Jentacular Juramentum July (IF Challenge) Check-In!



  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    As I was drinking my BPC this morning, it dawned on me that I don't eat any food until noon or one and I don't eat after dinner.... duh. So I am going to have my BPC later in the morning, because otherwise it seems like my IF is pretty close to how I eat every day... or am I simplifying it?
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    @azcowgirrlup , I was kinda thinking the same thing. Maybe I've been doing this all along but never consciously thought about it.I usually have a lunch/snack around 2 and dinner around 6, then nothing except my BPC till 2 the next afternoon.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    @cdpits, I am going to stay in the challenge so that I can stay focused, but ya, I guess we have already started.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I'm in.
    Your current weight: 173

    Your Fast/Feed Schedule: 14 hour fast (10pm-12pm next day), 10 hour "feed"/ 7 days per week

    Do you take supplements?: Nope

    Do you plan to exercise? Yup, but I do not do anything super intense, so I expect I will be fine. :)

    How you'll fast: Water and black coffee (decaf)

    What you hope to achieve by participating: I am hoping to use this method as a way of maintaining my weight long term, so if I can stick to it for a month, I would be well on my way. :)

    Any previous experience with fasting: I have been doing a 14/10 schedule for about a month, but have not been real consistent with eating the way I should (have had some carb binges). I am going to commit to staying on track with my eating for the whole month so I can really see if there are weight maintainance/loss benefits to this version of IF for me.

    Your carb/protein/fat targets (in grams) for the feeding periods: 50g (net) carbs, 100g protein, 129g fat (or 11%, 23%, 66% of total cals)

    Any other comments you'd like to make: I would like to get to 166-- my weight is up from this low point because I was eating oodles of carbs for 3 days last week.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited July 2015
    glossbones wrote: »
    My intent was that people who didn't have any experience with fasting would read up on it and choose one that was right for themselves. Not an idealized goal for an advanced IF practitioner. ;) Am I giving folks too much credit? Normally I'd say maybe, but this group seems pretty fantastic about helping each other learn to go easy and be good to our bodies.

    It's ok, I know you meant well :) IME, some people likes and needs very strict structure like 4:3 or 1/24hr, other people adhere better to greater flexibility. IMO, being able to adhere and comply with a challenge like this trumps more than the original challenge itself. Fasting is often more a mental hurdle/fear than a physical one. Edit: If already fat adapted. And it can take weeks to find a protocol/rythm that works for you. I didn't mean to invite rebellion!

    Edit 2: Here's the pinned announcement in our 5:2 group on MFP with link to the BBC documentary and other info.

    Of interest to this group might also be the customizable fasting calorie calculator our leader made:
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Another point raised in the original July discussion thread is that this is an INTERMEDIATE challenge. If you just started eating Low Carb, this may be extra challenging for you because first you want to be fat adapted/in ketosis/other nomenclature.

    For those who may discover that they've already been fasting, that's GREAT! So you know you can do it. Now you can practice doing it mindfully. :)
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Your current weight (or clothing size, or whatever you use if you don't weigh):

    Your Fast/Feed Schedule: Include how many days per week you plan to do this
    Once a week, Skip-a-day-of-eating (36+hrs) water only fast

    Do you take supplements?:
    Magnesium citrate, sodium/potassium, occasional Milk-of-Magnesia (Magnesium oxide) for constipation

    Do you plan to exercise? If so, how do you expect that to impact your fasting?:

    How you'll fast: Water only? Water/BPC only?
    Water only, tea, (no nibbling)

    What you hope to achieve by participating: Including how you'll measure it
    Weight loss & better health, weigh on day after start date, record losses (if any)

    Any previous experience with fasting:
    Yes, I regularly fast

    Your carb/protein/fat targets (in grams) for the feeding periods: (This should not be all that different from how you eat before starting. Remember: we aren't restricting calories here)
    Normal Keto targets

    Any other comments you'd like to make:
    It is always in your "mind" ~ much harder to do a fast ~ than reality...

    I hope those that have never tried fasting, take the challenge....

    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Your current weight (or clothing size, or whatever you use if you don't weigh): 203 lbs

    Your Fast/Feed Schedule: Include how many days per week you plan to do this. I will fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8 hour window. I'd like to try to stretch my fasting period longer, but my lunch hour at work is noon to 1:00 each day, and I have clients in front of me the rest of the time, so eating later would be very difficult unless I wanted to wait until after 5pm when I get home.

    Do you take supplements?: No, but I should--I may also challenge myself to start taking multivitamins and magnesium again.

    Do you plan to exercise? If so, how do you expect that to impact your fasting?: Yes, I plan to complete last month's 30-day HIIT challenge (I have about a week left) and then I will probably walk a few times a week as I can fit it in. We are also moving (to a third floor apartment!) in about 3 weeks, so I'll be getting lots of exercise then hauling boxes and kids up the stairs! :)

    How you'll fast: Water only? Water/BPC only? BPC consisting of roughly 4 cups of coffee, 1 Tbsp grass-fed butter, and 2 Tbsp coconut oil... and lots of water. I've been doing this for a few weeks already (delaying eating until lunch), and I've found I get SOOO thirsty after my BPC!

    What you hope to achieve by participating: Including how you'll measure it. More energy!

    Any previous experience with fasting: I've been fasting until lunchtime for a few weeks already and have tried doing it with BPC and doing it with black coffee and water only. I find I have more energy and mental clarity if I have my BPC than without it--at least the few times I've gone without. Hunger is distracting, and why go hungry if I don't have to? Plus I generally prefer lower fat meats, so the extra fat in my day is a good thing.

    Your carb/protein/fat targets (in grams) for the feeding periods: (This should not be all that different from how you eat before starting. Remember: we aren't restricting calories here). I'm going to maintain my current macros, which I'm not too great at hitting, to be honest. Calories 1491, Carbohydrates 19g (5%), Protein 75g (20%), Fat 124g (75%).
  • reeree0406
    reeree0406 Posts: 9 Member
    Your current weight (or clothing size, or whatever you use if you don't weigh): 145.5
    Your Fast/Feed Schedule: Include how many days per week you plan to do this: 16/8 (8PM to Noon) 7 days
    Do you take supplements?: Calcium, Magnesium, Multi, D, B-12
    Do you plan to exercise? If so, how do you expect that to impact your fasting?: Yes, 4-5 days per week, Yoga/Pilates 25-30 minutes per
    How you'll fast: Water only? Water/BPC only? Water, seltzer, BPC
    What you hope to achieve by participating: Including how you'll measure it: Stop gaining -- I have been gaining for a while although my clothing still fits, I have been more consistent with exercise lately
    Any previous experience with fasting: No, although I go without breakfast often
    Your carb/protein/fat targets (in grams) for the feeding periods: (This should not be all that different from how you eat before starting. Remember: we aren't restricting calories here) No Change; Carbs 5%, Fat 75%, Protein 20%
    Any other comments you'd like to make: I'm hoping this will help me to feel hunger and to keep me from snacking at night.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    So I started this yesterday am, I figured why not, I usually only have bpc with protein powder in the am anyway, then a handful of almonds around 10. I cut out the protein powder and just had coffee with 2 tbsp. coconut oil. I couldn't believe I was so hungry by lunch time, and then as soon as 8 pm hit I felt like I was starving again. I know it is all mental because I wasn't starving at 7:50 pm, only once I knew I couldn't eat anymore. And my tummy was grumbling in the middle of the night, so weird. I think after a couple days I will have adjusted and hope this helps me burn off some of that extra fat I still have hanging around.
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    @azcowgirrlup , yes, I am going to also ! In this heat, it's much easier, more thirsty than hungry.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    The BPC protocol is an insulin fast, not a calorie fast. Different schools of thought, but it might be why you find conflicting info online as to what constitutes a fast or not.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Your current weight (or clothing size, or whatever you use if you don't weigh): 153 lbs
    Your Fast/Feed Schedule: 16/8 - 7/8pm (depending on the day) to 11/12. I'm unsure about days per week. Probably at least 5 but I'll aim for 7.
    Do you take supplements?: No
    Do you plan to exercise? If so, how do you expect that to impact your fasting?: I don't think so. Not extensively anyway. If I do, I don't expect an impact from the fast as it will be low intensity.
    How you'll fast: Water only? Water/BPC only? Water and BPC only. I already tried Ramadan, I made it only a few hours without water. Not going there again. Might minimize items I put in my BPC and just have heavy cream and cold press.
    What you hope to achieve by participating: Including how you'll measure it Scale changes and pant size changes. Hopefully when I go in for my dress fitting on 7/25 things will be a little less snug.
    Any previous experience with fasting: I've done an egg fast but only for 4 days. Definitely lost weight. I've also done the 16/8 fast off and on unintentionally. I would like to step it up and do even more time. Maybe at some point I'll be able to handle a 18/6 or 20/4. I probably could do it now if I was never around other people.
    Your carb/protein/fat targets (in grams) for the feeding periods: 5%/25%/70% (5% is a maximum, 70% is a minimum)
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    edited July 2015
    Weight 7/1: 171.0 lbs
    Upper Arm: 12.5"
    Waist: 29.5"
    Below Waist: 39"
    Hips: 42.5"
    Thigh: 24" (average of the two thighs)
    Calf: 16"

    Energy level/Body state: 7. I'm feeling generally pretty good, and not hungry at all yet. My muscles are giving me the yellow light--they need a rest after my last two gym workouts. No headache, good mood. A little PF pain in my right heel. I still have tight piriformis muscles, and the tightness seems to switch sides. Going to get in to see a physical therapist soon to try to work out some of these issues. I carry most of my fat and weight in my legs and hips, so I think they've been under extra stress for a long time.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    edited July 2015
    Your current weight (or clothing size, or whatever you use if you don't weigh):
    Your Fast/Feed Schedule:
    Daily IF 16:8
    Do you take supplements?:
    Yes. But I'll only take 1 during the fast window. Ginko biloba. My ADD requires it.
    Do you plan to exercise? If so, how do you expect that to impact your fasting?:
    I exercise in the afternoon, so it won't affect it at all.
    How you'll fast:
    Water/BPC only. I tried water and black coffee only the last time I IF'd for 2 weeks. Needless to say, I terrorized my family with crankiness. So I need to try the BPC.
    What you hope to achieve by participating:
    Shifting my calories to consuming the bulk of them in the evening to deter overeating and irrational hunger. And to get any imbalances regulated.
    Any previous experience with fasting:
    I tried it for 1 week. Then another for 2 weeks. Sometimes I do a 16:8 after a refeed or the morning after I have a drink. So about once every 2 weeks.
    Your carb/protein/fat targets (in grams) for the feeding periods:
    Protein: 100-120g. Carbs 20g net. The rest fat.
    Any other comments you'd like to make:
    Nope. :smile:
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,070 Member
    Your current weight: 95.4 / 209.88
    Your Fast/Feed Schedule: I usually eat 2 meals per day with no snacks, so will usually go between 10-14 hours between meals regularly. But for IF, I vary my routine and fast for between 20-36 hours, sometimes 48-60 hours.
    Do you take supplements?: I do. Vitamin C, D in winter only, Omega 3 fish oil and magnesium
    Do you plan to exercise? If so, how do you expect that to impact your fasting?: I have short walks daily and fasting has no impact on this.
    How you'll fast: Water, herbal tea, and BPC only during short fasts of up to 24 hours, but will have homemade bone broth too during longer fasts.
    What you hope to achieve by participating: Get back into the fasting groove. Also want to lose more weight in July.
    Any previous experience with fasting: I have fasted for years, usually on Sundays, with shorter fasts Tuesdays and Thursdays, but have slipped out of practice since starting keto early March 2015.
    Your carb/protein/fat targets (in grams) for the feeding periods: Hard cap at 15 total grams of carbs. After that I have no idea, just see how it goes. My carbs have been creeping up again, and I always struggle to get protein up even when doing ZC.
    Any other comments you'd like to make: IF is a great way to get control over what I eat, I'm looking forward to it. I will likely steer more towards ZC IF to see how that feels.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Your current weight: 180
    Your Fast Schedule: 7:30 PM - 11:30 AM, (consistent 16 hours of no food) daily and one 24 fast per week
    Do you take supplements?: Not consistently, but want to get back on track with daily Magnesium and Multi
    Do you plan to exercise? If so, how do you expect that to impact your fasting?: I've been walking 2-3 miles daily, plan to add in strength 2x a week and start a couch to 5k program this month. Will usually workout before breaking my fast.
    How you'll fast: Water and black coffee most days, BPC when I really need something (or have a busy day at work ahead)
    What you hope to achieve by participating: Hunger control and weight loss.
    Any previous experience with fasting: I've used BPC as a breakfast replacement and found it did wonders for my energy. Last week I fasted for a medical procedure and I too was surprised at how much easier it was then I thought it could be.
    Your carb/protein/fat targets (in grams) for the feeding periods: 20g C /91g P/ 113g F, my calories are set to 1453 a day and have tried to keep as close to it as possible. However, I don't worry if I am above or below as long as I hit my macros.

    Really excited by this challenge and look forward to the experience!!
  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Current Weight 237
    Fasting Schedule 16/8, 7pm-11am, 5-7 days / week
    Supplements Multi, D3, Mag, Potassium, Sodium, Omega3, Amino Acids
    Exercise Heavy Lifting, HiiT, Yoga 5x/ week Not sure. I did not have a problem last year when I did the same protocol.
    How Water/ BPC
    Hope to Achieve Weight loss, blood sugar control
    Previous Experience I have done this before and felt great.
    Macros 25/100/125

    I love having breakfast for dinner. :smiley:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Your current weight: 180

    Your Fast Schedule: 6pm to 9am. 15 hours without food, 9 with food. I'm also hoping to start cutting back how often I eat in a day.

    Do you take supplements?: Some

    Do you plan to exercise? If so, how do you expect that to impact your fasting?: Start walking and possibly add weights. I've had some hip and knee arthritis problems lately that have slowed me.

    How you'll fast: Water, black coffee, tea - possibly some coconut oil or cream.

    What you hope to achieve by participating: Get established into a keto LCHF diet faster - I'm a newbie.

    Any previous experience with fasting: No.

    Your carb/protein/fat targets (in grams) for the feeding periods: 20g C /71g P/ 118g F for the day. Most carbs eaten later in day. I'll try to divide the meals into thirds or fourths.

    I'm new to keto, and the LCHF way of eating, so I am still working my way through withdrawal, or keto flu. I'm hoping this will help me get settled a bit faster and then become a habit. I'm a late night snacker of nuts so hopefully this will help me kick that habit.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Definitely following this thread to see how it goes for you guys! I've never tried IF, and being 35 weeks pregnant I don't think now is a good time to start, but I know a few people who have had great results with it... Maybe I'll give it a go come September! Good luck to everyone.