Friendship & Intro Thread



  • cheliebee
    cheliebee Posts: 40 Member
    Hello, I am glad I found this sub. I just found out yesterday that I have hypothyroidism from my doctor and started low dose levothyroxine. I hope it will kick in soon because the constant tiredness I have struggled with for 8 years is horrible, I am working on losing about 35 lbs I have gained from not drinking, not smoking and eating horribly.
  • tracy_phillips2002
    tracy_phillips2002 Posts: 9 Member
    I have been fighting hypothyroidism for 15 years, Dr. keeps increasing my dose of levo. but hasn't seen any changes. I work out everyday cardio and strengthing. Just trying to keep the scales on a steady decline. Any advise from this group
  • Lucilu75
    Lucilu75 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos 3 months ago. In retrospect I had every single symptom but kept finding excuses (working shifts, young kids, getting old, feeling cold because I am South American....). I noticed the difference within a month of starting levothyroxine (even the facial swelling, bags and ankle swelling). Dr said not to expect weight loss. I decided for various reasons after 6 weeks of treatment to go on the autoimmune protocol. The bonus, apart from feeling better, was weight loss. I am not sure about the evidence but I have re taught myself to eat more healthily and have successfully re introduced many foods.
    Even though my labs are normal now I still get bouts of tiredness, achy joints.
    I still haven't started excercising but finally feel that after a year of doing nothing I could as no longer feel breathless going up a flight of stairs or have that 'air hunger'.
    Now just need that motivation to start excercising....
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Hello all, former corpsman and current microbiologist working in pharma and used to manufacture Synthroid. My wife is a molecular biologist in pharma R&D and we juggle three kids (7, 5, & 1), two jobs, and a host of volunteer activities.

    In 2000 a field doc discovered a 2mm focus on my thyroid gland, it was cancerous which resulted in a total thyroidectomy. Leaving the military and with little motivation to continue exercise I managed to put on ~75lbs until last summer became sick of being overweight and decided to do something about it. My wife had used MFP to track CICO and I did the same, making small changes in diet, but mostly through exercise. TSH levels are now in the 2.2 range and have lost ~50lbs. Not only am I enjoying the weight loss and increased energy, but blood chemistry, HR, BP, etc. are optimal as well.

    Two factors initiated my change last year: 1) I accepted a den leader role for my son's Tiger Scout den and wanted to be more active and participate 2) I read a story of a triathlete who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and came back stronger than before. I realized that I had allowed it to become an excuse and simply stopped making excuses.

    Best regards to all!
  • as5811
    as5811 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi, everyone! I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease in 2010 by a physician at work. He took one look at me and said I had a goiter. I was exhausted all the time and had to force myself to just get through the day sometimes. He referred me to an endo doctor. I had nodules on my thyroid, but not cancerous. She did not recommend removing the thyroid. I see her annually. Last year, she really became forceful to lose weight. Suggested I try a 1500 cal. diet & exercise. I tried the diet without the exercise - no go. I was determined to lose some pounds before my next appointment. I tried MFP to help me - followed the 1500 cal diet and added exercise. Slowly, the weight started to come off. I was 17 lbs down at my last appointment. Doctor was pleased & said to keep going. I feel better and have more energy. I still have a long journey ahead, but am determined to keep going.
    Hypothyroidism runs in my mother's family. It's good to know there are other people struggling with the same issues.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    as5811 wrote: »
    Hi, everyone! I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease in 2010 by a physician at work. He took one look at me and said I had a goiter. I was exhausted all the time and had to force myself to just get through the day sometimes. He referred me to an endo doctor. I had nodules on my thyroid, but not cancerous. She did not recommend removing the thyroid. I see her annually. Last year, she really became forceful to lose weight. Suggested I try a 1500 cal. diet & exercise. I tried the diet without the exercise - no go. I was determined to lose some pounds before my next appointment. I tried MFP to help me - followed the 1500 cal diet and added exercise. Slowly, the weight started to come off. I was 17 lbs down at my last appointment. Doctor was pleased & said to keep going. I feel better and have more energy. I still have a long journey ahead, but am determined to keep going.
    Hypothyroidism runs in my mother's family. It's good to know there are other people struggling with the same issues.

    Outstanding! Welcome aboard!
  • CorineJudkins
    CorineJudkins Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I just started using MFP to register my food intake, as I have auto-immune hypothyroidism and my weight bounces up and down between 63 and 71kg. I originally came from 47kg when I was still hypERthyroid, but my build (stocky, barrel) and mid-60s go very well together.

    I'm what they call "hard to stabilise", this round we've been going for about 3 years to try to get me stable on a dose of levothyroxine that will keep my blood levels good for me.

    I'm registering everything to see if there is any correlation between weight, food and blood levels, so I'm not on a mission to lose weight, but on a mission to see if there is anything in the food department that I can do to facilitate getting on a stable dose and level.

    Setting a goal in MFP did make it more intuitive for me to use the app, but as far as I'm concerned I'm not too bothered at what weight I settle, as long as it's stable. I'm currently a little under 70 and going down again, but it can just as easily go up again.

    After 3 weeks I'm slightly annoyed that the app keeps shouting at me that I'm not eating enough on some days, as I eat as much as I want. Unfortunately that isn't very much because I'm not stable yet and everything is still slow.

    I'm going to register for 6 months, when I'll see my endo again and we'll go through the results together to see what, if anything, we can do with it.
  • dottiehines5
    dottiehines5 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I am Dottie. I live in the UK and I was diagnosed 6 years ago. I am now up to 175 mcg and can't seem to lose a single pound. Have logged in daily and stayed within calories most day for 5 months without losing anything. I am so sick to death of this battle that I am continually losing and no one seems to get it.
  • mythreesons2015
    mythreesons2015 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I'm new here. Been using this app about a week tracking my diet and exercise. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism way back in 1988. I was 20. Had to have radioactive iodine and afterwards the Dr said he was scared that they zapped too much. I'm 5'2" and was 110 at the time. The Dr was right. About killed all of my thyroid. Been hypo ever since. Currently taking 137 Mcg of levo and weigh 240. The weight has just gradually come on over the years. I cannot lose weight for anything. Came here to get help and support. Tired of being fat.
  • sweetconcern
    sweetconcern Posts: 26 Member
    Hi It is good to know I am not the only one on this journey. I have tried to lose weight many ways Low carb, Keto, I have not been successful but I have tried.... I was down to 157# in Feb of 2013, When my DO decided to change my meds. I gained 30 # over a month or so. he put me on 200mcg of levothyroicin and then down to 120mcg. He finally put me back on Armour 90mcg. When I went back in Feb of this year my tsh was 6.7 so he put me back on 120mcg Armour, My May tsh was low 0.076 he told me to stop taking my Sunday tablet. Free t4 .90, Free t3 2.72 both normal low. I still cannot lose any weight. Any one know what I could do to help rev up my weight loss? At present I weigh 182 I am very unhappy with my weight.....I have been on MFP since 2011 most of the time. We can all see there is a real problem for Thryoid weight loss. I pray for a answer every day I am 70 years old would like to here from the group that has lost weight..... Thank You
  • lenorahamilton
    lenorahamilton Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm 34 and live in the Dallas, TX, area. I was just recently diagnosed and started treatment for Hashimoto's with Armour Thyroid (currently at 60mg dose). Had a difficult time getting the diagnosis even with a very strong family history of Hashi's and awful fatigue and brain fog symptoms. My lab numbers were "normal," which I know now isn't the best indicator for Hashi's.

    Also, this January, I had a major lumbar spine surgery (fusion and disc replacement) and the Hashi's symptoms were keeping me from improving as I thought I should after the surgery. Now, about 3 months into thyroid treatment, I can feel my back getting better. Two weeks ago I had a minor hip surgery (arthroscopic repair of labrum). The restricted activity level and summer fun (eating/drinking too many yummy things), and maybe my thyroid getting itself sorted out had me gain 10 lbs in a few weeks. Got to get that gone, plus another 15-18 lbs to get to what I think is the right weight for me.

    I've had 50+ weight fluctuations my whole life. The first time I lost 50 lbs, I was in middle school. I unde-rate and overexercised and got to a low (unhealthy for me) weight FAST. Guess what, by my HS graduation, I had put back on 70 lbs. I gradually lost 40 of that in college. Meanwhile, my back fell apart (also had four spine surgeries while in college). Maintained my sanity and weight with swimming.

    Once I entered the professional world, guess what - the weight started to creep back. Did the WeightWatchers thing, returned to the pool, and got to a healthy weight and maintained for about a year. Economic downturn hit, I was overworked and underpaid (happy to have a job, though), depressed, medicated, self-medicated.... then boom! Another big weight gain.

    It has only been within the last three years that I've began to develop a better understanding of what's really going on in my body. I have been diagnosed with a handful of autoimmune disorders (endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, and now Hashi's). They usually like to bring their friends along for the ride. Until recent months, I had been doing a mostly Paleo diet and was feeling less gas, bloating, etc. and dropped a good bit of weight.

    I haven't been making good decisions with food in the past several months (probably out of boredom and frustration with surgeries/slow healing), although I have a much better idea of what I need to be doing to get/keep the weight off than before. Now it's time to hold myself accountable! Looking forward to connecting with others on similar paths here.
  • Pinupdollrawr
    Pinupdollrawr Posts: 137 Member
    Hey everyone! I am new to this group. I just recently found out I have Hashimotos. I found this all out by switching jobs. I went from a sedentary job to a very active job in the hospital, was wondering why a few months in I was gaining weight and always exhausted, brushed it off then finally went to the doctor. My TSH was 150! Finally seen an endo. I'm on 112 mcg of levothyroxine, haven't seen the weight I gained leave yet. I lost a lot of weight prior to diagnosis and was at 125lbs. I'm 5'4 and now 156 Lbs. (Fluctuates to 160 on days) I'm not as tired. But still tired and foggy brained. My last bloodwork showed my t3 ,T4 and tsh improved. My last tsh was at 12. I have another appt at the end of this month and hopefully my levels are better and that the nodule they found too big has shrunk.
  • chocofiend0
    chocofiend0 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello there. I'm about a week new to MFP and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a month ago. I've gained quite a bit of weight over the last year. I'm hoping to start losing the weight and pick up tips for eating more balanced and motivation to make sure I get off my butt and exercise. Looking forward to all of our successes!
  • Marciajake88
    Marciajake88 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello I've been hypothyroid for 15 years now. Recently weighed myself; faced the beast is what I call that And thus I'm back to tracking. Not easy at age 45. I'm on 125 mcgs Of synthroid; tried them all even arm Armourand cytomel. Cytomel gave me chest pain. Anyway here we are...not fun!!
    Looking forward to the movie Sick to Death
  • joemanda
    joemanda Posts: 1 Member
    Happy to have found this group on MFP! Off and on have used mfp in the past, trying now to start back using it and helping me get back on track. I have been diagnosed with hypo since 2011 and it always seems like a rollercoaster ride. Just last week even I went back to Dr. and even diligently taking meds every day my TSH has skyrocketed and T3 and T4 way down. And of course all the Dr. asks is "are you taking your meds everyday?" Yes sure I love feeling like total crap and feeling like my soul has been drained out of me.......idiot. I keep a bottle of water on my nightstand for the soul purpose of taking that medication as soon as I get up and taking on empty stomach for maximum absorption. It's so frustrating when your Drs don't trust you are doing what you are supposed to be doing or listen to anything we as a patient have to say about our own bodies.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I'm so sorry you fee so low joemanda. Can I guess what the doctor said or did when you recorded the results you refer to? My assumption is probably nothing. On the front page of the group there are several references which may help you. "Stop the thyroid madness" site is one, it has a list of doctors in the US who have a proven interest in those with thyroid problems this may help you find a doctor not to far from your area who will listen and treat you personally. Some may lean towards hypo, others hyper patients, Hashimotos Thyroiditis will be in the mix too. It can be a real battle to achieve personal treatment.

    Too many general practitioners consider all hypothyroid patients are the same with one simple remedy and are of the opinion, "its your fault", if you do not respond well. Its more than that. With something like 300 related symptoms available, our bodies have their own set thrust upon them and we need good help to address our personal combination. As you read threads on this list you will learn so much. All the best.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    joemanda wrote: »
    Happy to have found this group on MFP! Off and on have used mfp in the past, trying now to start back using it and helping me get back on track. I have been diagnosed with hypo since 2011 and it always seems like a rollercoaster ride. Just last week even I went back to Dr. and even diligently taking meds every day my TSH has skyrocketed and T3 and T4 way down. And of course all the Dr. asks is "are you taking your meds everyday?" Yes sure I love feeling like total crap and feeling like my soul has been drained out of me.......idiot. I keep a bottle of water on my nightstand for the soul purpose of taking that medication as soon as I get up and taking on empty stomach for maximum absorption. It's so frustrating when your Drs don't trust you are doing what you are supposed to be doing or listen to anything we as a patient have to say about our own bodies.

    Welcome joemanda!

    Can you share what your TSH, T3, T4 and levothyroxine dosage is?

    Doctors are highly suspicious because many patients do not take their medications as prescribed. Keep a journal and hit your doc with data. Log the time into MFP and show him this. Also chart out your low/high days.

    Do you still have a thyroid? Once diagnosed with hypothyroidism your thyroid will continue to fail, so you should be having full thyroid panels completed every 6 months minimum. If your T3/T4 and TSH up you definitely need a review and reassessment. If your current endocrinologist isn't working with you are you able to find a different one?
  • BeckFair
    BeckFair Posts: 35 Member
    Hi. Ive been using my fitness pal for about a month. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's 15 years ago. I have yoyo'd for 15 years. I had great success with weight watchers but got tired of spending the money to go to meetings. I really think the accountability was helpful. I've had doctors tell me that as long as my medication is the proper dose I should have no trouble loosing weight, and I think I agree with them. I know my problem is consistently eating more calories than I burn. But I do think that my calorie needs are less than someone with normal thyroid function. I'd be interested in opinions about that statement.
  • devildogheath
    devildogheath Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is David Heath and have had Graves' disease for about 5 years now. I was in a remission for the last 2 years, but have just recently relapsed. Gaining weight has been a battle for me whether I'm in remission or not. Glad I just found this group! I've actually now gained 2 pounds in 3 weeks by consuming 5 to 6k calories a day.
  • Hello everyone. Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself. I'm 18, 5"7', and roughly 158 pounds. I am aware that I am in the healthy BMI for my height but I carry weight on my stomach that makes me extremely self-conscious. About two months ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's. I have been trying to lose weight for about 4 years now and I have seen little to no results (which I know now is because of my thyroid). I work out 5 times a week at my gym, and eat a fairly clean diet. I am I currently waiting to get my thyroid leves under control (my TSH was at 567.400 when diagnosed and I'm currently taking 137 MCG of levothyroxine).
    I'm excited to meet and connect to other people also struggling with hyperthyroidism.