Share a Good Eating Habit

Sometimes I think I foget to be grateful for the good diet habits I already have. Maybe you guys do too, so I thought it would be encouraging (for you to share and for us to read) about a habit you are proud of.

I'll go first:
So probably the ONLY good habit I have that requires no thought or effort is that I do not eat ANYTHING after dinner. There's some kind of trigger about dinner that tells me I am just done eating for the day. Maybe my parents taught me that? Not sure, just glad I have it!

What about you guys out there? Whether its an ingrained habit or a newly-learned one, whatchya got?


  • patty7006
    patty7006 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi. Thanks for sharing. My newly made habit is no more diet soda and lots of water. I use to consume diet soda all day long and now cannot stand the taste of it.
  • kristinareisinger
    kristinareisinger Posts: 37 Member
    Aw, man. I LOVE diet soda! That would be hard for me to give up completely. I did start drinking seltzer instead. Kudos to you!
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    Mineral water with lime or lemon...also the La Croix flavored sparkling water in cans are great. I was getting a large fountain diet coke at least not good for me...haven't had one in >1 month.

    Smoothies are a great 'treat' current favorite is Blueberries [1 cup frozen] Cherries [1/2 cup frozen] 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder, 1/2 T coconut oil, chia seeds 1 tsp, 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk [blue diamond has 30 calories]. = 362 can lessen calories by using 1 cup total fruit, 1/2 milk 1/2 water, etc.

    I either have between breakfast and lunch if I've worked out super hard and am starving... or between lunch and dinner when I typically get snack attacks...
  • Anyabean17
    Anyabean17 Posts: 27 Member
    I find it pretty easy to eat a salad every day for lunch. Sometimes I get bored with it, but it is my habit to eat a salad each weekday for lunch-- homemade. Biggest help? Bacon pieces. Not even a teaspoon but adds so much flavor. I always try to add a protein with it... Frozen grilled chicken, half can of tuna plain, or even a half cup of low fat cottage cheese. This one habit has made a huge difference in how I feel!
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I eat my protein each meal first. That usually gets my fats in mostly too. Then I fill in with veggies/fruit and carbs. I'm mostly full that way and get all my whole foods in, then I can "play" with anything left and have a sweet or snacky item of some sort or even more protein if it's a hungrier day (I'm very hungry the day after hiking or a lot of strength training).

    If I crave something, I let myself have it. The amount I eat of that item depends on how many calories it has as well as how many calories I have to use.

    I've logged 153 days doing it this way and I haven't felt deprived or starving.
  • kristinareisinger
    kristinareisinger Posts: 37 Member
    I am trying to eat a salad at work everyday too! It's a HUGE salad but hey, spinach and spring mix help me feel full and Tyson pre-cubed chicken helps me stay full!
    And I love the idea of eating protein first! So smart. I'm am growing in my awareness of what is healthier for me through MFP and I realize a handful of almonds may be more fat and calories, but the protein will keep me going much longer than a banana will.
    I love reading these ideas - I hope more people kerp adding!
  • mtdang
    mtdang Posts: 35 Member
    I keep decaf chai tea at work so if I want something kind of sweet I try that first before hitting the co-worker's chocolate stash
  • tlfoth
    tlfoth Posts: 16 Member
    For dinner I eat a salad first and I don't have sides like mac n cheese or mash potatoes. It's usually salad and then the meat.
  • BusyB223
    BusyB223 Posts: 248 Member
    I have started eating my salads after my meals not before. I love them so I won't pass on it.

    Also sticking with serving sizes has changed the way I eat as well.
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    at this point i only drink water or tea with stevia in the raw... haven't had a soda (other than seltzer water) since May 25th!
  • TomfromNY
    TomfromNY Posts: 100 Member
    I'm doing low carb so here are a few good habits that are helping me

    - Make sure I eat breakfast - eggs and bacon or sausage
    - Have a big salad with chicken for lunch
    - If I've worked out a lot, in the afternoon have a couple of McDonalds double cheeseburgers or hot dogs without the bun or ketchup
    - Eat lots of veg with butter at dinner, along with fish or meat
    - After dinner snack of yogurt, nuts, and/or super-dark chocolate (90% cocoa). Or on days where I haven't eaten enough fat and have had enough protein, make a fat-shake with 8oz almond milk, 4 oz. heavy cream, and a half cup of frozen raspberries
  • kristinareisinger
    kristinareisinger Posts: 37 Member
    So I feel like you guys have been sharing a lot of similar ideas:
    No artificial sweetners (like in diet soda)
    More water (even if it is seltzer)
    More salads with protein
    More careful, wise, and disciplined choices esp. re. carbs, protein, and serving size, and what we eat first

    I love it! I love how we all would agree on these basics (probably) but we all tweak these general guidelines in unique and personalized ways to suit our lifestyles and preferences.

    What else are people doing that makes them feel proud about a good eating habit?
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I never eat cakes, biscuits or sweets at work. My workmates are envious of my willpower. And I don't make up for it at home! Just the occasional dessert or treat.

    I gave up soda/softdrink completely this year. I absolutely LOVE sparkling mineral water, and it's cheap, too!
  • kristinareisinger
    kristinareisinger Posts: 37 Member
    Dear @Orphia
    First I LOVE your profile pic!
    Second I love your discipline. I have huge amounts of discipline - until I don't.

    It's tricky to manage those weak times and come out still being/ feeling okay with yourself.
  • Charliegottheruns
    Charliegottheruns Posts: 287 Member
    I determine how much to eat by how much I want to exercise. In-other-words, I never sacrifice performance because of lack of nutrition. I meet my goals and the weight takes care of it's self.
  • Jad31te
    Jad31te Posts: 73 Member
    No pop or candy for me, I am particularly fond of chicken wraps at lunch time, I make them myself and they are healthy, but I saw an idea recently that I am going to try, instead of using a tortilla I am going to use a big piece of romaine lettuce. Mustard is now my contentment of choice when I need one, nearly no calories in mustard.
  • Schnootie
    Schnootie Posts: 173 Member
    There are some great tips here!! I make sure to always have almonds/walnuts on hand. Just an ounce added to a salad, or as a snack helps to keep me fuller longer. And they provide a ton of great nutritional value. Trick is just to measure them out, so you don't add too many calories. For lunch, I love to have sliced apples with a Tablespoon of organic peanut butter or almond butter. Very satisfying for people with a sweet tooth!
  • rmitchell239
    rmitchell239 Posts: 125 Member
    I eat my protein each meal first. That usually gets my fats in mostly too. Then I fill in with veggies/fruit and carbs. I'm mostly full that way and get all my whole foods in, then I can "play" with anything left and have a sweet or snacky item of some sort or even more protein if it's a hungrier day (I'm very hungry the day after hiking or a lot of strength training).

    If I crave something, I let myself have it. The amount I eat of that item depends on how many calories it has as well as how many calories I have to use.

    I've logged 153 days doing it this way and I haven't felt deprived or starving.

    Great post!
  • rmitchell239
    rmitchell239 Posts: 125 Member
    This may be really simple but drink a HUGE glass of water before eating dinner. It really cuts down the cravings and portion sizes of what used to be my highest calorie meal.
  • kristinareisinger
    kristinareisinger Posts: 37 Member
    I am trying to follow the "rule" of eating bigger meals earlier in the day.
    "Eat like a king for breakfast, a farmer for lunch, and a peasant for dinner."
    Breakfast is hard cause I'm always rushing so I usually do a protein bar and banana.
    But lunch! YEAH BOY!
    The lunch I have packed for tomorrow has 600 calories in it already and I'm not sure that's all I am eating yet!
    Anyone else trying to switch the amounts of their meals around?