Looking for weight loss friends



  • still__trying
    still__trying Posts: 6 Member
    Added you Bethany and anyone's welcome to add me also, 31 years of age, trying MFP again, it's worked for me in the past but I've given up. 2 - 3 stone to lose.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    37 ( how did that happen? ) 2 kids and back at trying to loose weight, again. I do GREAT in the summer and get back to the weight I should be at. Winters are my downfalls. I love in Canada and it gets cold and horrible here. I just bunker down and eat comfort foods. So, it is lovely weather again and I'm dropping the pounds! maybe one year I can continue into winter also :( I'm the BIGGEST ive ever been. Bigger than the day I gave birth to the my girls..

    would love others to help me stay on track and that I can help also! :)
  • Shylah24
    Shylah24 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Bethany, I'm 31 years old, 5'7"and am currently at 170,the heaviest I've ever been. Most of my 20s were spent between 135-145 and I fit into my clothes pretty well and I would like to get back to that, so my goal is 25-35lbs. Went shopping today and almost cried in the fitting room,xl clothes are too small and for the first time in my life, I have back fat. I am forever googling looking for a"lose weight fast" solution too. My problem is my sedentary life, but I recently got a dog and it's starting to warm up here in North Dakota, although it's only in the 40s today, so I'm hoping to get out a lot more. I need motivation and accountability to keep me going, so I'm hoping this does it. Looking forward to journeying with everyone!

    Also, I set mfp at 1200 calories, 50% protein, 20% carbs and 20% fat.

  • Sonami041
    Sonami041 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, Bethany, I joined yesterday, 80lbs to lose, same height as you, 35 years old. I'd love some ppl to track goals with as well. Short term goal is 200 lbs, 150 ultimately. Anyone feel free to add me :) So far I am really feeling the restriction - my goal is to stay under 1600 cal/day. I made a great rendang tonight and it was hard not going back for seconds! Anyway, I live in Australia and would love to chat.
  • get_rucked
    get_rucked Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Bethany - I have just joined here. I am aiming towards an initial 38lb loss target after piling on the weight while recovering from ankle surgery. Please feel free to add me! That extends to everyone on this thread! Good luck :)
  • Virz2501
    Virz2501 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All,
    I've been yo-yoing for a year and half and my first goal is loose at least 15 pounds to begin with and then hopefully another 20. Would love to have people around that would help keep me motivated and hopefully I can do the same for them as well. Feel free to add me
  • MrsSpitser
    MrsSpitser Posts: 35 Member
    Did this board die? Are 30 somethings really not that active? I bookmarked this board and came back over a year later... it's nearly empty. :neutral: Come on, people. Let's talk!
  • beccahun1
    beccahun1 Posts: 44 Member
    I am 32, 5'2" with a current goal of 50lbs to lose.
    I started out at 230 and I'm currently 200.
    I want an active MFP support group that keeps me coming back here for more than just logging my food/weight. I have joined various groups in hopes there would be an active community and so far I'm finding it lacking.
  • MrsSpitser
    MrsSpitser Posts: 35 Member
    beccahun1 wrote: »
    I am 32, 5'2" with a current goal of 50lbs to lose.
    I started out at 230 and I'm currently 200.
    I want an active MFP support group that keeps me coming back here for more than just logging my food/weight. I have joined various groups in hopes there would be an active community and so far I'm finding it lacking.

    Nice to meet you. :smile:
    I'm 35 and have nearly 200 pounds to lose. I am also searching for an active group that can provide motivation and support for the incredible journey I have. I have gained in the past month simply because I lack the willpower to do it. Maybe meeting and talking to others in a similar situation will help me. Either way, glad to see someone post! :smiley:
  • holly00722
    holly00722 Posts: 66 Member
    I am 33 and I lost almost 50lbs a few years ago only to gain almost 20 back :( Looking for motivation and friends to help me out. You can add me on here or instagram at holly00722!!!
  • itsallgood803
    itsallgood803 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm in in the same boat...looking to add some friends for motivation and support!
  • lnewsome
    lnewsome Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Bethany! I am 38 soon to be 39. So, I guess i'm barely eligible for the group. Lol I'm always looking for new friends and an accountability partner. I've done a program called Beachbody before and lost 100 pounds. So, I have the skills. Just need someone to keep me accountable. Someone to talk to about our struggles. What works, what doesn't. Definitely add me.
  • steplaj
    steplaj Posts: 586 Member
    beccahun1 wrote: »
    I am 32, 5'2" with a current goal of 50lbs to lose.
    I started out at 230 and I'm currently 200.
    I want an active MFP support group that keeps me coming back here for more than just logging my food/weight. I have joined various groups in hopes there would be an active community and so far I'm finding it lacking.

    @beccahun1 and anyone else interested in joining an active group...

    Check out the Fat2Fit - Weight Loss Challenge Group, this group is awesome, helps provide a huge amount of support, encouragement and inspiration and will keep you coming back and back and back... I am a team captain and there are eight teams or roughly 30-35 per team that compete in a friendly monthly competition. I am on my fourth month and I love it. I have lost considerable weight since joining.

    If you join, ask to be on my team - Team Workout Wonders! We are a very active team, have all become good friends and have great support and encouragement. We would love to have you and anyone else interested in joining. Registration is open until the 29th. Hope to see you there...


  • lilyadelyne
    lilyadelyne Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone, I am 30 years old and have about 100 lbs to lose. I could really use some friends. Feel free to add me, I will help motivate the best that I can. :)
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am 37 years old and started over "again" on march 8th. I have lost 18 lbs so far and log in daily . ( I know it shows me at a 21 lb weight loss but those 3 pounds are probably from years ago lol)
  • DadBod37
    DadBod37 Posts: 7 Member
    Been on MFP for a little over 3 months and i'm down 24 ish pounds....What gets measured, gets managed! My goal is to drop about 16 more pounds and then the hard part....maintain that weight and not yo-yo again. Tracking what i'm putting in my body def helps me with reaching my goals so far.
  • ecaverhill
    ecaverhill Posts: 13 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! 32, started at 204lbs last week and down to 198 today. My realistic goal is 165. It recommends me at about 1500 but usually by 1200 I'm full (unless wine is involved.)

    Looking for accountability friends!
  • lolliemonsta
    lolliemonsta Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hello all, I'm 36 currently... 37 later in the year. I was on MFP a few years ago. I lost 20kilos which was fantastic, but in 2015 I was in two car accidents which left me with neck, back, & knee injuries. The lack of movement combined with the medication put all that weight back on and more :s I'm now in a place where I'm able to exercise again and am doing well so far.
    I'm also looking for some friends to keep me in track and make this more fun! :)
  • karlijb
    karlijb Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 35, 5'5 and 210. I've been trying to lose weight for what seems like forever. I find I do best when I eat around 1500 but really focus on the nutrition. I tend to always hit the limit on fat and sodium....so I'm working on that. I'm also looking for friends in my same boat for motivation. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • PangPangPrincess109
    PangPangPrincess109 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi there everyone. I'm back after a few years away (and with a new account since MFP won't let me back into my old one), and I need friends.

    Originally I lost around 104lbs, but have since gained back twenty or so. I'm 5'5, and am currently 194lbs. My UWLG is 155lbs. Exercising isn't a struggle for me--it's the fatty foods. My goal is to also stay away sodium and once again be taken off blood pressure meds.