Jumpin' Jack June!



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I just wanted to check in to say hi - I, too, am reading all the posts, but I've been pretty busy lately. Might have a new business venture, still doing my morning strength training class - only 2 more weeks to go. And at the end of the month, I'm going to be building my kids a new treehouse at the lake - the one that's there now is falling down and needs to be replaced. My dad is teaching me and I'm building it with him. Just the 2 of us. :smiley:

  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    I wasn't sure if I would be able to get in still... I've been away for so long! All of the items in this discussion look so good! I decided to post my picture of what I looked like last year after being with you all - so, I am trying to get back to that weight and then continue on again like I never left! So glad to like minded ladies close by to share info with! Hope you all are having a great day!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Angie, great to see you! :) It has been a while.

    I am still swamped with work and a big work-related event tomorrow, plus secretary left for 10 days vacation, so things are going to stay pretty crazy the rest of the week. I have some serious catching up to do here! I'm full on smoothies this week, tired of making decisions and thinking about things, not to mention buying groceries then not having time to cook and letting everything rot. It is going really well with the smoothies though.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Welcome back Angie!

    Sitting here munching a plate of berries. I got some "gentler" lettuce for lunch today...some of those kale and greens mixes are too much for the state of my "new" gut, I think, and boy do I pay for them. So I bought a box of spring mix and will see how that goes.

    I am hoping to beat the rain out running today, but I do need to leave a little time for digestions. I have such issues in the morning, lol! First take the levothyroxine, then wait 30-60 minutes to eat, then I have to eat or I run out of gas trying to run, so I have to eat at least something, wait for that to settle in, then run. We are supposed to have just a ton of rain coming, between today, tonight, and tomorrow. Building that ark later, I guess.

    Our contractor is here trying to beat the rain, too. He brought his little tractor and is moving the stone block that will be our new wall on the new patio area. Our older dog, Maggie, is hanging in the patio doorway watching him, but my puppy said the heck with it and has climbed up on her pillow and gone back to sleep. I can't wait until she can just sleep an hour later in the mornings, lol! I can't complain toooo much, as we are no longer up multiple times a night, and she has gone from 5 am to 6 am....but when I have to try for rest and...I took Benedryl last night because of allergies, it would be nice if she'd give me a little more time, lol! I am scheduled to work a pm shift tonight as well, which is also why I wanted to sleep later. Maybe a nap later....
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome back, Angie, Peas and Coues!! So nice to see you guys. I love hearing the updates!

    Sounds like everyone is going through a crazy period. Two weeks til my rehearsal dinner, two weeks two days til wedding, and I am feeling super anxious! But I'm on the no sugar train until my wedding, not really for weight loss but just to feel better and not junky on my day. Also, I stupidly picked a wedding date during our busiest time of year, so with work, I don't have much time to worry about other stuff during the day!

    Thinking of you guys!! Have a happy and healthy day :)
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    PS Peas I find the forums and "eat more 2 weigh less" and "IIFYM" also toys with me. Not that they are bad strategies, but I don't know how to do them properly without eating alllll the foods! lol.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Sooo excited for your wedding - I am anxiously awaiting pictures too! :smiley:

    A coworker brought me as her guest to a lunch-hour fitness class yesterday - it was SO much fun!! It was a hula-hoop class!!!! I am going to do it as a drop-in for the next 2 weeks and I've already given her my contact information for registration in the fall. How fun is that!?!? I get to relive my childhood and burn calories - I did work up a pretty good sweat, too - it's no joke!! And I did way better than I thought I would - I went from the big hoop to the medium hoop in about 10 minutes, and my friend said "HEY, it took me 3 weeks to be able to use that hoop!" The instructor was impressed with my mad skillz... :lol: I'm gonna purchase 2 sizes of hoops from her next week so I can play throughout the summer. My daughter will be thrilled!

    Sounds like it's the busy season all around - I hope everyone can find some time this weekend to relax. I KNOW I WILL!!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Almost through one crazy week, but secretary left for vacation yesterday so I'm going to be swamped through next week covering phones and all that while she's gone but I'll try to catch up this weekend. I do read everything y'all post, and have many comments in my head!
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    Mihani, you work so hard, I thought things might have eased up for you, Utah, it has been super humid here in Phoenix, AZ and hot today, miss the "dry heat", glad to hear you are doing well, those greens can be harsh on the tummy! I would love to see pictures of the wedding, so exciting! I don't think I could do hula-hoop - sounds like fun though! I did an hour ab workout my first day back to working out and couldn't laugh without my stomach killing me. Today was a bad day, I didn't get up to work out. Tomorrow should be good with spinning. This weekend we are headed to New Mexico to work on my dad's house to prepare to either live in it or rent it out. (My father passed away last fall from a heart attack) DH's father is recovering from being in the hospital for yet another heart attack, we need to find a doctor who thinks 77 isn't too old to find a solution to his heart failure issues. Here is to beating heart disease! Looking forward to a fun and healthy retirement one day.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    I have decided to take tomorrow "off", I brought some things home to work on, but I need to regroup before I face next week. And my house needs some attention, and I need to catch up with y'all here! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. :)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Geeze, still no time to catch up. Worked all day yesterday and today, and not even feeling good about how much I got done at this point. Oh well, another weekend gone. Eventually I'll catch up here lol. At least yesterday I was at home working so I got laundry done and a little housework. And the pups are always happy when I'm around.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited June 2015
    Mihani! I am in awe of how much you work.. I just couldn't do it. I'd be so outta there!!! ;P You are a gem - I hope your boss realizes that!!!

    This week is my last week of my strength training class - I can't believe I've finished 15 weeks already!! Time has flown by. I know I'm much stronger. My arms are becoming more shapely, I can see biceps and triceps, my quads are also showing a lot more definition. Back in the beginning I may have done 20 lbs dumbell press (10 in each hand). Today I did 40. For curls, I probably started with 10 or maybe 12, and today it was 20's. My arms are *really* tired today after that, but I'm proud that I have clearly improved...

    After this week, I'm gonna change my focus up a bit.
    - burn some extra calories ---> MORE RUNNING!
    - get even more upper body strength ---> 100 push-up challenge (starting with column #1)
    - improve my flexibility ---> yoga 3x per week

    Then on July 6th, I'm going to add in some more strength training with my TerraFit Challenge... 12 weeks of that and it will be the end of September. :)

    On the food side of things, I really need to set aside time on the weekends to prep lunches and such. Even if I just wash and cut veggies and portion out some hummus. That would be a HUGE improvement over what I'm doing now... And there's no reason I shouldn't be able to measure out spinach and mango and bananas and slap that all in the freezer for quicker smoothies, too... GOTTA GET ON THE BALL HERE ALREADY!!!

    OK. Rant over.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys!!! Sorry I've been MIA. I kinda want to blow my brains out a bit, I'm having super anxiety about getting everything together before the wedding, mostly because my work is insane right now and I feel like I'm semi neglecting both. I had a really nice day on Saturday though with my Mom and sister which was an awesome break - wine tasting, high tea, and some shopping. My goal is to finish all wedding junk this week/weekend so that next week, I can just do my normal crazy work and sleep at nights!! I was feeling so so organized and prepped and now I don't feel like that, but I think in a couple days, when I've checked off my various lists, I will feel better again.

    Woohoo Karrie!!! So proud of you. That is SOOOOO much work. And so much consistency!!! That is amazing. I'm sure it shows physically and also your energy and all the rest of that stuff.

    Mihani, I also would have quit long ago too, haha. Your boss should give you early retirement and a handsome pension. But I know he's probably addicted and can never let you go now!! I hope you're hanging in there.

    My exercise is non-existent except for running around like a crazy person and my food is pretty healthy - no sugars - but also not consistent. So I may lose weight before the wedding after all, and not on purpose lol. Figures.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited June 2015
    Your wedding is getting so close! I hope you get everything done this weekend like you want - good luck!!

    Pretty quiet around here lately - people must be busy enjoying the summer. I know I am!!

    Today I finally got my act together about food.
    B: Green smoothie (coconut water, spinach, banana, mango, hemp seeds)
    L: 1 lb of raw veggies with red roasted pepper hummus and 1/2 cup strawberries
    S: roasted brussel sprouts and mushrooms on 3/4 cup rice

    Now THAT is more like it!! Hopefully I can keep it going long-term, because I am quite frankly getting sick of all the carbs and how bloated it's all making me feel.

    Only 1 more strength training day left. Today was a tough one again - she's really punishing us in this last week! 50 full body crunches, 50 straight leg sit ups, 40 shoulder press (15 lbs each arm), 90 incline arm raises (30 each front, side and back - only 8 lbs each arm - these are hard!!), 40 TRX rows (body weight), 30 burpies with the bosu(sp?) ball, and 60 renegade rows (30 reps each arm - 15 lbs in each hand). Go ahead, give it a try!!! :wink:

    Today is ALSO another hula hoop class at lunch. I'm excited for it - my mom is coming this time too. :smiley: So much fun!!

    Alright, I've gotta run. Have a good one!!!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    I wish I was enjoying my summer! Still swamped with work. I don't see an end in sight at the moment, but hope to be back to a more normal overworked soon. I am finally losing some weight though. I gave up and just doing smoothies, fruit and raw veggies 5 days, and eating whatever 2 days. So a variation of intermittent fasting, but it's working for me. Shopping, cooking, planning, was turning into a chore, and I just don't have time right now. I was spending a lot of money on food that was rotting in the crisper drawer. I want to get back to more ETL soon though. I am hoping another couple weeks push and things will be more under control.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Good for you, Mihani! I already pooped out on day 2. I just didn't want to make a lunch today, so I went out with a friend. *sigh* I'll try again tomorrow... :wink:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Karrie, when life is hard you have to make compromises. I wish I could get half your exercise consistency. I'm in awe!

    I went to a party tonight, so this was one of my "free days" for the week. The potatoes were to die for. I totally am a starchy carb addict, but it seems if I can limit them to 2 days a week then I'm going to be okay and lose some weight.

    Secretary will be back from vacation next week so hopefully I'll catch up here then. I am still reading everything.

    Lia, hang in there! The wedding is going to be beautiful and you'll have fun!
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited June 2015
    Compromises are the stuff of life. It's a balance, always. Compromise and change. I guess that's what makes life interesting, though not always easy.
    Wedding plans are stressful no matter what. Your own, especially. Somehow, though, it all comes together.
    Balsamic on roasted beets... sounds delicious. Could I do that on a BBQ? We're having carnivores over for dinner tomorrow; hubby is grilling steaks so I'm thinking some nice vegetable kabobs for me. I'm making ETL cabbage slaw, too. Even carnivores like that!

    I'm up 4 pounds -- fooey! I've been struggling with strong starch cravings for several days now. I wonder if it is because hubby and I have been doing a lot of yard work. We schedule yard work every other day because we are getting too old to take care of 5 acres. Thank goodness we only have 3 cats to add to the work. This is more work than my sedentary body is used to doing. I usually up my "daily" vitamins to 2 a week instead of 1 a week in case I'm low on something, and I eat more beans as they satisfy starchy cravings. In a pinch, I add potatoes. Tonight I will have to add a potato to my bean chili to keep from snacking on hubby's bread, crackers and cheese!

    An MFP friend of an MFP friend posted this interesting link on figuring body fat percentages. It doesn't, interestingly enough, figure in age so I can't use the "But I'm an old lady!" excuse for my extra fat. Dr. F says the modern weight tables are too lenient and that the 1950s tables are better. But I digress. (Ugh! "Fat Mass" -- NOT a nice term LOL!) Here's my stats from the link: Body Fat 27%, Fat Mass 36 lbs, Lean Mass 98 lbs, Body Fat Category - Acceptable.

    The link: http://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,949 Member
    Lisa, I strive for acceptable! I am glad to see you. I have been working so much I'm totally behind on my newsfeed and just trying to stay up here. I read everything but I haven't had time to comment on everything. Sounds like you have quite a nice spread there, but I understand how hard it is to stay up on it. When I was in high school we had 6 some acres, part in woods, and a lot in pasture, but the pasture didn't need much upkeep. The horses kept it pretty well groomed, only had to be mowed a few times a year. I don't think I could do it now, even if I wasn't working so much. I do miss the serenity of living in the country though.
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,311 Member
    I had a moment to pop in and say hi to everyone. My life has pretty much fallen apart lately dealing with my dad's illness and the associated problems. After a lot of drama, anxiety and craziness over the last few weeks we are going to have to place him in a nursing home. We are trying to iron out all the details then figure out how the heck to pay for it. Crazy stressful. On the up side the Stress Diet made me drop 3.5 more pounds but I wouldn't recommend it, lol.