Share your personal stats!

I have only been on the low carb journey for about two weeks and I have lost 8lbs. I have been watching what I have been eating since January, so I did lose some weight just using this wonderful app. I just wanted to know what everyone's stats were and how this lifestyle change is helping. Thanks!

Starting weight:200.4
Current weight:177.9
Goal weight:150

I will say that since I have gone low carb, I really don't crave the sweets or pasta that I used to call "staples" in my house. I have kids so it is very hard to keep all clean foods in the house, but I definitely don't crave the carb heavy foods like I used to. I never thought that would happen for me, it's quite shocking actually! This group has really changed my outlook on eating, and I want to thank you all for that!


  • Artemis68
    Artemis68 Posts: 67 Member
    Started about 202lbs
    Current 195
    Goal 135

    Same with me in that I have kids and a carb lovin hubby, and I don't seem to be craving the junk anymore either. My downfall is drinking though...even cut out the wine, but even hard stuff with water seems to be stalling. Next thing to cut out I guess.

  • Soon2BeMrsSherriff
    Soon2BeMrsSherriff Posts: 82 Member
    Oh I can definitely relate. I have stopped my drinking except for the weekends. I can't give that up yet. However I drink beer which is bad. Mic ultra has low carbs, but I know it still isn't good for weight loss. :(
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Starting: 187
    Current: 156
    Goal: 125
  • fancyroberts
    fancyroberts Posts: 75 Member
    I am in the same wine and Saturday nights go hand in hand! I will try to be good....but......

    Starting : 168
    Current : 156
    Goal : 145(for now...lower once I get there!)

    I am amazed that I have no urge to snack after the kids go to bed, I feel so in control and it feels great! I make bread at home for my family and even that fresh bread smell doesn't break me!! : )
  • caseyjfer
    caseyjfer Posts: 13 Member
    Started 5/18/2015:

    SW: 214.8
    CW: 206.7
    GW: 180
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Started may 3rd

    Sw: 230.8
    CW: 221
    GW: 160
  • miche173
    miche173 Posts: 50 Member
    Started 2/9/15.


    It really hasn't been that hard. I still do have drinks about twice a month, and a really good dessert (or part of one) about once a month. Other than that, I just skip whatever starch I make with the family dinner. And do salads with protein for lunch.
    I'm a teacher, though, and I worry about summer. It seems so much easier at work than it does at home. On the other hand, I should have more time for movement, so that's a plus. Onward and downward!!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I am in the same wine and Saturday nights go hand in hand! I will try to be good....but......

    Starting : 168
    Current : 156
    Goal : 145(for now...lower once I get there!)

    I am amazed that I have no urge to snack after the kids go to bed, I feel so in control and it feels great! I make bread at home for my family and even that fresh bread smell doesn't break me!! : )

    How long have you been eating LC? I ask because we have similar starting and goal weights.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited May 2015
    38 year old female (39 in about a month). 5'4" height.

    Heaviest Weight: 319

    Starting LCHF Weight: 262
    Current Weight: 240-244 depending on day

    Goal Weight: TBD - I have no point of reference on this weight as an adult so likely somewhere between 150-175, depending on muscles and all that...right now, my main subgoals are:

    Subgoal 1: Drop out of Morbid Obesity category (220 pounds, I think)
    Subgoal 2: Get under 200
    Subgoal 3: Get out of the PLUS SIZE shopping areas
    Subgoal 4: Get to 175 and evaluate long term goals

    Started LCHF: 1/15/15
    Started Keto: 2/18/15
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    edited May 2015
    I originally started back in 2007 on South Beach then went to Atkins and lost 65 lbs. I have fallen off the wagon a few times. My biggest influence was when I was dating and I fell back into the habit of eating carbs. I've been trying to get to my goal weight for what seems like forever. For the most part I hovered around 185, but last year I did get back up to 200 but then got back down to 175. This time around I have a much clearer head and don't let food control me now. Nor am I going to let other people's influence effect what I know is best for me.

    SW: 240
    CW: 173.4
    GW: 150

    Most recently I was 187 when I started a little under two months ago. For a few weeks I was losing and gaining the same weight because I wasn't eating enough, and I've been losing better since tracking my food and being more active.
  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    Started Keto end of August 2014.
    Started tracking 1/1/15

    Starting weight: 164 lbs
    Current weight: 160 lbs
    Goal weight: 130-140 lbs

    This process has been wicked slow for me. I have quite a bit of muscle and workout (mostly lifting) 3-6 days a week. I'm ok with the slow process because of this. I have found that CarbNight/CKD has helped me get the scale moving a little bit quicker (so far). However, what this process has taught me is to be patient, and to switch things up. Staying consistent is what will win in the end!
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    SW: 294 at my heaviest, 173.5 this time
    CW: 163.5
    GW: 150, then 140, then 135, with maintenance being 133-138 I think.

    I'm 5'4.5
  • danidanibobani
    danidanibobani Posts: 125 Member
    Heaviest after my daughter was born 212
    SW this time 172.8
    Current 165.8
    Goal 140?
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member

    Highest Weight 360
    Started Keto 1/10/14: 323
    Current: 250
    Goal: 220? (will re-evaluate at 220, wouldnt be surprised if 205-210 ends up being it)

    Great overall, but I've been hanging out around 250 for way too long now.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Began lc in January weight 231
    Began LCHF in March
    Went ZC in May and current weight 204

    My greatest accomplishment with this woe has been the drastic decrease in Fibromyalgia pain and increase in energy! Carbs are poison for me! I was able to see this within two weeks of lc and was even better the more I lowered my carbs. This is what my body has been screaming at me about for years! Just wish I'd have listened, and interpreted the message sooner!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    My greatest accomplishment with this woe has been the drastic decrease in Fibromyalgia pain and increase in energy! ... This is what my body has been screaming at me about for years! Just wish I'd have listened, and interpreted the message sooner!

    Your success is awesome! I wish everyone who can benefit from this WoE could learn about it and try it! And you know I'm speaking personally and generally here!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Starting Weight: 243 Aug 2012
    Started Keto: 233 Feb 2015
    Current Weight: 208
    Goal Weight: 185
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited May 2015
    My start weight was 115kg on Jan 4th
    Today I weigh 84.85kg (up 200g from my lowest of 84.65kg). In pounds I think I went from 253.5 to 187.

    I'd be happy to be lighter than my husband by the end of this year. He is between 72 and 75kg depending on his weight training. Ultimately? I have no idea now. My goal was 52kg but I dunno...I might prefer a higher weight. I am very short but I want to have some plumpness as I feel I would be happier. I also want to work on adding muscle for a few years rather than focus on a particular scale number.

    I didn't do it all on a very low carb diet but I was under 70g of carbs per day unknowingly for many weeks before I discovered this WOE.

  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Started 3 months ago (near the end of February) at 236 pounds. I started out with a 40g net carb goal and have since decreased it.

    Current weight: 209 this morning (although my lowest was 206.4 earlier this week)
    Goal weight: Initially ONEderland (i.e., out of the 200s)
    Long-term goal weight: Probably around 165--I'm not decided. I'll know when I get there :smile:

    Mostly I'm excited I don't crave all that carby stuff I thought I couldn't live without and I can lose weight without being hungry. I no longer have acid reflux. My skin looks clearer and smoother. I have more energy and don't get "hangry" anymore. My weight loss seems to be quite a bit slower than many people here, but I'm seeing progress and feeling fantastic, so I keep on!
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Female, 19 yo, 5'2"(on a good day)

    SW 170
    CW 147
    GW 130-135