Looking for gay male MFP weightloss pals



  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    where were you born?
    Pueblo, Colorado

    where do you live at the moment?
    Kansas city Missouri

    where else have you lived?
    what is your current occupation?
    Librarian :smiley:

    Tell us any 3 things about yourself:

    1. Recently single.
    2. I have 2 cats.
    3. trying to get a six pack.
  • dracolucas
    dracolucas Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 19 soon to be 20, if that's no problem feel free to add me. I know sometimes people don't want to be friends with someone way older or way younger than them.
  • PMSmith775
    PMSmith775 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, I'm 27 and 28 sooner than I know it! I am looking for some supportive men on here to become friends with while we are on our journey. I've only just restarted using MFP within the past few weeks and feel a bit new at somethings. I look forward to meeting ya'll!

  • jayheyjay
    jayheyjay Posts: 16 Member
    Just started to eat healthy. Want to lose some weight for summer and have clothes fit better :)
    Would love more friends on here :)
  • teddytaniwha
    teddytaniwha Posts: 12 Member
    Hi fellas. Bloke in NZ here. Sounds like you're all doing well. Can I join in?
  • JoeyFrappuccino
    JoeyFrappuccino Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, I'm knew here too. Groups on this website are super hard to find, I can't believe there's no search function! I've been using mfp for over a year but I could use some more friends looking to get healthier too!
  • schneizilla
    schneizilla Posts: 66 Member
    Groups on this website are super hard to find, I can't believe there's no search function!
    omg yes...so true! And welcome in this group Joey :)
  • acstl
    acstl Posts: 32 Member
    New here also. I agree, Schneizilla.....I started going through the groups, but with almost 2,000 there needs to be a "search" function.
  • dtherio
    dtherio Posts: 11 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Portland, ME (the real Portland!)

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Dallas, Tx

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Moerfelden, Germany

    4. What is your current occupation?
    Computer geek
    What is your dream occupation?
    Something to do with live music and/or community theatre.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    1. Internationally published photographer
    2. Have visited 44 states and 15 countries.
    3. Lived in Germany for about 4 years.
    4. Love my dogs.
    5. Created the worlds first Bear dating website back in 1995. Ran it for 12 years.
  • jjkoba81
    jjkoba81 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey all! Recently found this group, pretty new to MFP determined to shape up and get healthy so looking for all the tips/motivation/support I can! I'm 33, live on the East Coast (US). Feel free to add me!
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    randreed wrote: »
    Northern New Jersey Area Anyone?

  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    MattyM87 wrote: »
    Oh hello =)

    Well hi!
  • brazcub
    brazcub Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm 31, living in Winthrop, WA USA. Currently at 202 lbs and working my way down to 185lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ryangomes71
    ryangomes71 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone, happy to be here. Working towards a healthier lifestyle. Live in Halifax, Nova Scotia :)
  • snowyjr75
    snowyjr75 Posts: 10 Member
    anyone for chat about weight loss, 57 yo male
  • billymcd
    billymcd Posts: 22 Member
    Greetings All

    1. Where were you born?
    Dhekalia, Cyprus

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Glasgow, Scotland

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands, Isle of Man, Blackpool, England

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    I work for the Government...Dream occupation...hhhhhmmm...would like to win the Lotto so don't have to have any occupation at all!

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    Quiet shy
    Love to travel and explore
    Have 2 Miniature Pinscher dogs (Sam and Ginger)
    Love the 80's & 90's music...In fact have a very eclectic music taste
    Chose friends carefully and bear grudges for centuries....lol

    Feel free to add me and share some banter, quips and ups/down's of this MFP journey :smile:


  • snowyjr75
    snowyjr75 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Billy, Enjoyed reading about you. i have lost 180 pounds in the last two years. no surgery. came to mfp for some added support in keeping the weight off.
  • ChefSchnauzer
    ChefSchnauzer Posts: 29 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Outside of Erie, PA

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Huntersville NC

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Up and down the east coast, lastly Juno Beach FL (and I'm going back sometime.)

    4. What is your current occupation?
    Business Owner

    What is your dream occupation?
    Multiple Business owner

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    1. Classically trained chef
    2. Was a pvt. chef in Palm Beach
    3. I rescue Miniature Schnauzers (25+ so far)
    4. Been a good friend of Bill W.s for a long time.
    5. Created the worlds first Bear dating website back in 1995. Ran it for 12 years.
    6. Down 16 pounds in June and love watching the numbers change.
  • therealpatrick
    therealpatrick Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. 10 months on MFP and still working through my many goals. I've lost a lot of weight, but now focusing on maintaining my new low body fat percentage while, hopefully adding some muscle mass through smart nutritional choices and resistance training. Also studying to be a personal trainer.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I enjoy the occasional chat and mutual support as we all work toward our own unique sets of goals.
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    Hi, 28 gay male , looking for more friends. Please add me!