Weight lifting



  • lorilbuckner1
    lorilbuckner1 Posts: 172 Member
    Even if you have a slight stall in your weight-loss, the benefits of lifting and the overall fat loss you will achieve is worth it!

    This is exactly what my Doc and my trainer at the gym said! My Doc encouraged me to start slowly with light weights after 4-6 weeks. The more muscle you build the better the actual fat loss.
  • CityGirlInBurbs
    CityGirlInBurbs Posts: 14 Member
    Take your measurements every 2 weeks if you're not doing that already. When you start lifting even if you have a stalled scale, your measurements will show progress.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I do a power class that you use weights on barbell and do a variety of movements for an all body workout. I also work with trainer using the TRX, kettlebells and other various workout items. Your SIL will probably be happy to assist you.