Lapsed but back now!

I have a confession. I stopped tracking because I thought I was doing well and could manage. My weight loss stopped. So I am back. I need to track to do this. I need to exercise more. I need the support of my peers to keep me on trrack. And I am sorry I wasn't here to be a support to others. Surgery is hard and scary, and I shouldn't have gotten cocky. I realize now I will need to do this to be successful and help others.....


  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    welcome back Brenda. since you're back, you have reached the same decision I did about joining in the first place, that of not being able to do it by yourself. I was hesitant about joining in the first place cause I don't really "share" with others. But I came to realize that I needed help too, so here I am. now about you, get back to the basics, log everything you eat and drink, get your protien and exercise. As far as exercise goes, you really don't need any special equipment to start, just a pair of shoes, walking is a good exercise. just remember, all of us are here for the same basic reason, to lose weight and get a healthier lifestyle.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    The important thing is you realized where your error was and are correcting it! Now you are back on the right path. Your post is a good reminder to me of what can happen if I am not paying enough attention.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Welcome back!
  • kchaki
    kchaki Posts: 75 Member
    Glad you're back. I haven't been doing very well either and need to be logging every day! Our peers are great supporters, so you'll definitely get some great support here! You can do this...we can do this!
  • dzoerner
    dzoerner Posts: 33 Member
    You have the right idea to correct your mistake. We work too hard to slack up in our resolve. Everyone that I have heard that is successful, says they had to go back to the basics. I hope not to lose my resolve. I wish the same for you.
  • TryingTeresa
    TryingTeresa Posts: 54 Member
    Hey Brenda,
    I did the same thing. I stopped tracking a few months ago. Stood on the scale yesterday evening and it was bad!! I'm back also because even after 2 years, I can't lose weight without really working at it - logging my food, counting calories & protein, exercising, water.... Welcome back - let's continue this journey together!
  • romyker
    romyker Posts: 9 Member
    Me too! I started tracking again recently and, being honest with my food diary, I realized I was grazing and snacking too many calories into my day. It's definitely a slippery slope and I definitely don't want to be back where I started.
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    Welcome back - I love learning from all of you, thank you for your candid honesty and sharing with of us, we are here for you! Being just 12 weeks out I know where to look in my future, it's a lifestyle we hear it a million times - but we are also human <3 we can all do this together!