June Morning Coffee and Gratitude List

DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
This morning I am grateful for the concept of new months and new beginnings. I am feeling very much in need of that today!


  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    This morning I am grateful for all of the information that is available online! Now that I have finally started journaling again I am feeling the desire for new recipes and omg its amazing how many are out there!!
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    I am grateful for Lactaid, antihistamines and pizza. I do not tolerate dairy well but a friend had a pizza party last night and she makes the most awesome pizza in her once-a-week restaurant. I always order something else and she always has something dairy free except for last night. So I chose to just go enjoy it and I feel fine today. It was a bitter sweet evening for, if she has her way, that was also the last meal in her restaurant.

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    This morning I am grateful for my fitbit and my kindle. Dh is going to have a lithotripsy today for his kidney stone and unfortunately we have to be there at 11, so I assume the procedure will not be until about one, meaning we will basically be spending the day at the hospital. The fitbit will take the boredom out of walking those hospital those hospital halls to get my steps in and hopefully I can finish that book I have been working on for over a month on my kindle. Now that I have my next book picked out I am eager to finish it! lol
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    DreamOn145 wrote: »
    This morning I am grateful for all of the information that is available online! Now that I have finally started journaling again I am feeling the desire for new recipes and omg its amazing how many are out there!!

    I used to collect cookbooks but now I just do a search for ingredients or with a name of a dish. Saves having to add on a room to the house, another hard drive takes up much less space. That said, I still have some cookbooks I couldn't part with, Julia's of course, Joy of Cooking, Rick Bayless and Diane Kennedy books for Mexican, etc.

    I second being thankful for my Kindle and Fitbit as well. I feel naked now when I go out without the Fitbit, so I don't do that anymore, just to recharge it overnight or take a shower. The Kindle is my fav companion when I know I have to wait a while somewhere or when traveling.

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I have always said I make a daily list not because I think I will get through it all, but because I know I will do more than if I had no plan! I kind of feel the same about the fitbit - knowing I have just another few hundred steps makes me more likely to push on to it! I had a bit of a wrestling match to fall in love with the kindle, but hey once the dust allergy showed up, that did it! I do NOT need things to dust and I look at pretty much everything that enters the house to stay with that in mind! lol I also love finishing a book and being able to download one immediately. I am in the last 10% of the book I am currently reading, and I swear have been reading for two months ( I mainly read when I do to bed and have a habit of falling asleep). I start looking ahead for the next book about now and am trying to choose between two. Love that moment when the next arrives, a lifelong mini thrill. Did anyone else have the little catalogs that were passed out why back when we were in grade school every month or so and we could order paperbacks? Oh I loved that! lol
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Oh speaking of cookbooks, I am lost today! My printer died!!! I have tried everything and its possible that after about six years of faithful service, it has bit the dust. I will order a new one of course, but at this time when I am recommitting to my journaling and looking for new recipes, I am frustrated! I use my printer A LOT!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I just bought a good one, I'm very satisfied with it. An Epson WorkForce WF-2660. I found it on a limited time sale on Amazon, but it is just under $100 normally. An inkjet, it is an all in one, scanner, fax, printer, it is a wifi printer as well, it even has an email address so you can send things to it via emails. A fun new toy for me. I hated my old printer, no drivers for win8, so it was hit or miss, this one is easy peasy. You don't have to enable wifi, you can use it via USB cable or ethernet, if you want to network it for the other devices in your home without putting it on the web like wifi does.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Grateful the scale nudged downwards today. The weather etc. has been getting to me and I really needed to see something positive. I am finding that as I get closer to goal weight the losses are in smaller increments. I have really kept my focus on exercise and fitness lately, I think I might need to revisit my logging practices, I have gotten slack on that lately, depending on things already in the dbase instead of scanning all food labels like I had done before. But I am grateful I am still moving downwards even if it is slower.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I'm grateful for sugarless popcicles. B)
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I am grateful for seeing the shift in my thinking as I force myself to be more involved with this whole process. This is day 7 and I am not emotionally fighting the journaling! lol though of course things do go in stages and rebellion could be lying in wait! lol
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    DreamOn, even when on WW I hated to journal food. I just would stop mid day the first day, every single time. MFP is the first time I have done a decent job of tracking, I realize now I might need to tighten up a tad more. Sometimes the dbase is overwhelming, with wrong entries for an item, I just don't bother looking at all the entries, I just pick one and live with it. So far, I have been doing as planned, but I am noticing the weight taking longer to come off, so I will be more diligent in my choices going forwards to see what effect that has.

    I have learned that logging is something I will need to do to keep the weight off. I don't want to lose the weight just to find it again.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Grateful the scale was my friend today, I haven't had such a big drop for a while. Was getting use to partial lbs only going away. I am fine with all of it since it is all going DOWN. Hurray for downward movement!!!

    Also glad that the sun is back in Colorado where it belongs. B)
  • chukabird
    chukabird Posts: 8 Member
    Grateful for finding MFP to help me through a journey I really don't care to take by myself. The more the merrier!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Welcome Chukabird. Many of us are retired too. We are a friendly and supportive group and we have some interesting threads you might want to check out, interesting reading, recipes and tips, what works etc. Have a look around and don't be afraid to ask questions or answer them :)
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    You are most welcome @chuckabird. Lots of encouragement, help, and advice is available in this group.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I should not say this, but today I am grateful that my husband went back to work this week lol. The difference in my activity level when he is here and he is not is astounding! I feel as if things never got back to 100% in this house since I started with my surgery in April, then my hurt shoulder, then his lithotripsy and week and a half at home. This week I am feeling better than I have in quite some time and I am cleaning like crazy and working on getting back up to speed on my Leslie Sansone videos and the T'ai Chi. It's feeling good to be productive! I just realized I posted in the wrong month so I reposted it! lol
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Retire I have never liked journaling, but I am also aware that it is a very effective tool. This month I FINALLY managed to kick myself in a butt a bit and make it a goal. We are not very far into the month yet, but so far I have managed to journal for 9 days and that is the biggest streak I have had with it in a very long time! It's long enough now that I am starting to really want to make that 30 days!!!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I understand where you are coming from, follow the Nike advice and "Just Do It." You can make the 30. Remember you have until around 10 AM the following day to complete and submit your diary.

    It takes up some time but you can spend your time doing something that will really aid you in your journey or you can just web surf, choose. >:)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Grateful I have lost more inches 7, for a total of 14 and 3 of those are my waist, so I am pretty happy with that result. I am getting curvy again :) I didn't start measuring till after I got my fitbit. So happy now I decided to use something besides the scale to tell me I am following the right path.

    I am also grateful for my husband who is being so supportive of my efforts. He is just awesome, sharing meals with me, doing the measurements so hopefully they are reality based, and he even reminds me to go walk or eat more slowly. No wonder we have been together for over 40 years. <3
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Retire grats on the inches! You are really doing fantastic!

    This morning I am grateful, once again, for Leslie Sansone! I have now done 8000 steps two days in a row and have done 4000 so far this morning. I have now found that splitting it up - 2 miles in the morning and another after lunch, are really helpful to me. I even have hope I am going to reach that 10,000 step goal. It's soooo hot in Florida at this time of year (and getting worse quickly!) that I know I would not be making those steps without Leslie. Having her on YouTube is awesome!