Jump into June - Let's Lose Just 1% of our body weight this month!



  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Snoozie, I am so proud of you!! You make me teary eye-ed. I know you speak for all of us, especially with me
    !! We have all done that and still feel like that in certain situations. You will look awesome wearing your new attitude!! Have a blast, I know you will!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Susan, I laughed until I almost cried..... Glad we will only be there a day... not really, I would love to stay longer in AZ.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Gail- happy you got a good laugh :) Wish I could see you when you visit these parts, but sounds like you have much to do and little time and that you are not going to be in Southern Arizona. Maybe next time :)

    So, new week started, and this week's mini goals to help me reach my June Target of 1% are:
    1. stick to my newly revised calorie goal 6-7 days this week
    2. Log every day
    3. Exercise 4 days

    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy week <3
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello ladies, trying to catch up on everyone's comments. Great way to start June Snoozie. In fact my scale is broken and I am not replacing it anytime soon. I am working more on nsv. It's more important on how I feel and look and not what the scale says.

    I am still recording my intake in my diary somewhat: yay

    I am mostly staying under somewhat: lol

    I am increasing my water intake:

    And I am still walking and playing tennis: Trying to anyway at least 3 times a week both together.

    Susan & Snoozie you are doing good.

    Gail once you get your sugar under control with the medication and continue with your journey on here you can plan according. I have seen where diabetes is control not only by medicine but what we eat and how we exercise to the point of not needing as much of the medicine or none at all. So in my opinion your are doing great because you are ahead of the game.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    BTW Snoozie great information!!
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Arghhhh -- was it Lose 1% of our body weight orrrrr gain 2% - I can't remember right now since I don't seem to be having much luck! But, it is up to me to change that! I seem to jump right on in there and kick some serious booty 1 week and lose 1# or more and don't know if I get all cocky or what, the next week - if it isn't nailed down, I eat it. And if it is nailed down - I just stand there and chew on it.

    Working super hard to STOP that. My own worst enemy is my mind and it is rearing it's ugly mug right now. Waaaayyyy too much on the plate this summer - really super exciting and cool happenings - but, I May be a little freaked out thinking about all of it. Then to add to it, our son just found out he has to be "shipped out" for a short trainer from July 16 - August 8 --- their baby is due July 27. So, I guess this Grandma is flying to NC end of July and go on baby duty watch. Exciting YES - can't wait! But, oh my, work may pose a little issue.

    I need to just look at this summer as keeping Alzheimer Disease at bay. Don't they say problem solving and keeping the mind going help combat that? Or am I just hoping?
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    OWR you are sooo funny! Love the keeping Alzheimer's at bay attitude :)

    Wednesday progress report
    1. Going to yoga today so 2/4 exercise so far
    2. Struggling staying within calorie range
    3. Logging fairly consistently . Finding myself resisting logging on the days I know I went over in calories, but I have been doing it anyway.

    Hope all is well with all fellow hatters
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi all!! Skipped away for a 24 hr party with two old friends up at a cottage on Lake Huron; was fantastic; scenery, weather, lots of food and drink and most importantly time together with nothing to do but yap, eat.. and drink LOL.. needless to say I will be avoiding the scale tomorrow, but it's ok cause i'm just gonna step right back on the path where I stepped off... no ground lost just continuing on - and aiming for the 1% (altho like OWR not sure my mind or body understands it's supposed to be a MINUS 1 at this point!!

    Will catch up as soon as I shower and get human LOL.. but susan howled at the sayings; OWR near choked on my coffee with the "at bay" and milove; love your focus on NSV .. superb!! I think Gail is already off on her fabulous adventure?? Patrice "et al" hope to hear how you're doing soon!! back in a bit!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    ok.. so I hopped on the scale this morning as my first step back on the right path... and it's down almost 2 pounds.. LOLOL.. WHAT the hell?? No wonder frustration is so high on this journey - eat well and stay the same and the scale wont budge or goes up; pig out and drink like a fish for a couple of days and it goes down.... @$(@$@#!!%^&!! :p

    Actually I admit I laughed .... I know it's just fluctuation thing and not an actual loss of fat but after the second hop to double check, I really just started laughing, cause its too funny and too ridiculous!!But it amused me first thing in the morning, and sending me off with a chortle for my lake walk! Too bad this wasn't the last day of june tho so I could claim it as my 1% gone - cause I know tomorrow it's just as likely to show +2!!

    But I've still got 2 weeks left to dump that 1% so back on track today and moving on!

    Susan - huge kudos on the goals; specially overcoming the resistance to log on certain days; well done you!
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    What a great time Snooozie!! Let down the hair and then need hair of the dog, so to speak. Perfect way to spend some time! And yes, back on that beaten path you go! HAHAHAHAHA - laughing with you - about losing when we think we've done bad and gaining when we think we're kicking booty! No rhyme nor reason to this journey. Just keep plugging along!

    Susan - I so hear ya on the logging thing. Then I look at myself in the mirror - neck up only! - anywho, I have to stop myself and think who am I kidding? It is only hurting me - But, still, I do it! Or I log complete for the day, and then my body (without my mind) sneaks into the kitchen and bags a snack. Usually not too big or bad, but still isn't logged. So, if I don't log it, did it actually happen??? That is what I Have Got to get past! Yes, it happened, yes, it's going to happen again - As long as I am not honest with myself, I can't do this. And then my tummy tries to say - Honest Logging is Soooo overrated - and I fight myself again! We can do this. Honest Logging. Yuck - but I find necessary for me. :s
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    OWR and Susan - I can TOTALLY relate to the logging thing; honestly I have failed miserably at getting back into it.... even though I know its an absolute necessity for me, even if it's just to find that "sweet spot" calorie level that will get me back to actually losing again.... so you would think I would just suck it up and DO IT for a couple of weeks, even just by telling myself I only have to do it til I figure out the right calorie thing.. so logically I KNOW I have to but holy moly - considering I logged for almost 3 years straight without missing a day, WHY am I struggling?? argggh lol :'(

    I got a HUGE lesson in humility at the lake this morning; a little lady I see often was there with her walker... but barely holding onto it... we usually just say good morning and a bit of a "lovely day" kinda thing and keep going as we're going opposite ways but for whatever reason this morning we stood and chatted for a few... she hoofs along at a good pace and somehow in the convo she said "well I'm 94 now and had 11 children .... and I walk every day all of which I think is what helps keep me young!" I honestly stood there with my mouth hanging open; and admit I said excuse me did you say you were 94?? (apparently not til Nov by the way.. but she figures she's closer to it than 93 now lol).. I looked like a fish with my mouth gaping open .... I SWEAR .. looking at everything (skin, face, posture, etc) I would have pegged her for 75 at the absolute MOST.. prolly more like 72... I was floored and humbled that here was this woman doing the exact same path as me where you can't get off it anywhere for at least a 2km stretch... and I know she starts at the beginning of the path cause I've seen her there.. so she's gotta be doing 5k or more every day... at 93.5!! I was so impressed.... and humbled... here I was thinking yay me look at me I walk every day.... and this 94 year old probably does more than me every single day... yikes!! Good lesson today for pushing myself more and not just doing a pleasure stroll and thinking i'm rocking it... (im not putting myself down at ALL so there's no misconception here) but a serious wake up call that yes.. if I want to achieve my weight loss goal, then perhaps I should get serious about it!! Bless her little heart LOL.. (AND I got two doggie love moments so a fantastic start to my day - and one i'll need to dredge up in the traffic fight to work this afternoon to keep me sane HAAAAAAAAAA. rock on people!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    OWR and Susan - I can TOTALLY relate to the logging thing; honestly I have failed miserably at getting back into it.... even though I know its an absolute necessity for me, even if it's just to find that "sweet spot" calorie level that will get me back to actually losing again.... so you would think I would just suck it up and DO IT for a couple of weeks, even just by telling myself I only have to do it til I figure out the right calorie thing.. so logically I KNOW I have to but holy moly - considering I logged for almost 3 years straight without missing a day, WHY am I struggling?? argggh lol :'(

    I got a HUGE lesson in humility at the lake this morning; a little lady I see often was there with her walker... but barely holding onto it... we usually just say good morning and a bit of a "lovely day" kinda thing and keep going as we're going opposite ways but for whatever reason this morning we stood and chatted for a few... she hoofs along at a good pace and somehow in the convo she said "well I'm 94 now and had 11 children .... and I walk every day all of which I think is what helps keep me young!" I honestly stood there with my mouth hanging open; and admit I said excuse me did you say you were 94?? (apparently not til Nov by the way.. but she figures she's closer to it than 93 now lol).. I looked like a fish with my mouth gaping open .... I SWEAR .. looking at everything (skin, face, posture, etc) I would have pegged her for 75 at the absolute MOST.. prolly more like 72... I was floored and humbled that here was this woman doing the exact same path as me where you can't get off it anywhere for at least a 2km stretch... and I know she starts at the beginning of the path cause I've seen her there.. so she's gotta be doing 5k or more every day... at 93.5!! I was so impressed.... and humbled... here I was thinking yay me look at me I walk every day.... and this 94 year old probably does more than me every single day... yikes!! Good lesson today for pushing myself more and not just doing a pleasure stroll and thinking i'm rocking it... (im not putting myself down at ALL so there's no misconception here) but a serious wake up call that yes.. if I want to achieve my weight loss goal, then perhaps I should get serious about it!! Bless her little heart LOL.. (AND I got two doggie love moments so a fantastic start to my day - and one i'll need to dredge up in the traffic fight to work this afternoon to keep me sane HAAAAAAAAAA. rock on people!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    "If I don't log it did it actually happen?""

    howling when I read that line btw!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Snooozie wrote: »
    "If I don't log it did it actually happen?""

    howling when I read that line btw!

    Yes OWR and Snooozie- I howled at that line, too, cause it's exactly my way of thinking! It's like it doesn't count if I don't log it. Reminds me of when Fridays were goody days at work and someone always brought in doughnuts and I would only eat a half a doughnut and feel good about that even though I was eating a half a doughnut a few times throughout the morning!!

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Snooozie- Glad you had such a good time with your friends, and how funny you lost two pounds! Love the story about the 94 year old woman, and thanks for the pictures and chuckles :D I ran across that little future Chicken McNugget the other day on Facebook I think and got a kick out of it then, too. And yes, it must be those refrigerator magnets pulling me to that fridge!!!!
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Been walking again. Missed a couple of days due to a migraine (I hate those things) but getting my 10k steps walking the duck pond again mostly. Will start logging soon hopefully. Life has been too much for me lately but things are settling down again so I should have time to start logging again. I know that is what helps me to get on track and start losing again. Just gotta do it!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Sorry, I'm late! Just trying to catch up with the thread and about to rush to work, but just wanted to say I love the idea of losing 1%! You know, when I started to lose weight, I wanted to lose 10%. I didn't even think beyond that - I just thought exercise would be a little easier if I was a little lighter. I ended up losing more than 30%. But I think that if I'd set the goal as 30% to start with, I'd have been daunted.

    I will definitely aim to lose 1% over June. Then hopefully keep going!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I just realized I double posted up there ladies.. sorry lol.... it said it had a prob when I hit post so I hit it again (must have been what I call a "male" moment.. yes just keep hitting that print button dude .... just because the printer is out of paper hitting that button 200 times will make it print.. yup!)

    Susan - LOL @ the donut theory; been there done that!! Someone brought in some cupcakes last night; I was feeling quite virtuous with my food intake so decided to have one but I broke the top with the icing off and started to eat just the bottom cake part... first bite in tho it was quite dry and not so good; decided it was NOT calorie worthy and tossed it..... but then went and chose a thumbprint peanut butter cookie... DUH... really Snoozie?? Didn't learn from the cupcake fiasco? lol.. I did only eat half of it and it was tiny tho... so I managed to maintain my dignity in the end! and the magnet giggle reminded me of the joke about "why does a refridgerator have a light inside if we aren't supposed to eat at night?" LOL

    Patrice!! Well done you on the duck pond walking - that's awesome!! i'm impressed too cause I know how long it took me to get back into my own walking habit again so kudos on you! Yuck on the migraines; I've never had one (knock wood) but friends and family suffer them and know how brutal they can be, even residually for a while after. Glad things are settling down, and that youre getting a little less crazy busy!

    Vailara - awesome to hear you're in for the 1 %! I'm thinking it's a nice change from the pound focus and im going to quite enjoy looking in the mirror on the 30th and saying way to go snoozie, you lost 1% of you total body weight!!

    So I am going to try to get back to logging for a while at least anyway; I know I don't wanna log for the rest of my life (which is why I enjoyed that article too Vail!) but I realize I have to do it for now to get a true reading of where I am at calorie wise. I decided to change the settings tho... it's a royal pain in the butt for me so I simplified it; I took out all the meals and just left it titled "Food Today".. so everything will just be logged as I eat it in one list for the day... im hoping this will make it less of a pain and make me more likely to just add food as I eat it.. so we'll see how it goes.

    Rain and T-storms today; rain seems to have let up so I'm going to head to the lake but think i'll stick to the park area; it's a little too open across the lake if a t-storm comes up, and it's a lot farther to have to RUN back to the car LOLOL.. but I can circle the park path a few times even if it just rains. Busy weekend at work coming up and the Indy is on here so traffic going in is gonna be a nightmare again; gonna have to find some good tunes and simply perform a virtuoso concert for myself to keep me from those road rage moments (road rage + menopausal woman = SCARY!) HAAAAAAAAAAA.

    Have a great weekend everyone - let's eat some healthy stuff we love, move our parts a little, enjoy some "relaxing and restorative" activity and all of it will get us to our 1% goal !!

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Snooozie, LOVE the journaling idea of eliminating the categories! I copied your idea , but now have three categories: food, supplements and Yikes. Thanks for sharing!

    Great to hear from you Patrice. So sorry to hear about your migraines. I can totally relate. Interesting thing is after menopause I only get the weird neurological stuff and not the headache. This is better except I have to be careful to take notice of the neurological stuff and not drive , etc , cause sometimes I can black out! Anyway , hope your migraine is gone and life is settling down for you.

    Vallarta- great to hear from you and fantastic job on your previous 30% . Glad to see you're in with the 1% , too.

    I'm still struggling with the calories, but logging away and trying to move my butt. I haven't had the morning energy to walk the pooches, but did make it one morning this week and went to Curves yesterday. I love the 1% idea and it helps me stay motivated :)