July 1-15



  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    edited July 2015

    Green: Yes!
    Total 2/25

    Thanks bb, I am on a streak.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Total 2/28

    It was a run/walk day today.
  • 2marsh
    2marsh Posts: 86 Member
    edited July 2015
    Green: Yes, very.
    Total: 3/23

    Today was a day off, planned red, but we ran around so much (biking to the zoo, going for a run, walking to happy hour) that it ended up quite green. Thanks, fitbit, for telling me I burned an extra 1000+ calories!
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    Happy 4th everyone! Enjoy your family and friends and stay safe.
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member

    Green: NO (the streak has ended) Parties are hard on your diet.

    Total 2/25
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Happy July 4th to each of you!

    Thank you to each that have or are serving in our armed forces! <3

    green = 3*/31 red = 0

    Let's see how long we can go for a streak! Any takers?
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    July 3 - Green

    3 of 30
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    Very, very red. >:)
    Chevy Green :#

    Total 2/ 28
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    7/2 red
    7/3 green

    Personal best for squat, leg press and dead lift yesterday. Go, me!
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Happy 4th of July everyone! ! In honor of the holiday, today was RED, because I had some WHITE wine but I'm not feeling too BLUE (lol... I crack myself up).
    Total: 3/27
    Tomorrow I start marathon training!
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    Still 3/25 on July 4. Oh so red, but it was planned and not as bad as it could have been!

    @Bbinoa ... Awesome! I'm walking a marathon in October with friends and mileage is definitely increasing... When is your marathon?
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    7.4 (Happy 4th of July!)
    Green: Yes
    Total 3/28

    I enjoyed a nice long walk this morning.

    @Rebamae I'll certainly see how long I can go for my streak.
    @melissaphipps1976 Congrats on your personal best!! You go girl!
    @bbinoa You cracked me up too! I hope you enjoyed your holiday. Are you using a particular training plan for your marathon, or are you doing your own thing? I'm trying to prepare for my first 1/2 marathon, but I have been stuck running these same 3 - 4 miles. Just looking for tips.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Happy Sunday! B)

    One of the meds I am taking for the blood clot has cut my appetite to nothing. That is wonderful but what happens when I go off of it. :o That part has me concerned.

    We have two grandkids with us today so we will see how my leg handles that. DH is here so he will help if I have a lot of pain again.

    green = 4*/31 red = 0

    @Laughter_Girl Let's continue our streak as we both have it going. Shall we try for 10 straight?

    I hope each of you have a blessed Sunday! o:)

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    @bbinoa - you cracked me up too.

    7/4 - green - thanks to my hike

    We went to our local parade, then cooked out at the local state park. My teens took my 9 yo to the playground while my hubby and I did a forty minute hike - about 1.75 miles over muddy terrain, but we enjoyed it and it kept me green. Then we went to a friend's house for the annual dueling fireworks. The friend and two neighbors take turns setting off different fireworks, which makes for a good display. (The town fireworks were Friday night.) It was supposed to rain all day yesterday - I am glad the weather man was wrong.
  • 2marsh
    2marsh Posts: 86 Member
    edited July 2015
    Green? Chevy. By one calorie. As in, I was 99 calories in the red. But it was planned. Still I guess counts?

    @Rebamae I'll jump in on that 10! But I'm not making any promises about next Saturday :wink:
    @Laughter_Girl If you're looking for tips, I will tell you that I used Galloway training to run two marathons, and I LOVED it. It incorporates scheduled walk breaks, which some people aren't into, but it's great for preventing injury and keeping your heart rate closer to the "fat burning" zone. I also noticed that it kept me from "hitting the wall" in the later miles during the race - around mile 19 & 20 I started passing people who had been running straight through, which I admit was kinda fun. Here's a link to the schedule I used if you're interested: jeffgalloway.com/training/marathon-training/
    I never had any injuries in marathon training, but got myself a sick case of patellar tendonitis doing a ton of Zumba barefoot in my basement. It's taking forever to rehab and has been SUPER frustrating. That super active day I had Friday? Keeping me from my run today. Might have been fine if I'd rested yesterday, but of course I didn't, and by last night my knees were SWOLLEN. So resting today. Patience - gotta get me some!

    Hope everyone has/had a fantastic weekend!
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Green: NO
    Total 2/25
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    green: yes!!
    Total: 4/27
    @jenthibert, @Laughter_Girl.... my marathon is in November. I've done 3 half marathons in the past, but always wanted to do a full one. Several years and a couple of kids later I finally decided I'm doing it. Whether I have to push, pull or drag myself ;) I'm using the Galloway training plans like @2marsh mentioned. My first half was a disaster trying to do a plan that added mileage during the week plus the long runs. Ended up w major shin splints. Galloway's to finish program I can handle. I do the walk/run thing. Like 2marsh said you really don't lose time and you feel better! Doing long runs by yourself is kind of boring though!!
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    4/25 on July 5. Guess what?! Hit my goal today! I've given myself a buffer in case I continue to lose. I'm 5'8" with a smallish frame so I hit 138 today with my buffer being 135-140. I hit 140 and I know I need to be careful. Now comes the fun of trying to figure out my maintenence calories.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Total 4/28

    Enjoyed another Zumba class today. Tomorrow will definitely be a run day.

    @Rebamae Yes, we can aim for 10 days straight. I think I can do it. Since you're on those meds, you have some extra help. I hope you're off the meds soon though and feeling 100%. Enjoy those grandchildren.
    @Melissap I hope today was just as active for you. What an impressive hike!
    @2marsh Thanks for the site! Someone else recommended this method. I may try it in the morning. There is no way I am currently able to run 13 miles straight. I can barely run 6 miles straight. I think the run/walk method will work perfectly for me. I'll keep the group informed of my progress.
    @bbinoa Thanks for the recommendation. I actually enjoy running by myself (I hate the pressure of trying to keep up with someone or them keeping up with me. Also, I don't want to talk when I run. I just want to breath. Ha, ha, ha, ha.) Of course I have never actually ran 13 miles so I may want some company along the way, but I have plenty of weird thoughts to keep me occupied. :) Finally, I really appreciate your determination to complete the full marathon. You're going to do great!
    @jenthibert Congratulations!!! Woohoo!!! You must be on cloud 9 right now, and you should be. I'm wishing you all the best for maintaining your weight. I'm in maintenance too (have been for a couple of months) and still trying to find my happy place. It's a work in progress for me.

  • 2marsh
    2marsh Posts: 86 Member
    edited July 2015
    Green? Very.

    My patellar tendonitis is still a little cranky today, and I seem to be carrying a hefty ton of water weight (know it must be that, because I've been pretty vigilant on my measuring and have been green). Both are leaving me a little down, but I'm going to work to shake it off and have a great day. More to be grateful for than bummed about!

    @jenthibert YAY!!! Big congrats!
    @bbinoa Nice to connect with another Galloway fan. Glad it's going so well for you. I remember noticing that you're in PA - if your race is in November, any chance you're running Philly? That's the one I ran twice. Such a pretty course and not too hilly!
    @Rebamae Hope you had a good day with the grandkids and not too much pain.