First Ever Bulletproof Coffee!

UMDavies Posts: 87 Member
So I just had my first bulletproof coffee, and by God it was delicious!

I was extremely skeptical about adding both butter and coconut oil to my coffee without anything else - I usually drink it with almond milk. I bought the butter and coconut oil yesterday in full 'I WILL do this low carb thing' motivation, but this morning I was literally debating whether or not to run to the corner shop and buy yoghurt and granola. I just reeeeeeeally didn't fancy an oily, buttery coffee.

In the end I manned up and made it (with 1 tbsp coconut oil and 20g Kerrygold butter) and whizzed it in my smoothie maker blender. It literally took one pulse to transform it into caramel-coloured deliciousness. And it didn't separate after I poured it into a mug and took it back upstairs to bed :) It tastes great, it does leave a buttery residue on your lips but I actually liked that - saves me buying lip salve!

So if there's anyone else who's umm-ing and ahh-ing about whether or not to make it, I would definitely say go for it!

And I just have one quick question for the bulletproof veterans - I bought solid coconut oil, however as the temperature in the UK has been so high recently it was entirely liquid this morning. Should I still use 1 tbsp or more/less?


  • UMDavies
    UMDavies Posts: 87 Member
    edited July 2015
    UPDATE: Oh dear God. Use this stuff with caution the first time!

    Warning - possible TMI following.

    I felt great after my coffee breakfast this morning and I was raring to go for my morning Body Pump session. It's about a 3 mile cycle away so I jumped on my bike and headed off. Got there, got into the class, all fine - until about 10 mins before the end. I had the sudden discomfort you get when you're exercising and you need to 'go', you know what I mean? It wasn't urgent so I stuck it out and popped to the loo afterwards, everything was fine and normal...

    I got back on the bike to head home, still felt fine, and stopped at a supermarket 10 mins down the road from my house to grab a few bits and pieces. Queuing for the checkout it hit me - ohhhhhh maaaaaaan I REALLY needed the loo! I'd already filled up my basket but ended up just leaving behind one of those display things - sorry Sainsbury's. I grabbed my bike and pedalled for dear life. I've never cycled so fast - there's a hill just before my house which is quite steep and I normally walk up it. NOT TODAY.

    I ran into the house, where I was on the toilet for half an hour making some hideous sounds/smells. Thank God all my housemates are out.

    I weighed myself after. I've lost 3.6lbs. I last weighed myself THIS MORNING before drinking the coffee. Admittedly, I probably sweat out a lot of water during the exercise, but still. I feel like I've had a colonic.

    I'm sure I've read somewhere that the coconut oil 'lubricates' everything and can cause stomach upset if you're not used to it, so for the love of God go easy at first and make sure can get to a toilet, just to be on the safe side!
  • randiewilliams72
    randiewilliams72 Posts: 119 Member
    I've been wanting to try this also. So far I haven't purchased any coconut oil. Do you drink it hot or cold? No sweetener?
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    UMDavies wrote: »
    UPDATE: Oh dear God. Use this stuff with caution the first time!

    Warning - possible TMI following.

    I felt great after my coffee breakfast this morning and I was raring to go for my morning Body Pump session. It's about a 3 mile cycle away so I jumped on my bike and headed off. Got there, got into the class, all fine - until about 10 mins before the end. I had the sudden discomfort you get when you're exercising and you need to 'go', you know what I mean? It wasn't urgent so I stuck it out and popped to the loo afterwards, everything was fine and normal...

    I got back on the bike to head home, still felt fine, and stopped at a supermarket 10 mins down the road from my house to grab a few bits and pieces. Queuing for the checkout it hit me - ohhhhhh maaaaaaan I REALLY needed the loo! I'd already filled up my basket but ended up just leaving behind one of those display things - sorry Sainsbury's. I grabbed my bike and pedalled for dear life. I've never cycled so fast - there's a hill just before my house which is quite steep and I normally walk up it. NOT TODAY.

    I ran into the house, where I was on the toilet for half an hour making some hideous sounds/smells. Thank God all my housemates are out.

    I weighed myself after. I've lost 3.6lbs. I last weighed myself THIS MORNING before drinking the coffee. Admittedly, I probably sweat out a lot of water during the exercise, but still. I feel like I've had a colonic.

    I'm sure I've read somewhere that the coconut oil 'lubricates' everything and can cause stomach upset if you're not used to it, so for the love of God go easy at first and make sure can get to a toilet, just to be on the safe side!

    I feel for you, but this is a hilarious account! Thanks for the laugh. I've had some similarly awful run-for-the-toilet moments, too. Maybe I should make a BPC with extra coconut oil today, as I haven't had a BM in several days. I'm in that weird "shouldn't I be going?" limbo, but haven't felt the urge.

    I hope you feel better. I've heard the advice to go easy on the MCT/XCT oil at first, to avoid diarrhea, but I hadn't heard that about plain coconut oil.

  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    Well, coffee always makes me "go" so I can't say for sure it was the Coconut oil, but it could have been. I get those kinds of "run to the bathroom" BMs after a long fast (which is why I try not to break a fast when I have somewhere I need to be! :wink: )

    My CO has been liquified lately here too. Sometimes I put it in the fridge for a bit, but mostly I just measure it like I normally would - maybe a smidge more.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    They should really put a warning label on CO. "Too great consumption without working up to it may cause extending reigning on the porcelain throne."

    I'm fine with up to a tbsp now. More than that and hooo-boy!

    This can happen with any other sudden increase in fat, too, for some people. I was fine with other fat, butter, lard and etc. though. I had to work my way up from a tsp to the tbsp of CO.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited July 2015
    I wish I could drink coffee! I may break down and make a bullet proof London Fog or bullet proof chai, just to see what all the hoopla is about. :smile: (the taste, not the colon blow lol)

    ETA: okay, I was stalling on my workout (at home lol) and made bullet proof CHAI. It's tasty!
  • jennybird99
    jennybird99 Posts: 60 Member
    I had my first yesterday too!!
    I got it at a bakery near me. I quite like it, but usually my cappuccino or green tea goes cold before I finish, and I just happily keep sipping.
    Not with buttered /co coffee. It was [/bNOT NICE at room temp.
    So, lesson learned.
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    LOL, sorry but it was funny. Yes, you need to start slow with CO, my first time I started i used 1 tsp, now I use full tbsp :)
  • MelodySmith511
    MelodySmith511 Posts: 25 Member
    I had the same response when I started out with too much CO. Now I make my BPC w/ coffee, 2T butter, 1T CO or MCT, 1scoop protein powder & 1-2 T walden farms SF FF caramel syrup
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    LOL I had no idea.

    I haven't tried BPC yet. I have been using coconut cream in my coffee, with a drop of stevia, even though it has a carb or two. I'm curious now though...

    Do you have to blend the BPC to make it really nice? Is a vigorous stir not enough, or does that just make an oil slick? I'm curious because I'm lazy and don't like to wash extra appliances. :blush:

    @MelodySmith - I used to always use whey protein powder in my coffee but I put it in to too hot a coffee once and it curdled. Yuck. LOL
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    edited July 2015
    I like my coffee black and it took me a long time to get brave enough to try bpc but I desperately needed to up my fats. I love it!!... and am so glad the rest of my experience was not the same as yours :)
  • UMDavies
    UMDavies Posts: 87 Member
    Haha, glad it made everyone laugh - I told my Mum the story over the phone and she had to call me back as she was laughing so much! Very funny :)

    @nvsmomketo Yes you do have to blend it, as otherwise the butter and oil won't mix properly with the coffee and you'll just get an oily, globby mess. I think you can use a coffee milk frother thing as well though?

    @randiewilliams72 I drink mine hot, I don't think it'd be nice cold.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Thanks. I'll have to try it sometime. I find coffee with fats is a great snack for when I'm out of the house.
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    Oh no! Although, I enjoyed reading about your "experience". :D
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Just had my first bulletproof coffee this morning about 5 weeks into ketosis. All I can say is, "Where have you been all my life?!?" And considering the slight constipation I've been experiencing, I can only hope to have similar results as the OP! :smile: I would say that I'll let you know, but not so dure you want me too! :smile:
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    BPC has become my daily treat. Sometimes I even have 2. I never knew the effects of coconut oil tho, thankfully it never got me like that. Although reading about your experience did make me chuckle (sorry). I am upping the coconut oil from 1 to 2 tbsp this week just to see if I can shake things up a bit. & it is still the only thing I can really tolerate butter in.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    LOL I had no idea.

    I haven't tried BPC yet. I have been using coconut cream in my coffee, with a drop of stevia, even though it has a carb or two. I'm curious now though...

    Do you have to blend the BPC to make it really nice? Is a vigorous stir not enough, or does that just make an oil slick? I'm curious because I'm lazy and don't like to wash extra appliances. :blush:

    @MelodySmith - I used to always use whey protein powder in my coffee but I put it in to too hot a coffee once and it curdled. Yuck. LOL

    Its best when blended but you dont HAVE to - you can shake it vigorously in a cup with a good-fitting screw lid. Just pop your coconut oil & butter in the bottom of your cup, pour your hot black coffee over, pop on your lid and shake like crazy for a good minute or two. You'll find it emulsifies just fine, and even froths slightly, just not quite as much as in a blender.

    Ive been adding 1 large egg along with a pinch of cinnamon & pinch of pure vanilla bean powder to my BPC lately and im liking it much, much more. Finally i can go until dinner with just 1 BPC with 1 egg in the morning. Today it wasnt even difficult - i genuinely wasnt hungry until 5.30pm - and that is a serious breakthrough!

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Ive been adding 1 large egg along with a pinch of cinnamon & pinch of pure vanilla bean powder to my BPC lately and im liking it much, much more. Finally i can go until dinner with just 1 BPC with 1 egg in the morning. Today it wasnt even difficult - i genuinely wasnt hungry until 5.30pm - and that is a serious breakthrough!

    Doesn't the egg start to cook? I'm got a really gross visual of a coffee with bits of scrambled eggs floating around in it.

    I did that with a protein powder in a oo hot of coffee - it curdled. Yuck.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Haha, no it doesnt cook. It just emulsifies with the coffee, butter & MCT Oil to make a really creamy, frothy drink. Its lush. And i bet it would taste even better with 2 eggs - ive just not got many cals to play with (down to 1100 cals a day now).
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    Ive been adding 1 large egg along with a pinch of cinnamon & pinch of pure vanilla bean powder to my BPC lately and im liking it much, much more. Finally i can go until dinner with just 1 BPC with 1 egg in the morning. Today it wasnt even difficult - i genuinely wasnt hungry until 5.30pm - and that is a serious breakthrough!

    Doesn't the egg start to cook? I'm got a really gross visual of a coffee with bits of scrambled eggs floating around in it.

    I did that with a protein powder in a oo hot of coffee - it curdled. Yuck.

    I do a cold version, and I just wait for the coffee to cool before I add it to my cream and egg. But I also make mine the night before and stick it in the fridge. Unfortunately, it doesn't keep me full until dinner like Coconutty, but I find it yummy and about the only way I can stomach eggs. I hate eggs. LOL