbs within the maintenance calorie number?

Anyone in maintenance is encouraged to answer please :) What have been your issue with maintenance?



  • asiodels39
    asiodels39 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Marilyn, I'm Jade. I'm in the same boat as you it would seem.

    There is a lot of support out there for losing weight and help to gain weight/muscle but not a lot of help for maintaining.. which I think is real sucky :( I'm thinking of upping my calories for a few days a week then checking in at my weekly weigh in and averaging it out after a month to see whats up. Wonder what other ideas people come up with. :)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I've seen others say that they increase their calorie goal by 100 calories a week until they are maintained. I don't believe I will be going back to any food that's higher carb though.
  • samko1976
    samko1976 Posts: 125 Member
    This is a really interesting thread. I am nowhere near my target but wondering what to do once that happens. I'm going to say something completely contradictory to @Karlottap as I have drastically increased my calories and have lost 2 pounds in 4 days ( i drastically changed my fat level so it is higher).
    For maintenance it probably a personal balance of exercise, carbs and calories so would be good to hear peoples experience of how they did it.
  • Sarasayshi
    Sarasayshi Posts: 12 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    I've seen others say that they increase their calorie goal by 100 calories a week until they are maintained. I don't believe I will be going back to any food that's higher carb though.

    Agree. I am not near my goal weight either but I imagine as soon as you increase those carbs, you will see your weight creep back up. The reason why you gained weight to begin with was because of an intolerance to carbs, increasing them would not be wise unless you are an athlete or trying to build muscle and wanted to take in some carbs pre-workout. But everyone's carb intolerance is different. Maybe slowly increase your carbs by 5-10g for a week and watch what happens. I just wouldn't shock your body by going from say 20g to now 100g a day.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    I've maintained since nov 2014 (full diet break). I suggest upping cals first until you establish YOUR maintenance cals on keto. THEN, you slowly carb creep up to find your INDIVIDUAL threshold. Different variables that influence for ME:
    - Exercise (type, length, intensity).
    - IF.
    - carbs (type, volume, portion) sweet or savory (frankenfoods aren't satiating).
    - fiber and vinegar.

    I can usually eat sushi rice (homemade with sweetener), but grains are a no-no. So brace yourself for heavy experimenting.

    TL;DR We're all different with different carb thresholds due to lifestyle choices and sometimes heritage. Experiment to find what works for YOU.