How much weight have you lost?



  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    8 lbs in 5 days! Just started on Sunday and have a huge water retention problem. I did this WOE before and lost 98 lbs in 10 months.
  • JustMe2C
    JustMe2C Posts: 101 Member
    Congrats on everyone's successes!

    I've lost 16 lbs. in about 1 1/2 months. My net carbs are 20 or less/day.
  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    20 lbs in 5 months (my latest round of weight loss). CICO on first month. Started lowering carbs on second month to 125-150g/day. Starting 1 month ago, lowered carbs to 75-100g/day. My weight loss is
    starting to slow down. I guess I need to lower my carbs again...?
  • Healthymom_5
    Healthymom_5 Posts: 244 Member
    Congrats on 30 pounds Tina4kids!! ( I'm " Dawn5kids", btw :)). I'm another " nothing impressive" loss at 10 lbs since late February ( and 10 more pounds the year before that). But my even bigger success is gaining complete control over my eating! LC has helped me put ME in charge of my eating. I've also lowered my fasting blood sugar nearly 10 points.
  • Healthymom_5
    Healthymom_5 Posts: 244 Member
    Oh, and I'm average 30g/day
  • tinacristina
    tinacristina Posts: 41 Member
    It's great to hear everyone's success stories. I just started so I have nothing to share.

    I've been reading where some people have more success when they reduce their calories yet others dont.

    Can you guys share your calories too? I'm curious because it feels so strange to eat so much fat. I really rather lose faster than a pound of week too. I know I peed a lot last night. I'm on day 2.
  • Astharteea
    Astharteea Posts: 105 Member
    I am one of those people that lose weight faster if I lower my calories to 750 -1000 a day and keep it at no more than 25 grams of carbs. The problem is it took me a few months while I experimented with things to see what works and what doesn't for me. In these few months I went up and down 8-10 lbs. Now since I know what works for me I hope to keep losing and never gain more than 1-2 lbs every time I cheat.

    IF and one meal a day ( 23 hours fast with 1 hour eating window) also works for me, but I still have to keep it under 1000 calories. When I do one meal a day, I can't eat more than 800 calories and even those are forced since I feel stuffed after.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    I eat anywhere from 1200 to 1900 calories a day. If I'm hungry, I eat (up to 1900) and if I am not hungry i dont eat.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited June 2015
    I end up naturally eating around 1200-1400 per day, with gusts up to 2800. I'm not trying to restrict it in any way.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Congrats to everyone in finding success with your healthier diet!
    I am about 6 weeks in and am down 11.2lbs. My goal is another 23lbs.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I try to eat 1000 calories but usually struggle to reach 800.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    127 lbs yesterday. Pic from yesterday

    A waist !!


  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    31lb since getting back on track at the end of April, 18lb of that since starting keto on May 25.
    I only pay attention to net carbs and I've averaging 13g there, with the lowest day being 3g and the highest 31g.
  • gerrielips
    gerrielips Posts: 180 Member
    30 pounds since February! Lower carbs, sorta calorie counting, but going for mainly unprocessed foods, no sweets, no junk stuff. Just trying to change my behavior toward food and added exercise. Glacial progress, but progress nevertheless. 30 more pounds to go. Bought a few clothes at chicos today. Pants size went from 3 to 2. I'm ecstatic.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Began LCHF Feb 1…on May 30 I was down 26 pounds… in the middle I switched to a plant-based, no meat low protein Low Carb diet due to a serious kidney issue …I did some research and now ammend my LP nutrition with essential amino acids meant for kidney patients, plus a liquid magnesium- ReMag that has made significant difference in my BG and eliminated leg cramping altogether. I was FBG>107 all the time up to 130.…and am now at 87 most of the time, except after meals of course…so a big health difference!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    I'm 60 odd days in with 14/15 lb loss. I stay at <16g carbs and around 1300 calories. Don't stress too much anymore if over on the calories.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    My MFP says 23, but I've lost forty overall. Main goal: getting off diabetes meds. Status: ACCOMPLISHED! Normal a1c.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Yay jessicaroberts! That is huge!!

    11 lbs in 10 days - just started
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    My MFP says 23, but I've lost forty overall. Main goal: getting off diabetes meds. Status: ACCOMPLISHED! Normal a1c.

    Best of all! I'm still working toward that--and other improvements in health. Will be going to doc on Monday, and I'm using the weight on his scale since I think my old scale has seen its better days. Will post weight on Monday.

    Congrats! I'll be joining you in abandoning diabetes meds soon.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Today I crossed the 70 pounds lost mark. I've essentially been losing 1kg a week (32 kg) since I started last September, with a couple of pauses in the mix or time-outs for seasonal factors. Last Christmas was the first season in memory where I didn't put on a single ounce. In theory I have 35 pounds left to go but will evaluate that in the months to come based on how I feel and look.