Week 1 Check-In: Week of June 8, 2015

CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
Week 1 Check-In: Week of June 8, 2015
Welcome to 12 Weeks, 20 lbs, a group of people supporting and encouraging each other in our journey to better health in 12 week increments. The idea behind this group is, by setting smaller more attainable goals (20 pounds in 12 weeks), we will be more likely to succeed at our long term goals. We started this 12 week cycle on June 8, 2015 but feel free to jump in any time!

By checking in each week, we can assess which goals and resolutions are working, which aren’t, and improve them for the next week. Thank you so much for being a part of this group. Here's to reaching our 12 week goals! Have a wonderful week. :smiley:

To get started, copy and paste the four items below in your post:
Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks:
Net weight loss from June 8th:
Favorite motivators:
Resolutions for this week:


  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20 lbs
    Net weight loss from June 8th: 0 lbs
    Favorite motivators: My activity monitor and this group!
    Resolutions for this week: Log everything I eat, make healthy food choices, minimize sugar and processed food, and take 6000 steps every day.

    Good morning everyone! It's midnight on the west coast so I'm about to turn in but I wanted to get the weekly check-in post started before I went to bed. Thank you so much to everyone who joined this group. I'm so optimistic that our mutual support plus the accountability of the group will make a huge difference in our success, whatever our goals may be. Reading all of the intros, I feel like I have so much in common with each of you!

    I will log my starting weight in MFP in the AM when I wake up but, based on my weight today, I'm not thrilled with where I am. I have about 40 lbs to lose total. But that's why we're here, right? A new beginning, one goal at a time! So to start, I'm aiming for 20 pounds in 12 weeks, which should be about 1 1/2 pounds each week, give or take. I've decided to set mini goals each week and reassess as I go, not letting any set backs or disappointments derail me. In the past, if I'd make a bad food choice during the day, I'd throw in the towel for the rest of the day and continue to make bad choices. Ridiculous logic, I know. And that's probably another goal of mine for this week and forever. Just because I fall off the wagon for 10 minutes, doesn't mean the entire day is shot. From now on I pledge to climb back on the wagon immediately. Good luck to everyone - I wish you all a wonderful week.
  • rmd0228
    rmd0228 Posts: 15 Member
    I could have written your post, particularly the part about throwing in the towel after 1 bad choice. Thanks so much for getting us started.

    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20
    Net weight loss from June 8th: 0
    Favorite motivators: checking in
    Resolutions for this week:
    No sugar this week
    Exercising at least 1 hour per day 5 days this week

    Getting off to a good start will keep me motivated! Looking forward to reading the other posts.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Thanks for starting this group. I need to be accountable and this will help.

    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20 pounds
    Net weight loss from June 8th: Starting weight 185
    Favorite motivators: logging in to MFP and keeping my streak going 336 days
    Resolutions for this week: to restart, feel like i have been going backwards these last few days. A week and half a go i was at 181.5 so i put a few pounds back on not sure how but i did. So i am looking at today as day 1. Going to start with a commitment to the treadmill for 30 mins 2x a day for the next 7 days.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20 pounds
    Net weight loss from June 8th: 0
    Favorite motivators: logging, feeling better, getting back into my favorite clothes
    Resolutions for this week: log daily, exercise, plan meals daily, at least 7 hours of sleep each night, eat out no more that one time.
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    I am so happy to have found this group~ o:)<3
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20#'s
    Net weight loss from June 8th: Starting weight 206.8
    Favorite motivators: accomplishing & maintaining a healthy lifestyle
    Resolutions for this week: Eating to fuel my body, not my emotions. Tracking my food on MFP and incorporating exercise into my week, as I feel so much better when I am taking care of my mind, body and soul~ <3

  • marie22442
    marie22442 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting weight 162. If I could manage 20 pounds, I'd be at my goal weight. All of the people on this post who are already on a losing streak are inspirational!
  • tami4gsd
    tami4gsd Posts: 2 Member
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 10 lb
    Net weight loss from June 8th: 0
    Favorite motivators: my grandkids! Other committed people.
    Resolutions for this week: Eat to provide fuel for my body, not to medicate myself, Log all food. Stay in contact with this group. Limit concentrated sweets and snacks that are non-nutritional. Exercise 3-5 times a week
    I know 20 lb is unrealistic for me & my slow metabolism, but 10 is doable, so that is why I decreased my goal. If I set myself up to fail, I will. Between menopause & a thyroid that doesn't work, I'm fighting an uphill battle.
    I can so relate with the mention of throwing in the towel if I have even one nutritional transgression. On the upside, I know I always feel so much better when I eat clean. I don't know why I choose to sabotage myself. As soon as I do, my energy level goes down, I dont' think as straight and things just start to spiral downward.
  • N_Laplante
    N_Laplante Posts: 29 Member
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20lbs
    Net weight loss from June 8th: 0lbs
    Favorite motivators: Kids
    Resolutions for this week: drink more water
  • cindileeb
    cindileeb Posts: 15 Member
    edited June 2015
    Weight loss goal for 12 weeks: 20lbs
    Net loss from 6/8: 0
    I wanted to start with yesterday's weight cause that's when I started, but I guess I'll make it that much tougher by using today's. 179.2
    Monday weigh ins means I have to behave myself over the weekend, so I guess that's good!
    Motivator: 7 year wedding anniversary in August
    Resolution for this week: no eating in the middle of the night (I know, right? Oink oink)

  • JMRod
    JMRod Posts: 86 Member
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 20 pounds
    Net weight loss from June 8th: 0
    Favorite motivators: seeing the scale move down and feeling my clothes getting looser
    Resolutions for this week: Changing my weight in MFP to show the 17 pound gain since October. Humiliating but necessary. Getting to the gym 5 days a week and swimming daily in the evenings.
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    edited June 2015
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks:
    20 lbs (current: 155 lbs)

    Net weight loss from June 8th: 0

    Favorite motivators: picturing myself at my goal weight (with more energy for my family, feeling better, fitting into clothes easily & finding outfits in my closet that are not too tight), knowing I'm healthier)

    Resolutions for this week: not snacking or over-eating after dinner and/or late at night & remaining mindful of my goals
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member

    A few of you talked about giving up all effort if you stray somewhat from eating healthfully..,thought this quote might help! :)
  • fitlisa66
    fitlisa66 Posts: 5 Member
    Weight loss goal for the 12 weeks: 15lbs
    Net weight loss from June 8th: 0lbs
    Favorite motivators: ?
    Resolutions for this week: log food

    Not a great first day. Busy with myriad tedious duties as I transition back into "normal" life after a week away. Feeling tired and not at all motivated. Didn't eat awful food but also didn't write anything down. I consistently find logging food a boring and tedious way to spend my time and since I had spent so much of my day on tedious tasks, I guess I just didn't want to add one more tedious thing to my day. Hoping to do a better job tomorrow.

    Not sure what to write as a favorite motivator.
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    rmd0228 - the throwing in the towel thing is so silly but I've done it SO many times. I'm really going to try to make that a thing of the past.

    matthewsfive - I'm so impressed with your log in streak - keep it going!

    JMarcella57 - I really need to work on planning meals too.

    SIERRANV1 - I'm so happy you found this group too!

    marie22442 - I know you can do it, you're so close!

    tami4gsd - I struggle with the same thing. I feel so much better when I eat well yet I continue to eat things that make me feel tired or fuel my cravings.

    N_Laplante - How did you do with water today?

    cindileeb - I'm not sure if the Monday weigh-in is a good or bad thing, hoping it will work in our favor!

    JMRod - My starting weight today was also higher than the last time I checked-in to MFP so that was a bit of a downer.

    StefieS - I am REALLY looking forward to being able to wear more of the clothes in my closet too. I'm done to very few things that actually fit. And thank you for the saying - perfectly hilarious!

    fitlisa66 - I'm sorry today was one of those days. Here's to a better tomorrow!

    I hope everyone had a good first day. I did well but not perfect ;-). I definitely moved more and passed my goal of 6000 steps for the day. We went out for sushi for dinner and I mostly stuck with salmon and tuna nigiri which was great but I did have a little bowl of popcorn shrimp :o . And, as usual, as we were leaving the restaurant I thought 'I didn't need that shrimp, I should have stopped eating before that.' Oh well! If that's the worst thing I did today, I did pretty well! It's difficult to accurately track sushi in the tracker but hopefully what I entered was close, I ended up staying within my calories for the day but I missed the boat on getting enough calcium.
  • marie22442
    marie22442 Posts: 3 Member
    CatAlii, thanks for your kind words to the group and taking the time to leave so many individualized comments. It's good to know we are all in this together.

  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    marie22442 wrote: »
    CatAlii, thanks for your kind words to the group and taking the time to leave so many individualized comments. It's good to know we are all in this together.

    I agree thats CatAlii
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks to all of you! I agree, it really helps to know that we're in this together.
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    Cat--Thanks for being a great leader and for unifying all of us in this common goal! One day at a time, everyone!
  • fitlisa66
    fitlisa66 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement and for the group connection - today was indeed better. I made it to the gym for a yoga class and about an hour on the treadmill, took all my vitamins and supplements, and stayed within my caloric range. I went a tiny bit over on fat and sugar and almost made my protein. I was also able to get some writing done and read most of a book that I am supposed to review.

    Until tomorrow!
  • rmd0228
    rmd0228 Posts: 15 Member
    I have a new thing that motivates me...reading these posts and seeing how encouraging we are to each other.

    Yeah, team!