Welcome Everyone!....Please Read if you are new

Today's date is 6/30/2015 my name is Vince and I am the creator of this group. In my past i was 240lbs and an All American Athlete. Over the years I have had bouts with depression, laziness, and a sedentary lifestyle. I am now 437 lbs and have been hovering in the low to mid 400's for a couple of years now

I have finally decided it is time for a change and to get back to where I once was. The problem is that most weight loss support groups, products, videos, and just about everything out there is targeted to people that need to lose 20-40 lbs. Being as large as I am that can be very discouraging.

I will be posting continuous updates on my progress and what I am doing to lose over 200LBS. i have debated creating a Youtube channel or something along those lines as well.

People like us that need to lose a large amount of weight experience a lot of the same issues and probably have a lot of the same habits and tendencies that have led to us being overweight. I feel that if we share with each other that we will have more success

Also I am located in Fresno CA so if anyone is within 100 miles or so I would be willing to meet up

Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime and add me as your friend on here. Good Luck :smile:


  • Junebordner
    Junebordner Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Vincent,
    Nice to meet you. I was an athlete myself and weighed 130lbs at 5"6. When I was 34 I had a complete disaster with my back from previous injuries. I was on floor in my house for a week finally went to doctor and foun out pregnant also. Needless to say I have snow balled out of control because of many reasons you listed. I am hovering at 288lbs. I am horrified but obviously not enough to get my butt out of the chair! I am determined to get this weight off! I am recommitting myself. You're right not a lot of people need to lose the amount we do and is extremely daunting. I just ordered a tracker, a chair gym and looking for a lot of support.
    Keep in touch,
  • VincentLoforti
    VincentLoforti Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for your response June

    Sounds like you are on the right track and dedicated to returning to your old self. Personally I have started by reducing my Caloric intake and trying to be more active. I take a 30 minute walk every morning before work and I keep track of every single thing I eat throughout the day. So far i am feeling better about myself but this is just the beginning and I have a long way to go
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    I am former Military and left when I was too injured and my job was going away. So I used to be very fit. I have a job that keeps me sitting or driving in a car. I lose a lot of weight 10 years ago and then slowly gained it all back plus. I started in April changing the way I eat and have lost 25 lbs. I am working with the Public Health in a program to Prevent Type two diabetes. So I weigh in weekly. They want us to weigh in everyday which I don't like. The big part of this program is log my food and exercise and stay with in the fat budget. Since losing the weight I now need to lose 100 lbs.
  • hcrafty0261962
    hcrafty0261962 Posts: 3 Member
    I am the wife of a Retired Sailor. I am the mother of 3 grown children, and the grandmother of 5. I married at a very young age (18) basically to get out of the house....While still married to the same man now for almost 35 years, our marriage has been very rocky. I have suffered from severe depression. Attempted suicide. Hospitalized. And ate my way through it all. At my highest I weighed 315. Much to my discouragement I found men liked BBW! Which did not help in my attempt to loose the weight (nor did it help with the marriage). Now at the 53, I am down to 290 and working my way down. I am determined just to do it! Not for anyone else, but me!! I have been a caregiver most of my adult life. Now I have to care for me. I realize, if I don't no one else can! I am only 5 foot tall so I need to get down to about 125. But with the help of good people and God and just plain determination, I know I will get there.
    West Virginia
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    I'm Emily and I'm from Illinois. I was active in cheerleading, volleyball, basketball and softball through high school. When I got to college, I joined a sorority and picked up a lot of bad habits. Since I was young and was up late most nights dancing off all those calories, it didn't catch up with me until I graduated and got a desk job.

    15 years and 2 kids later, it has definitely caught up with me. I still love dancing and I do Zumba at least twice a week. My main problem is that I am a junk food junkie and I am an emotional eater. Ideally, would like to lose about 150 pounds to get back to my college weight, but just getting back into the 100s would be pretty awesome!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like another MFP friend.