It's working, it's just so freaking slow.

haibu Posts: 67 Member
so, I started doing a daily weigh-in and tracking it with a trend app (happy scale) and thankfully there's a downward trend and its correlating to 0.5lb/week (the math worked!), but goddamn it feels slow.

At this rate, I will achieve my goal sometime in the fall. I'm going to remember this the next time my weight starts creeping up, that is, how long it freaking takes to creep back down. Soooo long.

Last time I fought these ten pounds off it was a hellish 1200 calorie month spent running my *kitten* off, and, of course, they came back. This time, I'm trying to do it differently, but goddamn, it's hard in its own way.

Anyway, that's all, just learning a lot about patience and endurance.


  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I'm with you 100%. It is tempting to just cut calories drastically and get it over with. But not as sustainable for sure! And then there is the fact that when you lose 1/2 lb per week, it can totally be masked by water retention, hormones, when you went to the bathroom last, etc. etc. grr!
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    I hear you. Mine is so slow I can't help but wonder if this is goal weight. I thought I'd wanted to lose another 5 but I don't know if it's possible!

    I don't want to cut back to 1,200 (what MFP had originally assigned me). I wasn't happy.
  • haibu
    haibu Posts: 67 Member
    tigerblue wrote: »
    And then there is the fact that when you lose 1/2 lb per week, it can totally be masked by water retention, hormones, when you went to the bathroom last, etc. etc. grr!

    This! Drives me insane (hence the daily weigh-ins/trend tracking). Blargh!!!
  • bbrigman520
    bbrigman520 Posts: 8 Member
    Gska17 wrote: »
    I hear you. Mine is so slow I can't help but wonder if this is goal weight. I thought I'd wanted to lose another 5 but I don't know if it's possible!

    I don't want to cut back to 1,200 (what MFP had originally assigned me). I wasn't happy.

    I know it's hard. I've just started and haven't lost a pound yet. But if you're 5 lbs away from your goal keep going. You are so close. You can do it.
  • gypsyish
    gypsyish Posts: 78 Member
    This is my freaking life right now, and where the weight is coming off my body isn't where I want it to. I feel like I have this inner tube of stubborn fat around my belly that's clinging on until the last possible second!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    The stomach is the last place it comes off for me too.
  • FitnessasmyWitness
    FitnessasmyWitness Posts: 67 Member
    Hey hey hey... at least it's coming OFF for you all.
    I started a rigid exercise program and have been tracking religiously both food and calories with my Polar v800. I'm actually up a couple pounds since starting a month ago... -.- (hopefully it's just water weight from my muscles retaining though.... I've heard it can take a month or two to totally even out).
  • dlajambe
    dlajambe Posts: 32 Member
    This is exactly what is happening to me! I'm so close to my goal weight but I'm really not happy with the way my body looks. I just can't seem to lose that jiggly fat around my waist
  • dlajambe
    dlajambe Posts: 32 Member
    I think I will have to amp up my strength training to get results!
  • carole4000
    carole4000 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi. Lost 5lb since Christmas, so that is on average 1lb a month
    .. ahh! However find I am actually losing and gaining the same few pounds for ages before a proper pound is gone. Would ideally like to lose 7-10lbs - any ideas whats going on? Calories 1200 - 1800 but consistently on lower side.
  • amillenium
    amillenium Posts: 281 Member
    Hey hey hey... at least it's coming OFF for you all.
    I started a rigid exercise program and have been tracking religiously both food and calories with my Polar v800. I'm actually up a couple pounds since starting a month ago... -.- (hopefully it's just water weight from my muscles retaining though.... I've heard it can take a month or two to totally even out).

    That is totally water weight but I did something similar and it was so demoralizing to see the scale go up...I stuck with it though and then I started to see it creep back down.
  • melodyis4reals
    melodyis4reals Posts: 186 Member
    It's really comforting to know I'm not the only one losing weight slowly. It can be discouraging when the scale fluctuates! I have to continue reminding myself to keep on keeping on!
  • pepita15
    pepita15 Posts: 5 Member
    Anyone want to share what type of eating they followed? Eating every 2 hrs, 3 hours, not eating for 12 hours? I'm starting and I'm confused as to the best way to parcel out my 1200 calories. Thanks
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    My maintenance at 65kilo was 2200, at 1750-1800 a week I have steadily lost 3 kilos (6.5lbs) over 10 weeks. This is fat water and a little muscle, if I eat any less I will lose loads of muscle and end up skinny fat, which was what I ended up 2 years ago, I spent almost a year GAINING back 6 kilos by strength training, to gain muscle, so next time I hit 60kilo (2.5 to go) it will look awesome.
    I am sorry, but you can't rush this, when you try, by under eating, you WILL fail. I am an expert in this, not by any special college degree but by having FAILED for over 20 years! For over a year now I have been getting it right. See my profile pic.
    Also you cannot spot reduce, crash dieting 2 yearsago, when that stubborn last 2 kilos would not budge, lost me my bum and my boobs, big price to pay for a flat belly that only GAINING weight, then losing SLOWLY have achieved.

    Pepita do what you find easiest. I tried 5:2 but I hate the fast days. I mostly eat 5-6 days and have protein in every meal. Count all calories properly, no guessing, and log exercise accurately. I actually aim to eat under most days by a little so i can have a little extra 2 days, like a meal out with hubby. I pay closer attention to my weekly average than my daily.

    Good luck to you all. I hope you stick to it, sensibly, and get to your goals.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    sorry I meant 5-6 meals per day
  • Cassiea199
    Cassiea199 Posts: 21 Member
    Im in the same boat. Its so discouraging when u try really hard and u feel like its not making a difference. Sometimes i feel like its because im not trying harder enough. But im sticking with it. I remember reading a motivational poster that said "its a slow process dont make it slower by quitting" and another one that says "dont wait until you have reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take toward reaching that goal." I kno its kind of corny but it keeps me going. I try and keep in mind that many people struggle with starting and maintaining this healthy lifestyle but it works for people who stick with it and its the right way and the best way. Its not some diet pill that claims to work. It really does work and it gets better results then anything else. Its just hard. I also think that having goals like this that u have to work hard to achieve and u can take step by step helps fight off depression and makes u a happier person. Its pretty much a hobby. You just have to find a way to enjoy it.
  • carole4000
    carole4000 Posts: 50 Member
    Think I have found my maintenance is 1750 calories - going to try to eat less! Tried 1200 for 4 days didn't lose anything. Now going for somewhere in the middle. :)
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    @pepita15-- I too have a lower cal goal when cutting (I'm set at maintenance right now). Here are a few thoughts:

    1. I always log exercise and eat back most of the calories. That leaves me with about 1400-1500 total cals most days.
    2. To make those cals stretch through the day I eat a small breakfast (250 cals) and a small lunch (300-350 cals). Then I can have a small snack (under 200 cals) and still have enough left for a moderate sensible dinner (500-700 calories is usually enough for a decent dinner). If I have more exercise calories then I add another snack, a larger dinner portion, a small dessert, or a glass of wine.

    Hope that helps.
  • boslass
    boslass Posts: 2 Member
    My issue is that as soon as I get close to my goal weight (within 10lbs) I relax a little bit and then start to gain without realising, it is really hard to maintain discipline in weight loss. Additionally, the last month has been the last month of uni, and with pizza parties, takeaway nights, drinking and parties... well, I've piled on the pounds :') I'm almost right back where I started, which is devastating! But I just need to work hard again and I'll get there.
  • katieannebrown
    katieannebrown Posts: 19 Member
    boslass wrote: »
    My issue is that as soon as I get close to my goal weight (within 10lbs) I relax a little bit and then start to gain without realising

    This is what I do too. I relax a little and before I know it, I have skipped too many workouts and overindulged too many times. But yeah, completely agree, it is so slow...I am trying to lose those last few pounds that just seem to be more stubborn than I am