Anyone else have a problem with nuts?

DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
I don't often eat nuts (aside from peanut butter in all its gloriousness, but yes, I do know that peanuts aren't really nuts), but I grabbed a small package of almonds a week or so ago to keep stashed in my purse in case of emergencies. Yesterday I was ravenous when I left work, so I ate a few on my commute. Literally a few--like 10, maybe 12 at most. A few minutes after I got home, I felt so sick with a terrible stomachache and intense nausea. I honestly thought I was going to toss my cookies a few times. Hubby had to get the kids their dinner and keep them under control, which is usually my domain, because all I could do was curl up on the couch under my cozy blanket for about an hour. Then the feeling gradually subsided. Funny thing is, I've had this reaction to nuts before and--strangely and STUPIDLY--forgot! Why does this happen? Am I banned from nuts forever? Could it just be almonds and not all nuts? I'm scared to eat any nuts now, so I probably won't be experimenting much...


  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    I don't, but there are many people with nut allergies. Or maybe they went bad?
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I considered the possibility that they had gone bad, but I have no idea how I would tell. They were in my purse which means they were kept at around 70 degrees and dark. They hadn't expired according to the label--I got them just about a week ago. I also couldn't remember what the circumstances were surrounding other times I've had this reaction, but I suppose I could have developed an allergy....? I used to be able to eat anything. :(
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    I considered the possibility that they had gone bad, but I have no idea how I would tell. They were in my purse which means they were kept at around 70 degrees and dark. They hadn't expired according to the label--I got them just about a week ago. I also couldn't remember what the circumstances were surrounding other times I've had this reaction, but I suppose I could have developed an allergy....? I used to be able to eat anything. :(

    All nuts are different, so you may have to try each. Don't get mixed nuts though because if it is the almond protein, it could be all over the other nuts and give false reactions.

    Personally, I react to walnuts and pecans. They give me a scratchy throat that swells and basically threatens mild bodily harm, but I'm not allergic in that I need an epipen to not die. Couldn't figure out how to properly spell the other word! Ugh. Anaphylactic?

    I personally like macadamia nuts, hazelnuts/filberts, and brazil nuts (which crazily enough like 85% of the world is allergic to - I found out due to a coworker with a deadly allergic reaction)...

    I would try them with children's liquid or chewable benedryl standing at the ready!

    And it could just be raw, roasted, or whatever they were seasoned with, too.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    I can't eat almonds or any almond products-- they cause a lot of joint pain and swelling. Pecans seem to be ok, I haven't tried others since I realized the issues with almonds.

    It makes eating Paleo or low-carb bars and baked goods tough, though.

    Many roasted nuts have been made with other oils, like soybean, sunflower, safflower, or canola oils. Perhaps you're reacting to another ingredient.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Their price is my only problems with nuts thankfully. My son is nut resistant.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    For me it depends how they were grown...there's something put on pecans and pistachios in the growing process that gives me wicked headaches. I think it's a pesticide, maybe your nuts were treated with something? Almonds are a sore spot with ranchers because they have so much crap sprayed on them and put into the soil now.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    My son has severe anaphylaxis to all nuts & is airborne to peanuts. One of his first symptoms is severe vomiting. I would definitely be very careful around them.
  • msmi1970
    msmi1970 Posts: 60 Member
    problem with nuts?..unfortunately, yes. i eat too many. addictive. drives up my blood sugar insidiously.