100% Challenge - Spring Means 100% Green - Mon 5/11 to Sun 6/21 - Join Anytime!



  • 4aay
    4aay Posts: 62 Member

    100% May 26

    Hi Rhonda—congratulations on being new grammy! Beautiful boy.

    Kim, I haven’t had any issues but I installed adblockerplus a few months ago.
    I did read about others having some issues.

  • CanyonDweller
    CanyonDweller Posts: 129 Member
    100% 05/26/2015

    Sunshine today so we’re off to the store for yogurt. I was outside last night and about got ran over by a herd of 4 deer. They were fine with me being there and only got spooked when the neighbor let his yapping dog out. So much for enjoying a beautiful evening with Mother Nature.

    Have a great day!
    Linda Kay
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Welcome to the challenge Rhonda :),

    for me 100 % 5/26
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    "For the second time in a row when I go to the MFP page I've been hit with the dire popup warning of death and destruction and today it had a very loud buzzing with it. I had to use the task manager to shut down my browser. It's gotten to the point that I only click to get straight to this group, post, and then get out of MFP as quick as possible. I've heard other people have had problems with MFP but not recently on this thread. Anyone else had any issues?"

    I haven't had any trouble on this site but when I got home from work last night I got the dreaded "the US Treasury is suing you so call this number before they come and arrest you." Another scam. Wonder how many people bit into that one.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    kmhawk wrote: »
    5/25 & 5/26 100%

    For the second time in a row when I go to the MFP page I've been hit with the dire popup warning of death and destruction and today it had a very loud buzzing with it. I had to use the task manager to shut down my browser. It's gotten to the point that I only click to get straight to this group, post, and then get out of MFP as quick as possible. I've heard other people have had problems with MFP but not recently on this thread. Anyone else had any issues?


    Hi Kim
    I run FireFox with NoScript installed and do not see that problems, nor do I see adverts.
    I have seen posts where they are working on blocking that problem.
    What is happening is that some bad Banners are getting in. I suspect that they use a service that provides the banners and pays MFP. And that service is missing a few bad apples.

    Why not install FireFox and NoScript and have the benefit of spell check in messages too.
    An Adblocker will block that problem, as would going with the Premium version of MFP. I'm just to cheap to pay $50 a year when I can do more or less the same thing with FireFox.

  • whatsasize8
    whatsasize8 Posts: 131 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Sonya
    It has been a bad period of weather out to the south and west of me form what the TV news reports are saying. Hard to believe we are in a moderate drought.

    NutriSystem IMO could have left the forums open, Went to a advertising supported model with a advert free pay option such as this site uses to make money. Opened up the tracking tools to all and been a large success, But nope, they pulled out the gun and shot themselves in the foot instead.

    Have a Great Day

    A huge +1 from me, RogerToo. SMH...I don't know why they made the decisions they did, but rarely is the IT dept involved in the financial decisions of a company. A big mistake IMO.

    Kim, awww, thanks! :smile: Not much work really. :blush:
    I've not had issues with pop-ups on death and destruction, but I imagine it's just a fear-inducing ad. If you don't click here NOW your PC will spontaneously COMBUST! That kind of stuff irks me. I usually just close the pop-up, block future pop-ups, make sure my PC is up-to-date on security features, and move right along.

    Catherine, thanks to Kim for reminding me, but I LOVED the graphic you posted. I saved it to my photobucket and need to imprint it upon my life. ((hugs)) I got your PM, just haven't replied yet, but I've known you for years...shocked by the decision that was made by the refugee admin.

    Linda Kay, I'm glad the deer didn't get you!

    RogerToo (part 2), love your detailed tips to Kim. :smile: You take the fear out of the situation and make it all sound so nice and tidy. I know others have left here because of those ads, but they weren't (ugh, this is going to sound not nice of me) very computer savvy and somewhat panicky in nature, so I didn't try to convince them to stay (they were firmly set on leaving anyway).


    I'm watching the child of my Indian missionary friends so I'm missing my nap. :frowning: LOL. Oh well, perk up and power on! I WILL make it without a nap! :smile:

  • whatsasize8
    whatsasize8 Posts: 131 Member
    Does everyone have the SS bookmarked that wants it? Here it is if you don't: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I_nhdB-hGIzBkCL0cmMKYR03HcJqJexLLsVtmfj6Gd0/edit#gid=0
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    edited May 2015
    100% May 25

    Was a beautiful day here. Had the dogs out on the trike.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Does everyone have the SS bookmarked that wants it? Here it is if you don't: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I_nhdB-hGIzBkCL0cmMKYR03HcJqJexLLsVtmfj6Gd0/edit#gid=0

    Hi Sonya
    I just opened the spreadsheet and then dragged a shortcut to the desktop next to the shortcut of the group.

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    5/27 100%
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Thanks, whatsasize. I bookmarked it.
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    5/26 100%

    Ad Blocker Plus is the best invention ever! Its available for Chrome and Firefox. I haven't seen an ad on my computer in years. And yes, the people who were getting malware were not computer savvy; they were clicking on those ads. One lady on the NS Refugee forum actually got scammed, lost over $100, and who knows what else she's going to lose if they put malware on her computer.

    DON'T CLICK ON ADS...EVER!!! If you see one that interests you, go to the website directly. Sometimes, those ads don't link to the actual business; they link to fake sites made to look like the real ones.

  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    5/27 100%
  • kmhawk
    kmhawk Posts: 22 Member
    edited May 2015
    5/27 100%

    Thank you for all the advice on the ads. I never click on ads and hardly ever on links lol. Even when I get emails that are likely legitimate, I still go straight to the website. I'm just that paranoid :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2015
    05/27/2015 100%

    Good Morning to All
    We had a Loud Thunderstorm roll through last evening. Later when the rain had stopped My Brother & I were out walking and the route I had planned to use was closed due to a tree that fell onto the power lines. Oh well maybe today for that route. I try and choose a different route through the neighborhood each day.

    On the plus side I do not have to water today :)

    Have a Great Day All
    Chalmation wrote: »
    5/26 100%

    Ad Blocker Plus is the best invention ever! Its available for Chrome and Firefox. I haven't seen an ad on my computer in years. And yes, the people who were getting malware were not computer savvy; they were clicking on those ads. One lady on the NS Refugee forum actually got scammed, lost over $100, and who knows what else she's going to lose if they put malware on her computer.

    DON'T CLICK ON ADS...EVER!!! If you see one that interests you, go to the website directly. Sometimes, those ads don't link to the actual business; they link to fake sites made to look like the real ones.


    Hi Cindy
    Well said, Bravo! Great advice. I would rather lose out on a what looks like a great deal than get get some Ransomeware that encrypts all my data, pictures, Music, video etc. The later versions are pretty much unrecoverable from if You do not pay the ransom.

    Backup, backup, backup! Also keep in mind that a backup on a external drive that is powered and attached to the computer will be encrypted too. Not to mention that external drives wear out too. Keep Important things on several devices. I worked for years doing repairs where a significant portion of the business was working on getting back important data on a computer that was not backed up.

    Have a Good Day
    kmhawk wrote: »
    5/27 100%

    Thank you for all the advice on the ads. I never click on ads and hardly ever on links lol. Even when I get emails that are likely legitimate, I still go straight to the website. I'm just that paranoid :)


    Hi Kim
    Is it really paranoid if they are out to get You :)

    The tech forums are busy helping people that clicked on the wrong thing.

  • kmhawk
    kmhawk Posts: 22 Member
    edited May 2015
    RogerToo - They are totally out to get me!! And the rest of you too :)
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    5/27 100 %

    I hope everybody is doing well :)
  • CanyonDweller
    CanyonDweller Posts: 129 Member
    100% 05/27/2015
  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    5/27 100%
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    5/27 100%

    Home from work and I am really tired. Its hot so I think its too hot to take the dogs out walking. Tomorrow will be better.