Those with kids, how much is your monthly grocery bill while eating clean?



  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    I don't have kids, but was interested in this thread to see how much everyone is spending. I retired a year and a half ago, early, due to health problems. I took a 50k pay cut to do that, so needless to say it was like falling through the looking glass into a whole new reality! Gone are my trips to Whole Foods! lol (thats ok, I traded big city living to a small city on the gulf coast at the beach so its a pretty good trade!) Believe it or not, I love the change! I traded a 37 mile a day commute to a very stressful job for a peaceful existence and days of painting, yoga, and frugal living! My husband is still working, so it was not as much of a financial shock as it could have been! Anyway, I am learning to do clean living and frugal living at the same time. That means Tuesdays on checking out the local sales and learning to coupon, bookmarking the clean living and frugal living sites, cooking everything from scratch, and collecting recipes from the healthy cooking blogs. I even check the dates when 100 grass fed steaks are due to be marked down and going at the crack of dawn to scoop them up while others are working. lol Hey its challenging, but so it this whole way of living! Oh, and for two people and three animals I am spending about $700 a month
  • ForeverFitNHealthy
    ForeverFitNHealthy Posts: 1,322 Member
    I spend around $900 a month and I don't purposely buy organic. I can't afford organic meat at 4X the price. I have more important priorities than to worry about organics. I just do the best I can with what I can afford. It has already been mentioned, but organics is more hype than necessary, and I agree.
  • fatbegone87
    fatbegone87 Posts: 9 Member
    I have a 6 and 2 year old, similar situation. The oldest is more picky and my youngest eats almost anything. I buy about 80% organic and spend about $500 a month but I try to get things I want that are ok sale or if I have a digital coupon for it. This has helped a little. I want to start buying more organic things in bulk and buy online also see if that helps cut cost.
  • drabbits2
    drabbits2 Posts: 179 Member
    I spend around $250 a week for a family of four--two adults and two teen age boys. the 16 year old is 6'2", 180, swims, plays water polo and is a beach lifeguard for the summer. he eats more food than I ever though a human could eat. we don't eat out as a family very much mainly because of scheduling, but the kids go out with their friends so they get spending money and I often meet friends for lunch or dinner, so I am not counting that in our budget. family sizes of things only feed my one oldest son. I serve fruit or veggie with each meal, what else? two boys just eat a LOT of food.
  • carakirkey
    carakirkey Posts: 199 Member
    Family of 4. We're in Canada and food prices are just higher here. Spend roughly 150/week. I don't buy organic- just too expensive, nor do I trust that the price equals quality. But I have a plot in a community garden and can now grow most of our seasonal vegetables. OP- look into gardening- saves money, you can trust what you are eating and a great way to involve the kids in healthy eating.
  • Fitman540
    Fitman540 Posts: 1 Member
    Eating clean is very expensive for one person i couldn't imagine trying to feed a family a clean diet. My personal thoughts is that this world is so backwards it seem like the FDA dont want people to live a happy healthy life. They allow so many chemicals to be put into foods that are unhealthy for humans to consume people know this and they still eat it why because there is no immediate side efforts.
  • janiep81
    janiep81 Posts: 248 Member
    I can manage $100/week shopping Aldi/generic for my family of 4 in Tennessee.
  • accidentalpancake
    accidentalpancake Posts: 484 Member
    2 adults and 2 kids (16mo and 2.5 yrs) here. We run about 800—1000/mo I would guess. No organics, but we do grass fed beef and fresh fish/poultry instead of packaged. I like to cook, so I do buy lots of good cheeses and cuts of meat. We also go through berries like there's no tomorrow.
  • JenniferP4321
    JenniferP4321 Posts: 1 Member
    ok so where do you go for best simplified recipes
  • splayford
    splayford Posts: 32 Member
    I live in the UK but I've found that buying locally sourced produced food is always cheaper, as your not paying for the transportation cost and also food which is in season and not buying food which is not.