Had my RNY today!

rnin02 Posts: 20 Member
So far so good, I feel like I did a million situps but nothing really crazy painful. The pain medicine is nice though:) I'm crazy thirsty and looking forward to getting my upper GI over with so I can start sipping tomorrow. Just had to share as I'm passing the time till my next dose of pain medicine in about 15 minutes.


  • Keikix3
    Keikix3 Posts: 42 Member
    Keep posting! I want to hear everything as I am having mine in late August. Enjoy the high :)
  • rnin02
    rnin02 Posts: 20 Member
    So far so good, 16 hours in:) I may die of thirst and this floor is super loud with the alarms and the employees talking a lot, so I haven't slept well. Pain is manageable so far and I haven't been hit with bad gas pain yet. Yet lol. My biggest issue is that I haven't been able to pee a lot but they finally told the dr who ordered a bolus of IV fluids so I think that will help a lot. I'm looking forward to them letting me walk around by myself and in the halls soon. For whatever reason my nurse didn't let me get further than my bathroom last night. I anticipated being able to walk in the hallway so that was a bit puzzling. Upper GI in a bit and then hopefully sipping some liquids!
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    Glad to hear you're recovering well. They'll have you walking out there in no time, I'm sure.
  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    maybe they think you're enjoying the pain meds too much to walk very far. pain meds can affect you balance, which would cause problems walking (think being drunk). once the IV fluids start your output should increase, you don't have much output now because if you couldn't drink anything from midnight prior to your surgery and without intaking fluids during the day of surgery, you don't have anything to output. once the IVs start and they let you have liquids, make sure there is a clear path between your hospital bed and the bathroom
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    Oh wow, this is great. Keep up with the updates.
    I've got 20 days until I go in. Reading this helps with the apprehension.
  • rnin02
    rnin02 Posts: 20 Member
    Well apparently I was allowed to get out of bed and walk over night, but my night nurse didn't really mention that. I've been walking around quite a bit this afternoon and it helps with the discomfort. Definitely have some gas building up in there since I've started "eating". My urine output still isn't wonderful but it's better. My room is at the noisest part of the unit which stinks. Right by the nurses station and the central monitor. Sleep was hard. They are letting me go ahead and go home tonight thankfully! There's really nothing they are doing for me that I can't do at home, except the IV fluids. I'm tolerating water very well, and broth, so I'm happy.
  • rnin02
    rnin02 Posts: 20 Member
    So an update after being home for about 12 hours. Despite the loudness and general "yuck I'm in the hospital feeling " the hospital had some advantages lol! Namely rails on the bed and a taller toilet. Much easier to maneuver. If I could go back in time I would have been doing lots and lots of leg exercises, squats, etc because having super strong legs right now and sparing abs would feel so much better. I'm slowly sipping my morning protein and it seems to be going down ok so far.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    Congrats on the surgery and getting to go home. The first shower I had was the best part and you do definitely sleep better at home when there isn't someone poking you with a needle or taking your BP and temp every couple of hours.
  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    glad to hear everything went well and that you're home. i agree with hockey7fan, that first shower will make you feel better. and sleeping at home is always better. if you have discomfort sleeping flat in your own bed, try sleeping in a recliner, it helps
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    Congrats!!! Welcome home, sleeping in a semi upright position for a few nights will definitely help and that first shower is pure HEAVEN! In less than a week all this discomfort will be behind you....welcome to your new life <3 it's an amazing journey!
  • rnin02
    rnin02 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you all for the well wishes. I'm holding you to that week thing lol! I wish we had a recliner for me to sleep in, that would definitely be easier than my bed.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    So here we are! Our surgeries behind us. Mine was Monday so we're in the same roller coaster. The advice to walk and sip as much as possible is dead on. My only real pain is in my abdomen and across the middle of my back for some reason. I tried some warm cream soup thinned with water and the warm liquid felt better than the ice water I've been sipping. I also found that yogurt works well to break any medicine capsules into. It really hides thevbad taste. Just use a couple of teaspoons and thin it a bit.
    Looking forward to getting back to real liDr soon. Good luck with your recovery. We have a lot of great things to look forward to!
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    I'm not sure if it's the same for RNY as with VGS, but keep in mind that with your bladder still waking up post-op, you may spend a week or two eliminating the IV fluids (and all the ones you're drinking) from your body. Don't be disappointed if you don't immediately start losing until those fluids work their way on out.
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    rnin02 wrote: »
    Thank you all for the well wishes. I'm holding you to that week thing lol! I wish we had a recliner for me to sleep in, that would definitely be easier than my bed.

    I don't have a recliner either, I propped pillows on my couch and found that laying on my right side was the easiest. And within less a week you will find it easier to get up and down, promise :)
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    RENAEJAE wrote: »
    So here we are! Our surgeries behind us. Mine was Monday so we're in the same roller coaster. The advice to walk and sip as much as possible is dead on. My only real pain is in my abdomen and across the middle of my back for some reason. I tried some warm cream soup thinned with water and the warm liquid felt better than the ice water I've been sipping. I also found that yogurt works well to break any medicine capsules into. It really hides thevbad taste. Just use a couple of teaspoons and thin it a bit.
    Looking forward to getting back to real liDr soon. Good luck with your recovery. We have a lot of great things to look forward to!

    Best wishes on your recovery too! Sounds like you are doing FABULOUS!!! Keep getting those liquids in and masking the meds is probably the hardest lol (ewww). Doing great, I saw your loss on the newsfeed! Wow!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Congrats to both rnin02 and Renaejae! Great things are happening!
  • gaining_while_losing
    gaining_while_losing Posts: 96 Member
    Hope all is going well for you!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Min02.- How disgusting are all the food commercials right now!
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    Ha ha ha! I was addicted to Food Network for a month straight...watched nothing else!
  • rnin02
    rnin02 Posts: 20 Member
    RENAEJAE wrote: »
    Min02.- How disgusting are all the food commercials right now!

    I haven't been hungry, like at all. My husband and son stopped and bought a pizza on our way home from the hospital and I was just like, eh, I'm happy with my water. So bizarre.

    I figured out a way to prop up a million pillows in my bed so I'm essentially sitting upright when I sleep. It's not that bad and makes getting up a lot easier. I can't wait for the abdominal swelling to go down some, I think the pressure of that against the incisions is what hurts the most.