

  • mamichula1173
    mamichula1173 Posts: 25 Member
    I drink it for breakfast when I have to leave for work super early. It's usually when my commute is greater than an hour. It keeps me going for about four hours before the hunger starts.

    I tried adding coconut oil and I found that it did not keep me as full as when I used butter alone. Plus the taste was different.

    My recipe:

    8oz strong coffee (i use my 2 cup french press with one cup of water and enough coffee for 2c)
    30mL heavy cream (2T)
    14g butter (2T)
    Splash of vanilla extract
    Dash of cinnamon
    Blend on high for 30s
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Teneko wrote: »
    I was worried about the carbs in the hemp hearts I'm using, but it's pretty much just 1 gram of carbs per tablespoon and 1 gram fibre... so zero net carbs. Really helped me stay full and settle my stomach in the morning. I think chia is also a high fibre seed so it "balances out" a bit, if you are doing the net carbs thing.

    Cacao butter has a chocolaty smell. It engages my senses first thing in the morning so I feel like OMG I GET CHOCOLATE FOR BREAKFAST! Makes me feel good.

    Some people - especially women - don't do well with dairy on keto. This is apparently part of the reason why the rocket fuel latte lady did not use any dairy products in her BPC variants.

    @Sk8Kate : Definitely start slow. If you are not used to having a fatty fat drink like that, it can be really off-putting.
    Also, I HIGHLY recommend using a really good blender to whip that stuff up into a frothy frenzy. I honestly think my Vitamix is the key ingredient in a lot of my recipes! :)

    Hope you guys find something that works for you. And if BPC or Rocket Fuel Lattes just aren't for you, then no worries. It's not like you have to have it.


    Can someone tell me what hemp hearts are? Like parts of the hemp tree/plant? I'm just wondering. And what the heck do they taste like. If I could find a small reasonable sized portion to sample, I'd be willing, I'm just wondering.

    Also, I despise coffee, and I know that lady says you can do these things with tea, as I've modified my LOADED bulletproof tea, but how would the flavor profiles change.

    The hormonal response to dairy makes a lot of sense, but I love the creamy factor. Is that repeated in this rocket fuel latte? I thought about trying to correspond with this woman, but couldn't imagine where to start.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Hemp hearts are shelled hemp seeds. They taste creamy & nutty to me. The lack of outer shell makes a big difference to the taste/texture imo - i much prefer the hearts.

    Mine just arrived 15 minutes ago and i had to open the bag and slip a tsp of them into my mouth immediately! I can see them tasting better in a RFL/BPC than chia seeds - they were a bit bitty and slimy tbh (but i can totally handle that for how good i felt after adding them to my BPC yesterday... if the hemp hearts fill me up and level me out like the chia did then its win win).
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    Hemp hearts have a light fluffy texture. They do taste slightly nutty and slightly "raw". Some stores around here are now carrying them in individual sized pouches! You may luck out and find them in a bulk section at a health food store.
    Because they are shelled, they are so light and not really crunchy. They also soften up VERY quickly so you aren't left with a seedy chunky mess. My blender whirs them into oblivion and mixes them with my drink so it's just an extra hearty thickness. No grit. No chunks.
    To me, the resulting latte is wonderfully creamy. I am pleased with the "mouth-feel" and fullness factor.

    By the way, I only tried standard BulletProof Coffee once so I can't really compare other than BPC made me nauseous and hungry. I didn't want to repeat that, so I found an alternative.
    Of course, since then, I have found a place in Austin that does a butter coffee...but I have them modify it so it's half the normal amount of fats, and throw in some heavy whipping cream and vanilla extract.

  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    My hemp hearts arrive tomorrow. Can't wait to try rocket fuel again. Think I will leave out gelatin first time, see how it goes. The chia seeds seem to make my colitis act up, will hemp hearts do the same? Also, any cosmetic products with hemp in seem to irritate my face. Raw as opposed to processed shouldn't bother me I'm hoping.
  • Artemis68
    Artemis68 Posts: 67 Member
    I've been drinking buttered coffee for breakfast everyday for about 3 weeks. I'm not a fan of breakfast so it is a good replacement. This morning I had a shake instead, 2 cups spinach, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 c almond milk, 1 tbsp roasted flax meal....I was SO hungry by 10am!! With buttered coffee I'm satiated till at least lunch. I will not be skipping again!!
  • Artemis68
    Artemis68 Posts: 67 Member
    I've been drinking buttered coffee for breakfast everyday for about 3 weeks. I'm not a fan of breakfast so it is a good replacement. This morning I had a shake instead, 2 cups spinach, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 c almond milk, 1 tbsp roasted flax meal....I was SO hungry by 10am!! With buttered coffee I'm satiated till at least lunch. I will not be skipping again!!
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    My Hydrolized Collagen (gelatin) arrived today too, so i have everything to make the original RFL tomorrow morning, except for the cacao butter, which im subbing for grass-fed cows butter atm b/c i want to keep the Butyrate content of cows butter for its weightloss and anti-inflammatory potential. If i decide to eliminate dairy for a while, like i was considering, i'll definitely go with the cacao butter, but i think right now its an unnecessary expense when it has less obvious benefits to me than regular butter.

    Im wondering what the difference between hydrolized collagen and protein powder is? Theyre both protein/amino-acids arent they?
    Im still concerned about adding the collagen to my BPC/RFL because lack of carbs and protein is what keeps your body in a fasted state, so surely adding collagen (protein) would undo these benefits of BPC?
    I'll try it anyway (its a HUGE tub of collagen to get through) but im really concerned it will slow down weightloss as opposed to just using butter, coconut oil and hemp/chia.?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My Hydrolized Collagen (gelatin) arrived today too, so i have everything to make the original RFL tomorrow morning, except for the cacao butter, which im subbing for grass-fed cows butter atm b/c i want to keep the Butyrate content of cows butter for its weightloss and anti-inflammatory potential. If i decide to eliminate dairy for a while, like i was considering, i'll definitely go with the cacao butter, but i think right now its an unnecessary expense when it has less obvious benefits to me than regular butter.

    Im wondering what the difference between hydrolized collagen and protein powder is? Theyre both protein/amino-acids arent they?
    Im still concerned about adding the collagen to my BPC/RFL because lack of carbs and protein is what keeps your body in a fasted state, so surely adding collagen (protein) would undo these benefits of BPC?
    I'll try it anyway (its a HUGE tub of collagen to get through) but im really concerned it will slow down weightloss as opposed to just using butter, coconut oil and hemp/chia.?

    I strongly recommend watching the creator's video about Rocket Fuel Lattes and why it works... it explains so much!
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    Sk8Kate wrote: »
    My hemp hearts arrive tomorrow. Can't wait to try rocket fuel again. Think I will leave out gelatin first time, see how it goes. The chia seeds seem to make my colitis act up, will hemp hearts do the same? Also, any cosmetic products with hemp in seem to irritate my face. Raw as opposed to processed shouldn't bother me I'm hoping.

    I would try just a small teaspoon on its own to test, with NO OTHER diet changes.
    I don't have colitis and I'm not a doctor...Google suggests that people with colitis and crohns can still have wonderfully nutritious seeds as long as they are ground up. Ask your doctor / nutritionist if you want to be careful.
    Since I put my hemp hearts in a blender, they are thoroughly pulverized into creamy goodness.

  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks @Teneko. Chia seeds don't grind up very well, but figured the hemp hearts would. What do you think about 1/2 butter & 1/2 cacao butter? Still get chocolate smell/flavour with goodness (butyrate) of butter.
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    Only one way to find out...
    Try it and see! :smile:

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Sk8Kate wrote: »
    Thanks @Teneko. Chia seeds don't grind up very well, but figured the hemp hearts would. What do you think about 1/2 butter & 1/2 cacao butter? Still get chocolate smell/flavour with goodness (butyrate) of butter.

    I think that would be a good compromise. You could always add in a 1/2 tsp raw cacao powder to amplify the chocolatey flavor if that's what you're fancying.

    I did the full Rocket Fuel Latte recipe this morning, using the hemp hearts, MCT Oil & collagen, subbing butter for cacao butter. It tasted nice & so far my satiation and energy levels are much higher than yesterday (where i had the BPC with 2 tbsp cream added). This could be a coincidence, so i'm going to keep trying all the BPC & RFL recipes, plus some concoctions of my own, on a daily basis for breakfast until i can come to a definitive answer as to which version a) satiates the longest b) gives the most energy c) aids most weightloss

    In my magic bullet knockoff the hemp hearts ground down a lot better than the chia seeds, but there were a few little gritty bits at the bottom of my cup. Could just be my blender though.

    So far its now 12noon and im not yet hungry, so satiation-wise RFL are way better imo than BPC. But im still very concerned about the protein content negating the benefits of this kind of drink, ie taking you out of the fasted state.