Today's WOD



  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Yesterday's WOD: Run 5k. Ran the first half in 19 minutes without walking breaks then I had to stop and loosen one of my shoes because my foot was falling asleep. After that I could never get my breathing right and kept redlining. Finished in about 43 minutes.

    Given that I did a 5k in about 33 minutes a year ago, I need to start incorporating more running into the mix. I actually enjoy it in small doses, so I'm thinking once a week I'm going to tack on a two mile run or something like that.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Snatch Balance 3,3,3,3,3,3,3
    75 Power Snatches 75/55#
    I liked Randy it was my first time doing it.

    Barbell Row 5,5,5,5,5
    5 rounds for time:
    100 Jump Rope (singles)
    25yd Bear Crawl
    25yd Run (backwards)
    Rest :30

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Retesting at the end of our Paleo challenge. First is to see how many kipping pullups we can get. I got zero the first time, hoping to get my first tonight. I think it will happen.


    "DT Burnout"
    3 RFT:
    12 Deadlifts
    9 Hang Power Clean
    6 Jerks

    Rx = 155/105 I think I went at 135, will have to check my notes.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Retesting at the end of our Paleo challenge. First is to see how many kipping pullups we can get. I got zero the first time, hoping to get my first tonight. I think it will happen.


    "DT Burnout"
    3 RFT:
    12 Deadlifts
    9 Hang Power Clean
    6 Jerks

    Rx = 155/105 I think I went at 135, will have to check my notes.

    Good Luck with your kipping pullups! This workout looks like a fun one.

  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    Yes good luck on the pull-ups!! We've been doing a lot of hollow/arch work too. :-)
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member

    75 Power Snatches 75/55#
    I liked Randy it was my first time doing it.

    Randy is rough! We did it a month or so ago and my forearms were burning for 2 days. I couldn't do Rx weight, but it was still a challenge to get through that kind of volume. I started splitting it up by 15s, but then I had to drop to 10s and then 5s.

    Yesterday we did a partner WOD - for time, 400m run, then we could split up 60 clean-and-jerks however we wanted, then another 400m run. The trick was, we had to share the same bar, and coach made me and my partner do 65 lbs (doesn't sound like a lot, but my PR for C&J is 80 lbs, and this was a lot more volume). It was hard! Good thing I am a strong runner - there was a 15 minute cap, and we made it in 14:54. :-)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Retesting at the end of our Paleo challenge. First is to see how many kipping pullups we can get. I got zero the first time, hoping to get my first tonight. I think it will happen.


    "DT Burnout"
    3 RFT:
    12 Deadlifts
    9 Hang Power Clean
    6 Jerks

    Rx = 155/105 I think I went at 135, will have to check my notes.

    Good Luck with your kipping pullups! This workout looks like a fun one.

    I jokingly said I got 3/4ths of one. I could see the top of the bar, but I know I didn't quite get my chin over. Just a matter of timing the kip/pull properly now. I'll keep working on that but I'm not going to string any together until I can do multiple pull ups from a dead hang.

    Shaved a minute off my previous time on the Burnout workout, so I was pretty happy with that.
  • miss_rye_
    miss_rye_ Posts: 94 Member
    Warm-up WOD:
    Partner WOD - 200 M Run, 30 Partner Med Ball Passes, 30 KB Swings, 30 Partner Sit ups

    Strength - Clean & Jerk 3,3,3 (55%, 65%, 75% of 1RM)

    Metcon - 21-15-9-15-21 reps of:
    Power Clean 95/65
    Wall Balls 20/14
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    edited June 2015
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Retesting at the end of our Paleo challenge. First is to see how many kipping pullups we can get. I got zero the first time, hoping to get my first tonight. I think it will happen.


    "DT Burnout"
    3 RFT:
    12 Deadlifts
    9 Hang Power Clean
    6 Jerks

    Rx = 155/105 I think I went at 135, will have to check my notes.

    Good Luck with your kipping pullups! This workout looks like a fun one.

    I jokingly said I got 3/4ths of one. I could see the top of the bar, but I know I didn't quite get my chin over. Just a matter of timing the kip/pull properly now. I'll keep working on that but I'm not going to string any together until I can do multiple pull ups from a dead hang.

    Shaved a minute off my previous time on the Burnout workout, so I was pretty happy with that.

    A minute off of your time on Burnout is great and 3/4ths of one is better than nothing right? Kipping pullups are weird; I can still only kip a few together, I do like three or four and then even if im still hanging I have to stop and swing forward again, I think its how I push away from the bar but its rather annoying :(

    Bench Press, Push Press, Push-up Penalty
    Bench Press 3,3,3,3,3

    For time:

    100 Push Press 135/95#

    For every drop, do 15 push-ups
  • Tony_Von_Stryfe
    Tony_Von_Stryfe Posts: 153 Member
    Super nasty workout today
    Pause front squats alternating with weighted ring dips 4 rounds
    Stict push press for 4 rounds
    6 power snatch (115)
    12 overhead squats
    12 box jump 24"
    5 ps
    10 ohs
    12 jumps
    4 ps
    8 ohs
    12 jumps
    3 ps
    6 ohs
    12 jumps
    3 hand stand push up penalty for every bar drop from the time you started the power snatch until you finished the last ohs.
    I only had three bar drops and finish time of 14:28
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    Wooo, that one looks TOUGH.

    This morning, we're doing "Nutts". I'll be doing it'm guessing it will take me about 40 minutes? If I finished in under 35, I would strut around like a peacock for the rest of the day. The first three exercises won't be too bad. But those wall-balls and pullups. eek. Then I can finish strong with the DUs and run.

    Maybe. Who really knows. LMAO.

    Hero WOD - "Nutts" - FT:

    10 HSPU

    15 Deadlifts 255/175

    25 Box Jumps 30"/24"

    50 Pull Ups

    100 WBS 20/14 to 10'/9'

    200 Double Unders

    400m Run with a 45/25lb plate
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    Finished at 34:40.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Okay, let’s be clear. There is no need for an EMOM to go past 15 minutes....

    Front squats 3 reps x 5 sets @ 75% 1RM (5 box jumps after each set)

    21 minute EMOM
    - Row 125 meters
    - 5 push press (Rx 135, I did 115)
    - 7 - 10 burpee over bar (I did 7)

    I was redlined on round 5 after the row (damn ERG kept shutting down between sets and I had to fight with it for 10 or so seconds just to get it back on). I skipped push press and burpees on round five and burpees on round six. Crap!
  • bettytrhoades
    bettytrhoades Posts: 19 Member
    Yesterday was cleans (from the floor) + 2 front squats. The cleans are the limiting factor for me - I got to 75 lbs, which I was really happy with because the most I've ever cleaned is 80 lbs. But I definitely could have done more on the front squats. I know, I'm weird.

    Then it was 3 rounds of:
    1:00 KB swings (35 lbs was Rx for women)
    1:00 ab mat sit-ups
    1:00 hand release push-ups

    I think I wound up with 176 reps. I cranked out some KB swings during the first round, but slowed significantly after that. A minute is a long time!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Yesterday was Chelsea.

    EMOTM 30.

    5 pull ups
    10 push ups
    15 air squats

    I scaled reps (4, 8, 10) and made 10 rounds, then did 8-9 more with 30 second rests in between rounds, then just did 15 air squats EMOTM to keep my heartrate up.

    Tonight is 1RM clean, 1RM deadlift.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Yesterday was Chelsea.

    EMOTM 30.

    5 pull ups
    10 push ups
    15 air squats

    I scaled reps (4, 8, 10) and made 10 rounds, then did 8-9 more with 30 second rests in between rounds, then just did 15 air squats EMOTM to keep my heartrate up.

    Tonight is 1RM clean, 1RM deadlift.

    That 5/10/15 is the strategy I've used for Murph, a 30 Minute EMOM with it sounds tough!


    Bench Press 1,1,1,1,1



    20:00 AMRAP

    2 Muscle-ups

    4 Handstand Push-ups

    8 KB Swings 2/1.5 pood

  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    edited July 2015
    I injured my back during Nutts on Saturday (on the 7th deadlift not 2 minutes into the workout) which made everything else so much harder. I would have finished 5min faster if I hadn't hurt myself....but really I should have just stopped.

    Anyhow, today's workout:

    Squat snatches (95/135)
    Muscle ups

    I did 35# (the slowest most graceful snatches he world has ever seen--no wrenching or hinging here! Haha) and chest to bar pull-ups instead of muscle ups (with an incredibly graceful dismount of the bar lol). I normally would have done probably 75#.

    Luckily--it warmed me up very nicely and I think I'm on the fast track to recovery.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Yesterday was Chelsea.

    EMOTM 30.

    5 pull ups
    10 push ups
    15 air squats

    I scaled reps (4, 8, 10) and made 10 rounds, then did 8-9 more with 30 second rests in between rounds, then just did 15 air squats EMOTM to keep my heartrate up.

    Tonight is 1RM clean, 1RM deadlift.

    That 5/10/15 is the strategy I've used for Murph, a 30 Minute EMOM with it sounds tough!


    Bench Press 1,1,1,1,1



    20:00 AMRAP

    2 Muscle-ups

    4 Handstand Push-ups

    8 KB Swings 2/1.5 pood

    I'd say for the first five I was finishing right at 33 seconds. Then my chest started getting tired and it just kept creeping up. Last two I finished at 55 and 57 seconds.

    Two of our guys finished it. One looked like he was getting stronger at the end, the other faded a bit but was still easily finishing in 45 seconds. I hope I can push myself to that level of fitness in the next year or so.

  • Tony_Von_Stryfe
    Tony_Von_Stryfe Posts: 153 Member
    edited July 2015
    5x3 bench press @ 225
    5x2 sumo deadlift @ 410
    For time
    20 push press @75
    20 front rack reverse lunge
    30 pp
    30 frrl
    40 pp
    40 frrl
    Finish 13:28
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Today we did Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups & 15 air squats for time - 20 mins)
    I modified the pulls ups for ring rows due to injury and didn't bother writing down my time as I wasn't doing RX but i wish I had done so now because last time I did 16.8 rounds using a band, I wonder if I beat that - who knows ... I stopped counting after 4 rounds.