Making Strides in May!



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited May 2015
    Arg. Had another "punctuated equilibrium" (my description of the large downticks in my hormones). Each one sends me reeling for a week or so, until my body gets used to it. I try to focus on what I'm eating even more when they happen. That usually helps!
    On the plus side, I went for a nice run this morning and did a core workout.

    Anyway, cheers!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,944 Member
    Marathon weekend in the office. Spent all 3 days of the "holiday" weekend in there. Sad part is that I'm still not caught up, but I'm a heck of a lot closer to on top of things. Hope to keep up this momentum for a couple more weeks and really get on top of it all. On the bright side, I am sticking to my smoothies and salads plan, other than I had hummus wraps a few times this weekend, but overall I'm down 3 pounds for the past week.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys! Hope the Americans here had a lovely memorial weekend, minus Mihani who can't stand to be away from the office lol. I am very worried for your poor hands and wrists! I hope you can get in. Maybe you should take an extended absence so your boss hires a second person while you're gone!!!! Great job on the loss :)

    I had a pretty healthy weekend but I had a binge on nuts on Sunday night. I suppose that is better than chocolate, but a lot of fat and I was disappointed. I'm going to weigh myself this Friday. Still been doing really well with no sugary treats! I survived two birthday outings for friends with relatively healthy food although some alcohol. Last night I had a mega headache from my awful office day but I still got on the treadmill and did some weight lifting and feel much better today.

    Sabine, sorry to hear about the flare-ups. What do you find helps diet-wise when they happen??

    Zooty, did you get to use your day yesterday to do some self-reflecting? How was your mom-date?? Maybe some nice stress relief will help you see clearly, it's hard when you are being pulled every which way.

    Karrie, AWESOME run!!!! Super excited for you to ace this race. Your hard work is paying off!!

    Terri, great job on the loss again!! How was your husband's trip to Morocco? I wish I could keep that mantra in my head at all times, because my body likes to trick me into thinking there is nothing greater than sweets! Haha.
  • Phoenix4me18
    Phoenix4me18 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi all! Well, what a whirlwind weekend! Managed to get my huge economics paper in on time Friday, spent every bit of my free time Friday night into Saturday morning pulling weeds, mulching the yard and cleaning the house. Graduation was wonderful. It was the happiest saddest day I have had as a parent. Seeing him sit there in his cap and gown all I kept seeing was this tiny 2 year old boy with his feet not touching the ground sitting there. I bawled my eyes out. Where did the time go?? Sunday was the party. We had perfect weather and everything went very smoothly. My oldest seemed to have a great time and so did everyone else. Monday we just kind of collapsed.

    The weekend was totally not ETL by any stretch of the imagination. Honestly, I was so focused on getting everything done and pulling off everything that I just didn't have the focus or the energy for anything else. But, I did go grocery shopping yesterday and did some prep work and am more than ready to get back to my "normal". My stomach is not a happy camper. Too big of a crazy swing in what I have been feeding it. With no more school now I am looking forward to going home and getting in an evening walk every day too. So, hopefully I can rebound from this ok.

    Not sure if I will be able to catch up on posts, but, hope everyone is doing well!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Thanks Lia! I'm feeling pretty optimistic. I think I'm going to have a good run. Not a personal best or anything, but I'm gonna finish, and I think it's even possible to do most of it running - like all of it except my water stops! I would not have been confident to say that a month ago!!!

    Mihani, I must confess that I, too, am up on the scales, and I really need to check that before it gets stupid (ok, it's already stupid, so it's time to cool my jets already!!) I'm not prepared to change too much before Sunday, because I don't want to affect my race day - but on Monday, I'm going to get back to basics.

    MORE BIG SALADS. MBS. My new mantra...

    Watch me melt away this summer... !!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    liapr wrote: »
    Hi guys! Hope the Americans here had a lovely memorial weekend, minus Mihani who can't stand to be away from the office lol. I am very worried for your poor hands and wrists! I hope you can get in. Maybe you should take an extended absence so your boss hires a second person while you're gone!!!! Great job on the loss :)

    I had a pretty healthy weekend but I had a binge on nuts on Sunday night. I suppose that is better than chocolate, but a lot of fat and I was disappointed. I'm going to weigh myself this Friday. Still been doing really well with no sugary treats! I survived two birthday outings for friends with relatively healthy food although some alcohol. Last night I had a mega headache from my awful office day but I still got on the treadmill and did some weight lifting and feel much better today.

    Sabine, sorry to hear about the flare-ups. What do you find helps diet-wise when they happen??

    Zooty, did you get to use your day yesterday to do some self-reflecting? How was your mom-date?? Maybe some nice stress relief will help you see clearly, it's hard when you are being pulled every which way.

    Karrie, AWESOME run!!!! Super excited for you to ace this race. Your hard work is paying off!!

    Terri, great job on the loss again!! How was your husband's trip to Morocco? I wish I could keep that mantra in my head at all times, because my body likes to trick me into thinking there is nothing greater than sweets! Haha.

    Eating very back to basics. Really focusing on nutrient dense foods. More beans, more vegetables, more soy (Yes, definitely helps me), less crap, less wine, less caffeine.
    It's pretty basic stuff but it definitely seems to help.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    tdh1991 wrote: »
    So, some how I am going to figure out how to cure my chocolate addiction.

    Ha... when you figure that one out, message me, ASAP !!!


  • Phoenix4me18
    Phoenix4me18 Posts: 133 Member
    Sloth - LOVE that!

    WHN - "MBS" my mantra too. Glad to hear you are feeling optimistic about your run. Always a good place to be mentally. I am sure you are going to do great!

    Sabine - basics...yep...I think that is why this type of life appeals to me - it can be a very simple thing to adhere to when you really boil it down.

    The kiddos are immensely enjoying their first day of summer today, though, I think my husband is going to be ready to pull out his hair by the time I get home. He works from home every day and apparently the first day of summer is always the hardest. The kids forget that while they are off mom and dad still have to work. So, some adjusting will be required.

    I am planning to make a big pot of lentil soup tonight as I thought it might be a good option for dinner choices. Any advise on recipes?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,944 Member
    Just a fly-by hi, busy busy day... even with working all weekend this was still a "double Monday" with yesterday being a holiday. Need to get to bed early and face it again tomorrow. Supposed to go have drinks with a friend tomorrow evening and totally want to blow that off, but I don't want to be that person who refuses to go have fun on a work night. Although I usually am. Sigh. Just feeling overall a bit grumpy today. Sleep will be good for me.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Also just a fly by :-) Spent some time catching up on posts a couple of days ago, then got behind again. I was at a work conference (8,500 critical care nurses, yikes!) in San Diego last week. It was at the conference center, and our hotel was in the Gaslamp Quarter, so...we ate all the foods, drank all the craft beer, tasted all the! Totally worth it. We don't have *really* fresh seafood here in central WI, so that was SUCH a treat, then there was the authentic Mexican, California Mexican, sushi (I LOVE veggie sushi rolls...), donuts as big as your head, an assortment of restaurants featured on the Food Network, a cupcake shop from Cupcake Wars...anyway. It has all seemed to have fallen away now that I am back to my regular eating programming. I had a lovely fruit plate for breakfast today, I am so excited for watermelon and cherries!!!

    I have one class in the current three month session, but it has a lot of work attached to it, so I need to get cracking...take care today, everyone!
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    sloth3toes wrote: »
    tdh1991 wrote: »
    So, some how I am going to figure out how to cure my chocolate addiction.

    Ha... when you figure that one out, message me, ASAP !!!


    Also this:


  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Yay, welcome back Jean!!! Sounds like a delicious visit to San Diego!!

    Mihani, take the break!!! It'll feel so nice :) Even to break your rules, lol. I am actually going to see a movie tomorrow night, which I never do on work nights! We will continue to live our same alternate lives in abutting countries, lol.

    Laura, hope your kids tire themselves out enough during their hyper day before you get home! haha.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,944 Member
    Glad to see you Jean!

    What movie did you see Lia? I ended up bailing on going out for drinks last night. I have a serious case of tired grumpiness. What day is the wedding? Is everything all ready?

    newme, I loooove lentil soup. I just make a pretty basic concoction of a bag of lentils, diced carrots, celery, onion and potato, veggie broth and spices. I change up the spices depending on my mood or what's front and center in the cabinet, but one trick I've learned is that a little vegan liquid smoke adds a really nice smoky flavor. I also often throw in a handful of greens (spinach or kale) towards the end of simmering time.

    I haven't done too well this week. Tired = cravings. I can't seem to stay in the groove, but going to keep trying!
  • Phoenix4me18
    Phoenix4me18 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi all! Last night was my daughters last soccer game of the season. Was really great to see her back out there. Very thankful she at least got to get in the last two games rather than being out for the whole season. Her heel seems to be holding up fairly well. We are still going to force her to take the summer off as I think it would do her some good. Dinner last night was an epic fail. Soccer games right at dinner time coupled with a late work day is not a good combination. Today is a new day though, so, focusing on that and moving forward.

    I have been immensely enjoying not juggling school any more. I actually spent a little time on Tuesday night folding laundry. I know that seems kind of silly to be excited about doing that, but, to just have the time to do something as simple and basic as fold laundry rather than living out of baskets of unfolded clothes is a pretty nice luxury to have! lol

    Liapr - ohhhh...out to the movies on a work night??? Whoa. That really is living dangerously...I am not sure I could break that rule myself! I have been thinking a lot lately about how I tend to box myself into my life with a list of rules. Good for you for being a rebel! Have an awesome time!

    Mihani - I hear ya on the tired grumpies. Hope you got some sleep and are feeling ready to take on the day! Thanks for the tips on the lentils. Going to give it a try!

    OK folks - off to break some more back to work. ;-)
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Laura, that is exactly what I do!!! Box myself into life with lists, haha, that is perfectly put. I am already a bit frantic about saying yes to it actually because I know that means I'll have to quickly put together stuff later on at night lol. Throws off my little routine!

    Mihani, I took a page from your book. I didn't have time to prepare lunch today so I made a giant smoothie with a giant amount of spinach! That'll be my lunch. I'm going to see Mad Max tonight! I really enjoyed the original 1 and 2. Did you get some sleep to help the grumpiness? By the way, the wedding is June 27!!! Exactly one month yesterday. Getting crazy! I have my wedding shower and bachelorette party on Saturday so I am not expecting a model ETL weekend lol. My main goal is not to be hungover on Sunday!

    We also had a weird dinner night last night. We had our meeting with our planner, which was great, but we got back later. My dog was with my parents so we decided to have a dinner out for a change! They now have this delicious tofu fajita option at Jack Astors! It was really yummy and lots of veggies but my gosh the oil in the stir fry portion!! Ahh my stomach felt like I ate a ton of bricks afterwards!! Oh wel.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,944 Member
    I haven't heard much about the new Mad Max. Mel Gibson was oh so dreamy when he was young though. I loved Lethal Weapon. The first two. After that they got pretty stupid, I never even saw past the third. How was your smoothie?

    Laura, so glad you are enjoying yourself and you sound much happier and more relaxed already. I think you made a wise decision! I had to laugh about living out of baskets of clean clothes. I do that all the time! Every couple months I put everything neatly away and it lasts a couple weeks max. But those two weeks are really nice. Glad your daughter got to play.

    I am slightly (slightly) less grumpy today. I don't know if I can take the whole weekend off as planned, but definitely taking Saturday. I need to do something about this house. Did better on food today.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited May 2015
    I skipped leg day today. Only the 3rd workout I missed in 13 weeks. Not too shabby...

    Half marathon is in 2 more sleeps!! I'm only nervous about not being able to zone out. I'm pretty much addicted to my Zombies, Run! app, and using devices during the race is not exactly prohibited, but it's strongly discouraged. I was thinking about putting my earbuds around my neck and blasting it so I can still hear it, but I'd still be alert to everything around me because they wouldn't be right in my ear... I wonder if that would work...??


    I have been really lazy about my food prep lately. Grabbing whatever's convenient - and most of the time it's carbs... NOOoooOOooOooOOOOoooooOOOooOoo!!!!!!!

    On Monday I'm going to really focus on being strict about my carbs again. THAT was when I had the most success in dropping weight... And I'm sick of the weight creeping back up. SICK. OF. IT!!!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,944 Member
    GO KARRIE!!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes, you've worked so hard!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,944 Member
    Karrie, how did it go?

    I took yesterday off, was going to get all this stuff done and instead mostly napped. Spent most of today in the office, but taking tomorrow off. Not for any fun reason, it's my pre-op tests for my carpal tunnel surgery. Ugh.

    We need a June thread, I will think about that and get something going. I know several people who went to the Rolling Stones concert here last night so I keep thinking Jumpin' Jack June lol.