June/July 2015 Challenge ~~ Jun 29th - Jul 5th

cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
edited June 2015 in Social Groups
Stronger, Firmer - Faster

I borrowed this from Trainer Larysa DiDio and the new FIT in 10 DVD.

Perform the entire circuit twice. Do each move for 50 seconds, completing as many reps as possible without sacrificing form. Rest for 25 seconds after each exercise.

You'll need a pair of light dumbbells (they recommended 3 to 8 pounds), a chair, and a clock or stopwatch.

1 - Lunge with a Press

Stand w/feet staggered, left in front of right, holding 1 dumbbell in the right hand at shoulder height, Keeping weight on front heel, bend knees, lowering into lunge. Press up to standing again, extending right arm and pressing dumbbell overhead. Repeat for 25 seconds. Switch sides and repeat for another 25 seconds.

2 - Dip with a Kick

Sit on edge of chair with hands grasping seat. Slide butt off seat and bend elbows, lowering body until upper arms are nearly parallel to floor. Press up and extend left leg straight out, toes pointing to ceiling. Alternate with each rep.

3- Hip Bridge with a Crunch

Lie on back with knees bent and heels on chair seat. Place hands behind head. Engage core and squeeze glutes, lifting hips. Lower hips to the floor. Lift shoulders off floor, performing 1 crunch. That's 1 rep.

4 - Intermediate Crunch Extension

Lie on back with hands behind head, knees bent and over hips. Lift shoulders off floor, then extend and lower legs to a 45-degree angle. Slowly reverse move. That's 1 rep.

Let me know what you think.



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    Kathy thanks so much. I know you will find what it is you need to push ahead. Make a small change this week. And stick with it the entire month. Park farther away. Or make a food change. You decide, and please tell me what you chose. :drinker:

    Paula, really? You really should not surf. No really, no surfing. Now try and suck it up butterfly and work on your balance. :laugh:

    And Chris, tsk tsk. Shame on you for over indulging all weekend. I did also, oops! :blush: Ok we have two days to end this month lower than we started! Let's do this. :drinker:

    Brett is still recovering. Actually I think he made a complete recovery. Just do not want to jinx it. :wink:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    Chris it is time for our last chance workouts. Got up early and did Jillian Michaels 30 minute shred. Let's go, chop chop. :laugh:

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    On my way out the door with DH for a walk. No Bean this morning...we wore him out at the beach this weekend! I'm set to do KCM Slim Sculpting and get on the bike. I have to get 40 miles between today and tomorrow to complete my walking challenge...I've been such a slug this month!

    Chop chopping it!!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    Lol, I was a slug some days. Others not so bad. But better than last month I think. :) A KCM workout is a perfect way to start after warming up with a walk with DH. :smile:

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Working on it!! Got 5.5 miles done w/DH in just under two hours. Just finished KCM's killer kettlebell workout DVD. Muscles shaking all over! Still thinking the best way to get another 15 miles done today.

    Hope you are all having a terrific Monday!

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Hello ladies ☺. Been keeping up with my steps and still loving my new job. doing some kettle bell but must admit I have been a slacker. Vacation in 30 days so I must lose it necause I refuse to buy new bigger shorts.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Hey, Lynnette! Glad to see you!

    Okay, I got 7.37 miles walking, then KCM's Kettlebell workout and then 13.21 miles on the recumbent bike!! I managed the 20 miles I needed today, so tomorrow I need a total of 15 miles which will give me 200 miles this month.

    I have a doc's appt July 20th (I think), and I have way too many pounds on this body. I don't want to get on that scale! Okay, got to stick to my plan. I have three weeks to make a dent.

    Going to make a smoothy now.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Chris, Lynnette & Shelley, You are so not slackers! You all put me to shame!!

    Now if you want to be a slacker and lose weight too, you should follow my plan: Being sick works wonders for your calorie intake!

    Lynnette, what are you doing at your new job? Curious. :smile:

    Up at 5:30, getting over flu, long workday: all excellent explanations for why I'm about to pass out.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    Lynette how are you? Vacation, fabulous. I know what you are saying. No bigger size!

    Chris I also hate the doc's scales! Ouch, and I forgot to look into that kettlebell routine by KCM. I must have it.

    Paula you are not a slug. Or a slacker, whatever. Now get better.

    Ok, sad day here. I could not find my miss Gilligan. She loves to eat. But nope, could not see fin nor tail of her. DH came home and helped me look. I thought she was eaten by the anemone. Then we saw her. Hiding behind George the anemone. WTH? Then the blue devil attacked her. Chased her relentlessly, biting her and running her into rocks. She has injuries. :sad: I hope she heals. Well two hours later I finally caught that blue devil! We took most of the rocks out, and lots of corals. I hope nothing dies. But that fish had to go. I was going to kill it fast with a large knife, but Rocky flushed it. That d##n fish is done picking on my little peaceful ones. I do feel a little bad for killing it, but when I think of the 3 fish I know it has terrorized, well not so much.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,263 Member
    Hi ladies, if you look up the word slacker in the dictionary you will find my picture. :/ I will get it together one day. Tennis practice tonight - 90 minutes.

    Thinking about buying an elliptical...but will I use it? I really miss my treadmill that finally died. I don't know I'm all over the place. We will see.


    Shelley sorry about Gillian. Hope she's all right.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    Kathy that is the million dollar question. I hear they are kinder to your knees. But if it is a treadmill you loved...........
    I looked up slackers. And there was our groups photo! :wink: I bet we can change that for the better. :smile: And thanks, I sure hope she is to. She has a bit of swelling on one side. But is eating. So I should know within a week or two.

    My new sump is here! And it looks ok. The tank gets moved into the house on Saturday! Went to Zumba tonight. We had a power outage half way through. But continued on anyway. Then we were given a battery operated machine for music. WOOHOO, dancing to emergency lights was fun! But hot!

    Kathy have fun at practice! Do you guys warm up first?

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Paula I am doing material handling. Basically I stock, inventory and fill parts orders for the assemblers at work. Pretty physical with the lifting and twisting. It has also upped my steps by 2k a day.

    I am going to check out that Kathy chics Kettlebell routine, Jillian's is around here somewhere too I think.

    Kathy we have an elliptical and it is Ok. Being 5'2" the elliptical tends to bother my back. The arm things stretch me out like some medieval torture device, lol.

    Shelley that Blue Devil would get a flushing from me. No tank bullies! DD had a goldfish that got HUGE and lived forever. That thing tormented everything in the tank so I put him in the neighbors pond. That fish lived there two years before it died.

    Off to bed. Maybe stretch class tomorrow. We shall see.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Bwahahah! group photo of us slackers!!! Pretty funny.

    Kathy, I'm afraid that 90 minutes of tennis practice throws you out of the slacker club! Makes me tired just thinking of running around the tennis courts for 90 minutes.

    Paula, you are excused from exercise cuz tossing your cookies is harder! Get better, my friend.

    Shelley, I hope your little fish is doing okay and the demise of the blue devil was necessary.

    Well, I got my miles done with my DH this morning, got my challenges done, shopped with DDD, then got on the recumbent for 30 minutes. It was a good day! ...it was hot, hot, though. I have 8.03 bike miles, 7.39 walking miles, and 16,142 steps.

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    edited July 2015
    Lynette I got a visual of you being stretched on the rack! Bwahahaha. Wish I had a large salt water pond to have put him in. Had to settle for the small indoor one. :wink:

    Chris it is hot for sure. And yes, we all had our pom poms shaking in the photo. I am hoping I am down tomorrow. Last weigh in to see how last month went. Have to find that darn slip of paper I wrote my beginning weight on! Grumble grumbles.

    So glad you two understood why he had to go. It was not an easy decision. :sad:

    Chris I am a bit sore. Ran through your exercises once. And then zumba. Ouch.

    Hope you are better Paula!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Did some light pushups and a plank. Feeling much better, thank you everyone. Starting to yawn... better jump on the sleep train before it goes away and I stay up all night.

    Love working in Half Moon Bay these days, where it's 65 and foggy. It's so nice being an hour away from the 100+ degree microclimates - feels like a different world.

    Hope all you non-slacker-sisters are staying cool and at peace. :drinker:

    pom poms,
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    Paula so glad you are able to do more again. :drinker: I would think planks are hard on your knee. Half moon bay sounds heavenly.

    Non slackers sister's? Muahaha! So right! I almost convinced myself that I did not have the energy to workout today. But then I sucked it up and got it done. Jumping Jack's, pushups, squats, bicep curls, presses, butt kicks, jumping rope, sit ups, bicycles, punches, lunges and some others I forgot.

    My legs are sore. Must be those lunges and squats. Tomorrow I go to see the doc. I think he will be happy with my thyroid progress. If I get out in time I am going to make zumba. Hopefully the power will not fail again.

    Going to see if I can catch up to that sleep train with Paula. :wink:

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Got home from Europe and was tired, but the bad thing was the stomach bug. Tossed my cookies all day Monday, went to work Tuesday, and then Wed, I had a cystoscopy (look it up) which was no fun. Came home and took a pain pill, which made me toss my cookies later. Today, tired and still sore, but going to work. Will continue to log my food and looking forward to my day off Friday and Sat.!
    Does anyone have fabulous 4th of July plans?
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    I do Clara. I am getting my 140 gallon tank moved into the house! :drinker: Sorry you have been so sick. Will look that up. Get better.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Thanks, feeling better now.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,263 Member
    Tennis practice - 2 hours. It was a really good session. We had a lot of fun on the courts. Headed to bed...good night all.
