What was your struggle today?



  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    Not eating the entire chocolate bar. The night is still young though. 0.0
  • therealpatrick
    therealpatrick Posts: 14 Member
    Cigarettes. Trying to quit, but still haven't cut them out completely. Working on tapering off gradually, but whenever I have a stressful moment I reflexively go to light up. I will succeed, but today was a struggle to make progress.
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    My biggest struggle today was that I spent the day sitting at my desk, writing a computer program... which invariably makes me crave m&m's or something else sweet to eat while I think.
  • fearthisfish42
    fearthisfish42 Posts: 26 Member
    My struggle today and the last few days is the lack of confidence that i have. I am staring to have doubts about my abilities even though I know i can do this and the tri.
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    My struggle today is keeping confident that another 30 day challenge is possible. I did the 30-45 min per day exercise in June, but July is 30 day ab challenge (i really want to look DIFFERENT on pride weekend (our pride is august 2) and though my partner and child SUPPORT me, I'm on my own for doing the work....