Sensational Summer Exercise Challenge, Mon Jun 8 to Aug 16 (70 days) - Join Anytime



  • mrs17alvarez
    mrs17alvarez Posts: 297 Member
    6/21 - 32 minutes Not much exercise today, but tomorrow is a new day and I should have some pep back in my step.

  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi everyone!

    I'm in for this exercise challenge and will go back and add up what I've done since Jun 8th. I schedule my work-outs in my calendar, so can capture the information for the entire challenge.


    Hi Mary :), glad you decided to join this challenge!! I know this helps me so much to get motivated and to stay on track with my moving around and whatnot lol. Of course I have to keep Flo on her toes so she can't run away haha.

    6/21 - 32 minutes Not much exercise today, but tomorrow is a new day and I should have some pep back in my step.

    Even though it may was not a lot exercise BUT you decided to exercise and you did over 30 minutes.....I take that any day and you are right tomorrow is a brand new day :).

    As of for me uhhh it was a filled day....took my hubby shopping for a new grill and god he loves it lol...while we were at it we bought a new shed did walking there...then the adventure started to put that shed together...All I can say GOOD need a college degree to figure that one did lots of moving around for almost 4 hours..while my hubby and son tried to figure out some wall panels and how to put them together I decided to get some gardening done ...multi tasking at it's best lol..Fitbit gave me over 10000 steps for today \o/. And to add to that god I was hurting this morning but I think the moving around helped to feel less of the pain ..not sure if that even makes sense lol.

    Soooo to add that....(peeking at Ms. Flo's numbers up there....sigh, didn't catch her ......but I am getting closer lol)



  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    You wore me out describing your day, Sue. Great job!

  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    edited June 2015
    You wore me out describing your day, Sue. Great job!

    Lol, I was done that night I tell ya...fell to bed like a stone....sooo waking up this morning wasn't great as I missed one little detail last night.....all the mosquitos O.O....omg they tore me up sigh :(. However, it will get better I am sure....note to myself ...take spray with me next time to protect myself..not sure what I was thinking....

    Today I slowed down with my exercise but managed to put in an hour. It was a typical Monday at work so I wasn't too motivated lol but I stayed 100% on my meal plan ....tomorrow is a brand new day.

    I hope ya'll are doing well and had a great day!



  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Mosquitoes love NS foods, too, ya know, Sue? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I wasn't moving like I wanted today either. Just way too hot to do any dedicated walking for any length of time.

    80 minutes 6/22


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  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    Thanks, Sue, and the challenge definitely helps with consistency. Although I don't have difficulty regularly exercising, I could always do more as an accountant that sits at a desk all day.

    Total # of minutes stayed the same from the cancelled Jazzercise class yesterday... Did get one in this evening instead of yoga...

    6/22 - Jazzercise (60 minutes)



  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Great job with the Jazzercise, Mary.
  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    Great job with the Jazzercise, Mary.

    Thanks, Flo! :)
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Mosquitoes love NS foods, too, ya know, Sue? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I wasn't moving like I wanted today either. Just way too hot to do any dedicated walking for any length of time.

    80 minutes 6/22

    Flo, first time I read your comment I busted out laughing and almost spit my water out lol. but you could have a point there cause hubby and kiddos have not been bothered that much by them evil little critters lol....right now medicated anti-itch spray is my best friend.....evil little mosquito critters lol.

    I hear ya with the heat. Even though it was just below 90 here the heat index was close to 100 degrees sigh.

    Thanks, Sue, and the challenge definitely helps with consistency. Although I don't have difficulty regularly exercising, I could always do more as an accountant that sits at a desk all day.

    Total # of minutes stayed the same from the cancelled Jazzercise class yesterday... Did get one in this evening instead of yoga...

    6/22 - Jazzercise (60 minutes)



    Mary, I think doing this with a group helps a lot as it keeps me on track to move you know? I used to be very inconsistent with exercises. I sit at a desk all day myself....working as a graphics designer doesn't give me much exercise.....I started to use half of my lunch break to move around either walk around in the building or outside if it's not too hot...then usually in the evenings I either go to the gym or I use my back yard as a moving ground but due to the mosquito attacks (yes, I call them that way lol) I avoid that part for a while at least in the evening.

    Nice workout on the Jazzercise. Sounds like a lot of fun :).

    Have a good night ya'll :)
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    100 minutes 6/23 and most in 104 degree heat index.


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  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Wow Flo...I hope you had enough water with you during that heat ....100 amaze me every day :).

    I will report mine later...hitting the gym :)
  • mrs17alvarez
    mrs17alvarez Posts: 297 Member
    Hi guys! Busy days at work this week so I can wrap things up before being on vacation next week.

    6/22 - 50 minutes
    6/23 - 68 minutes

    Today got some Leslie in, a little treadmill at lunch, and dancing this evening (figured dancing to The Wiggles with my little one is not only fun, but pretty good exercise too.) Got my 13k steps in which was good to see because I didn't hit that the last couple of days.

    Mary - great job with the jazzercise! Is that easy on the joints? I love my Leslie videos but would like to find another kind of program/video to mix things up some days.

    Flo - how do you do it? You are an exercise machine girl!!

    Sue - Sorry the mosquitos thought you were a sweet treat. Darn pests! :-( We usually have them terrible, but this year we hired Mosquito Squad to come every 2 weeks to spray a natural repellant. My toddler is over-sensitive to bug bites and gets baseball-size scabby welts when she gets a bite. We've been able to enjoy our outdoor space again and not have a single bite. Hope you had a good time at the gym!

    Roger - how are you feeling?

    Have a great night all!

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    suegen1 wrote: »
    Wow Flo...I hope you had enough water with you during that heat ....100 amaze me every day :).

    I will report mine later...hitting the gym :)

    Hey Sue. Oh, yes, I made sure I got enough water. I won't be doing that again, however, because it just didn't make me feel "right" afterwards. I spent the latter part of the afternoon just trying to compensate on how it made me feel.

    Hi guys! Busy days at work this week so I can wrap things up before being on vacation next week.

    6/22 - 50 minutes
    6/23 - 68 minutes

    Today got some Leslie in, a little treadmill at lunch, and dancing this evening (figured dancing to The Wiggles with my little one is not only fun, but pretty good exercise too.) Got my 13k steps in which was good to see because I didn't hit that the last couple of days.

    Flo - how do you do it? You are an exercise machine girl!!

    Have a great night all!


    Well, thank you, Amanda. I can honestly tell you that NO ONE has EVER said that about me. Made me feel good, ya know? I am proud of the fact that my refined eating plan has me getting out and moving every single day. :):)

    Great job on your minutes, too.

    And, you have a good night.



  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    edited June 2015
    6/23 - 60 minutes (Jazzercise)

    That's it for me for a couple of days... Going to see Hairspray tomorrow night and then meeting an old friend for dinner on Thursday. I'll get some walking in during the day but not intense enough to count it as exercise, at least the way I track it.

    Sue, I do the same thing with walking at work. Some days are better than others... Jazzercise is great fun and a good well-rounded workout with cardio, strength training, and stretching. Something I don't hate doing even though it can be hard...

    Flo, I cracked up about the mosquitos. They have always loved me too!!~ ;)

    Amanda, Jazzercise can be hard on your joints, but you can always adjust and make it low-impact. For example during the jumping moves, I'm power marching. I do handle the skipping well and squatting moves, but my knees are pretty good. I do avoid the ball; legs are too dang short. But I will do an alternative exercise that works same area and is just as effective. Doesn't really matter as long as you keep moving through the songs.

    Have a good night everyone!!!


  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Good morning all :), sorry for not posting last night but I was a tired girl....I crammed in 70 minutes of exercise yesterday which was a shower and hit to bed.....However, a happy dance moment for me to share with you guys:

    I bought some new jeans last week in a smaller size as mine currently got kinda loose and well I decided it was reward time to get below that magical 200 lbs. mark. Anyways, to make a long story short: they fit which makes it officially 3 whole dress sizes down since January 1st. I can't even remember when I was able to wear this size. Just figured I'd share it with you guys :)))))))))) yes I am smiling from top to bottom and from ear to ear haha.

    Flo, I can imagine that you felt worn out or how you said it "because it just didn't make me feel "right" afterwards". I hope you feel better this morning :). Still inspiring that you did it and worked through it and how you kick my butt in minutes lolol :).

    Amanda, oh wow sorry to hear that about your toddler. I know how these little critters got me so I can just imagine being overly sensitive to them. I am glad that you have somebody coming to help you with this issue. This year it is really bad because of all the rain this country received. I try not to go outside after like 4:30 in the afternoon as that is the time when they come out and get bad sigh. Nice work on your exercise :)!!!

    Mary, I am with you that some days are better than others and sadly the heat isn't helping but I put my time in during the day so i at least walk consistently 30 minutes at lunch.


  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    6/23 - 60 minutes (Jazzercise)

    That's it for me for a couple of days... Going to see Hairspray tomorrow night and then meeting an old friend for dinner on Thursday. I'll get some walking in during the day but not intense enough to count it as exercise, at least the way I track it.

    Amanda, Jazzercise can be hard on your joints, but you can always adjust and make it low-impact. For example during the jumping moves, I'm power marching. I do handle the skipping well and squatting moves, but my knees are pretty good. I do avoid the ball; legs are too dang short. But I will do an alternative exercise that works same area and is just as effective. Doesn't really matter as long as you keep moving through the songs.

    Have a great time tonight at Hairspray, Mary. I would love to see something like that.

    I remember doing jazzercise at the Church I belonged to years and years ago. Now, however, I just don't think I could even begin to try it. I'm trying Leslie DVDs and have to be really careful w/my knees.

    suegen1 wrote: »
    Good morning all :), sorry for not posting last night but I was a tired girl....I crammed in 70 minutes of exercise yesterday which was a shower and hit to bed.....However, a happy dance moment for me to share with you guys:

    I bought some new jeans last week in a smaller size as mine currently got kinda loose and well I decided it was reward time to get below that magical 200 lbs. mark. Anyways, to make a long story short: they fit which makes it officially 3 whole dress sizes down since January 1st. I can't even remember when I was able to wear this size. Just figured I'd share it with you guys :)))))))))) yes I am smiling from top to bottom and from ear to ear haha.

    Flo, I can imagine that you felt worn out or how you said it "because it just didn't make me feel "right" afterwards". I hope you feel better this morning :). Still inspiring that you did it and worked through it and how you kick my butt in minutes lolol :).

    Amanda, oh wow sorry to hear that about your toddler. I know how these little critters got me so I can just imagine being overly sensitive to them. I am glad that you have somebody coming to help you with this issue. This year it is really bad because of all the rain this country received. I try not to go outside after like 4:30 in the afternoon as that is the time when they come out and get bad sigh. Nice work on your exercise :)!!!

    Mary, I am with you that some days are better than others and sadly the heat isn't helping but I put my time in during the day so i at least walk consistently 30 minutes at lunch.


    I'm smiling for you, Sue. I know exactly how you feel. A wonderful sense of accomplishment and pride. Makes you want to persevere and you (I) will. :)

    After a not-so-good night's sleep, felt off early on this a.m., but had to work through it for had class all day long. I did o.k. though. I was able to eat OP, stay hydrated, walk a little (in doors), and now I'm going to just chill the remainder of the evening until bed time.

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    140 minutes 6/24

    Walked 2.1 miles INDOORS and had lots of activity in class plus walking upstairs.


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  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Wow Flo :) nicely done!!!! I got a whole hour done of walking.....not my best performance but I was moving.....I should count my happy dance from this morning lol.....but seriously.... 6/24 60 minutes


  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Yes, a Happy Dance should qualify, Sue. :)

    I'll have a repeat from yesterday, but not as long of a day. Should be home around 1ish and I am NOT gonna venture back out in the heat. LOL!

    You all have a great Thursday.
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    110 minutes 6/25


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