July 1-15



  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Green: YES (Chevy)
    Total 3/25
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    7/5 - green

    @jenthibert Welcome to maintenance! I have been maintaining (within 5 pounds) since Jan. 2014. My green days are mostly exercise not eaten back and I use my red days as treats through the month. I added 100 calories/week until I found my maintenance calories. Good luck!

    @ you marathon people - good luck.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Happy Monday to each of you B)

    We enjoyed the Grands so much.
    Our little Granddaughter (4) loves to clean! So we had fun doing just that. I need her here to help all of the time :)

    The day did go OK but I did not make the 1 1/4 hr trip to meet Mom. DH took them which was great. I just am not ready for the long drives yet.
    I get my prothom checked at 10:30 so we will see about the shots. They go straight in my belly area and they bruise. Not a pretty sight :s

    OK "Streakers" how are we doing - we want to reach 10.

    green = 5/31 red = 0
    Streak = 5

    @jenthibert Fantastic that you have reached goal. o:) (I wish I knew how to import a cheerleader for you)
    If I might ask, how much weight have you lost?

    Let's keep our streaks going all of you Streakers!!
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    Rebamae wrote: »
    Happy Monday to each of you B)

    @jenthibert Fantastic that you have reached goal. o:) (I wish I knew how to import a cheerleader for you)
    If I might ask, how much weight have you lost?

    Let's keep our streaks going all of you Streakers!!

    33 pounds gone. Thanks for the congrats everyone!
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    green today
    total 5/27

    Went to spinning class today. I've been doing other stuff so it's been a while since I went to one. The break was good since I feel.likeni like it again now.
    @jenthibert. ... awesome job, congrats on making your goal. Yippppeeee!!!!!!!

    @2marsh ... I'm running/walking the Harrisburg marathon. I used to live in Philly, but now I'm outside Hbg. They allow walkers to start 1.5 hrs before everyone. Plus I figure if it gets bad I can just sit down and call someone to come get me, LOL!
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    Away for anniversary celebration. Will be fun. No promises in green!!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    7/6 -green

    Started a new weight training program tonight. Jamie Eason's LiveFit. I thinkb I will like it more tomorrow when the gym is less crowded. Monday brings out the "gotta work of my weekend" crowd. They don't put things back, and they talk more than they work...ugh.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Total 5/28

    It was a run/walk day today. I've got to read more about the Galloway method when I'm not so sleepy. I wish there was a free app for it. I'll have to thoroughly search for that. If I have to keep track of my run/walk times myself, I'll never get through that race. :)
  • 2marsh
    2marsh Posts: 86 Member
    edited July 2015
    Green? Yup
    Total: 6/23

    Patellar tendonitis still getting me today. Lots of gentle walking but that's it for now. That, ice, stretching, and ibuprofen. And upper body strength. Still doing that.

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins I KNOW! This week was especially bad, I guess because of the holiday weekend?
    @R_Queenie Happy anniversary!
    @Rebamae Are we counting just this month for the streak, or back since our last red day? I'm either at 9 or 6.
    @Laughter_Girl I feel you. I definitely miss my old flip phone in that regard. There was a timer that was better than any app I've seen for intervals.
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    5/25 for July 6
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Green: YES Back on track
    Total 4/25
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good morning on this Tremendous Tuesday! B)

    Hey streakers, how are you doing?

    green = 6*/31 red = 0
    Streak = 6 Streak goal = 10

    @2marsh Let's just start with July 1 if that is OK with everyone.

    I am really hoping to get outside and do a little bit of walking. It will depend on how my leg is feeling.
    I will be so glad when DH can come in earlier for dinner. This 10:00 stuff is getting old. But I realize it is wearing on him also. I have the easy part, just keeping his dinner warm. He has the hard part - working. :o

    My scale absolutely refuses to let me see 219. I have been trying for a week to see that number. I have seen all of the 220._ that there is.
    Maybe Wednesday will be my "lucky" day!!
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    green: yes
    total 6/27
    Why oh why can't someone investment t some gloriously chocolate filled dessert you can eat tons of for like 10 calories?? I settled for a pathetic cup of diet hit cocoa which was oh so "delicious" on a 90 degree day :/

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins. ... update us on that workout plan! I've heard good things!
    @Laughter_Girl ... I ordered a "gymboss" interval timer for the walk/run intervals. Should be here soon. I drive myself nuts compulsively checking my watch and couldn't find an app that I liked. Will let you know what I think! !!

    And streakers.... this just makes me giggle every time I read it. Go streakers!!!
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    6/25 Green on July 7th
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Total 6/28

    This streaker is on a roll. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I can see why it makes you giggle Bbinoa. I only did a quick workout for my arms today.

    @2marsh I hope you feel 100% soon. In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing - taking it easy.
    @Bruceapple Glad you're back on track!
    @Rebamae Keep the streak going! Also, don't stress about that scale. I promise it'll move further down in no time.
    @bbinoa I've never heard of gymboss. I'm going to look that up. Definitely let me know your thoughts once you get it.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    7/7 -green
    Streak 5/10

    @bbinoa - have you tried Russell Stovers sugar free chocolate truffles? My diabetic aunt swears by them. It's more than 10 calories, but about half the regular ones.

    Day two of the new workout went well, but I am exhausted since I went to my Barre class first. Totally different muscle groups, but an hour of cardio before lifting may be more than I can do with the Jaime Eason plan.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    @Rebamae, I hit post too soon. I hope the scale moves for you tomorrow!
  • 2marsh
    2marsh Posts: 86 Member
    edited July 2015
    Green? Nope. I was feeling discouraged anyway, and then I was invited to a BBQ with beer and lots of goodies. The combination was stronger than my willpower to resist. Didn't count but pretty sure it was red. Didn't go crazy, though.
    Total: 6/23

    @Laughter_Girl Thanks for the encouragement. I admit that my frustration with exercise is making it hard for me to do my nutrition properly. Back on track tomorrow!
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins An hour of cardio before lifting is rough! It's hard to figure out the rhythm. Definitely encounter that myself. I do my strength training with my fiance, but he usually meets me after my cardio workout. Now I save my hard cardio for non lifting days (at least, when injuries aren't messing with me), but that doesn't work for everyone. Best of luck with your training!
  • jumblejups
    jumblejups Posts: 150 Member
    Hello again :)
    So far, so green (yay!), currently 7/27.

    However today will most likely be red I think, I was out a little this morning but not feeling well, neither are the kids, so lounging at the moment. Super under yesterday as lost my appetite (think it might be related to not feeling well!) so I'll take any red in relation to yesterday's surplus ;)