Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • I'm pretty close!
    Age 30
    HW: Gosh, can't even convert this to pounds but around 12 stone!
    CW: 122
    GW: 118

    Been around 120 for a good few years now but want to get to my happiest weight! I have two kids and work!
    I run and lift weights still the scales don't change much! Grr!
  • johnstone13
    johnstone13 Posts: 2 Member
    lehcar78 wrote: »
    Just under 5'3"
    HW - 138
    CW - 128
    GW - 110

    I currently jog 2 - 3 times per week and just recently realized how tight I've become all over so want to incorporate yoga back into my week. Also hoping that will help tone up the areas that jogging doesn't hit.

    Hi we're kind of close.

    Height: Just under 5'3"
    HW: 135
    CW: 112
    GW: 108-115
    Body Fat %: 20-21
    Goal Body Fat %: 15-18

    I currently workout 5 times a week, and try to incorporate yoga into my routine at least once a week!
  • johnstone13
    johnstone13 Posts: 2 Member
    estelamora wrote: »

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'1/5'2 depending on who's measuring
    HW: 150 (at age 19)
    CW: 108-110
    GW: 100-102

    %BF 19
    Goal %BF 17ish


    Hi we're almost twins :)

    Age: 24yrs
    Height: Just under 5'3"
    HW: 135
    CW: 112
    GW: 108-115
    Body Fat %: 20-21
    Goal Body Fat %: 15-18

  • Amyaya
    Amyaya Posts: 107 Member
    edited July 2015
    Awesome, I will join! :)

    HW 145
    LW 114
    CW 132

    Current BF %: 21.5
    Goal BF%: 17
  • mishkowski
    mishkowski Posts: 1 Member
    height- 5ft8
    heaviest-232(many moons ago. never went that high again!)

    We're twins
    Height 5'5
    Heaviest 205
    Current 147
    Goal 135
  • SamC_2015
    SamC_2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm new! I wasn't sure where to start.

    This sounds kind of like me, though you were never nearly as heavy as I was, and you are probably a lot more fit overall:

    Height: Just under 5'3"
    HW: 135
    CW: 112
    GW: 108-115
    Body Fat %: 20-21
    Goal Body Fat %: 15-18

    My stats:

    Height: 5'3"
    High weight: 188
    Low weight: 115
    Current weight: 115
    Goal weight: 110

    I don't know my body fat percentage, but I have no doubt it's too high. I lost weight pretty quickly, and I'm sure I lost a fair bit of muscle and retained too much fat. I'm focusing on losing just a few more pounds, maintaining weight loss, and toning/firming.
  • shikham29
    shikham29 Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2015
  • cdragon27
    cdragon27 Posts: 1 Member
    Highest Weight: 145lbs
    Current Weight: 132lbs
    Goal Weight: 115-120lbs

    I'm trying to not eat "bad" carbs too much, since I've found that's the only way I lose weight without starving myself!
  • NatKat6
    NatKat6 Posts: 4 Member
    HW: 117lbs (53kg)
    CW: 101lbs (46kg)
    GW: 90lbs (41kg)
  • haleymarie523
    haleymarie523 Posts: 1 Member
    YogiBerry wrote: »
    Age 21

    HW:150 -160? I never weighed myself at my heaviest
    CW 148
    GW: 130 for the time being, I'll see how I feel when I get there

    Wow! We are almost exactly the same! Except I used to weigh more. And I'm shorter.
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 180
    CW: 150
    GW: 135
  • Mesimiza
    Mesimiza Posts: 4 Member
    Tezzi_B wrote: »
    I am 27 years old
    Height, 5'4"
    SW - 161lbs
    CW -146lbs
    GW - 140lbs
    UGW - 126lbs

    If you haven't found your twin yet, we're pretty close!

    Age: 27
    Height 5'4''
    SW - 161lbs
    CW - 145lbs
    GW - 116-127lbs

    I'm new at the community and still trying to figure out how everything works, but I'd like to be your twin :)
  • megnut526
    megnut526 Posts: 15 Member
    Age 29
    Height 5'1"
    Heaviest 151
    Current 133
    Goal 100
  • AM722
    AM722 Posts: 1 Member
    Heaviest- 155
  • corinne9714
    corinne9714 Posts: 16 Member
    This sounds like just what I need!

    Age: 18
    Height: 5'2" (157.48cm)
    Highest Weight: 154lb (70kg)
    Current Weight: 140lb (63kg)
    Goal Weight: 130lb (60kg)

    I'm not tracking my weight though; I'm trying to stay healthy, eat clean, exercise everyday and tone up!
    I love running, hiking, dancing, yoga and swimming (although I've not done much of the latter two recently)
  • natanakort3
    natanakort3 Posts: 2 Member
    Highest weight: 154
    Current weight:147
    Goal weight: 120
  • daintyinches
    daintyinches Posts: 4 Member
    Height: 5' 6"
    HW: 175
    CW: 150.8
    GW: 130
  • Lisiz
    Lisiz Posts: 5 Member
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'9"
    Highest weight: 170lb
    Current weight: 154lb
    Goal weight: 145lb

    I'd certainly like a buddy for motivation :)
  • stef0114
    stef0114 Posts: 244 Member
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 139 lbs
    Current Weight: 131 lbs
    Goal Weight: 115 lbs

    Add me as a friend! :)
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'5
    Highest Weight: 153
    Current Weight: 152....
    Goal Weight: 120 or whenever I can look in the mirror and be happy with my body.
  • jraney_14
    jraney_14 Posts: 3 Member
    13inchestogo....Looks like you're the closest to me if you want to be "twins" and encourage either other!

    Height: 5'8"
    Age: 23
    HW: 196 (in May 2012)
    LW: 128 (Firsty day of undergrad)
    CW: 177

    Goal: 135 ideally

    We are very close! I am 5'8". Currently, 165 pounds, heaviest was 210. Goal:135-140