newbie here

janeh1959 Posts: 11 Member
Hello I am new to this group I am 55 and I have a lot of health issues that make it hard for me to lose weight as I am not very mobile, look forward to chatting with you all x


  • kim1546
    kim1546 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there. Welcome! Glad to offer support!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Welcome. Just do what you can.
  • janeh1959
    janeh1959 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks I am just taking it one day at a time x
  • mommobile96
    mommobile96 Posts: 13 Member
    I have lower back issues so there are days when I cant do more than what needs to be done. Count even the little steps you can take as a successful day. Every mountain climber will tell you it all started with one step. Have a great monday!
  • AutumnG660
    AutumnG660 Posts: 14 Member
    This sounds like me. I got pretty broken up in a car accident when I was in my early twenties, so I have to be careful of my back. I began by doing exercises sitting in a chair because of painful arthritis in my knees. I have other health issues as well, so I take things slow and easy and just do what I can on any given day. I have 28 pounds more to lose and they don't seem to want to budge, lol! We can do this! Look forward to chatting with you. :smiley:
  • kirstyvdk1
    kirstyvdk1 Posts: 17 Member
    I can relate! I have arthritis in my right knee which makes exercise difficult. I love to exercise and I am trying to lose weight to see if I can delay a knee replacement. I agree that you just do whatever you can manage - something is always better than nothing! Food is 80% of the equation anyway.
  • QoLmatters
    QoLmatters Posts: 708 Member
    Just found this group - 54 with health issues affecting my ability to exercise. Right now I am concentrating on sticking to my diet in hope on getting my hypertension under control and loosing enough that I can use a treadmill without injuring my knees.
    Trying to keep positive and maybe find some friends along the way. :)
  • jenandroxie
    jenandroxie Posts: 17 Member
    Love all the posts. I am 58 and have never felt worse. I can list some of my ailments but I don't think it matters at this point. I have gotten here by self indulging, eating to ease the pain or discomfort. It has only made my problems worse. Never thought I would be in this condition. But I am and sick of myself.
    I still feel 30 inside but the mirror tells a very different story.
    I always feel hope with a new year! It marks time and is an inspiration for change and a better lifestyle.
    Who wants to join me in no more excuses? We only have to start with small steps for positive changes. When we start to feel better, we will continue in the right direction to make this abetted year than last.
    Let's GO!!
  • jenandroxie
    jenandroxie Posts: 17 Member
    A better NEW year
  • nmcknny
    nmcknny Posts: 479 Member
    I'm new here, too. Just joined. A group I've been with for a year just closed; a few of us were active but the group owner gave it up.

    I'm over 50 :D but I hate getting older. I'm healthier than ever because I've lost weight. I can't seem to get back to exercising, though.
  • Sapphires4me
    Sapphires4me Posts: 93 Member
    Hello everyone. Over 50 and ready to get back in shape. Put it aside for couple years and of course the weight has crept up and now I need to lose about 35 pounds. Ready to add new friends and get serious. Add me if anyone needs more friends
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I'm not new. I joined 2 1/2 years ago and lost almost 50 pounds. Somehow I have been falling off the wagon for months and have gained 10 pounds back. Not happy.
  • valj55
    valj55 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, this sounds like an awesome group. And if anyone would like they can add me. Let's support each other.
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    I am fairly new to the community boards. I lost 38 pounds 3 years ago, then gained it back after we moved and circumstances changed. I have now lost 23 of that again and have 70 to go to be at goal weight. I have arthritis in my hands and feet and for a couple of reasons cannot do any impact exercise. That said, I have found several ways to exercise around my challenges. I will reach goal and maintain! We can do this!!!!
  • FitMeBetter
    FitMeBetter Posts: 64 Member
    Hey there! I guess we are pals in both groups. This is all new to me, too, but there are some amazing people on MFP. I'll cheer you on!