Conversation with Doctor Need suggestions



  • LittleMamaVas
    LittleMamaVas Posts: 35 Member
    Do you have other symptoms? If you feel like you are weighing and measuring accurately, then it could be something else. Make sure you mention any and all symptoms to your doctor. It could be a thyroid issue, and a lot of doctors are pretty clueless about it. It couldn't hurt to request the full panel of tests for hypothyroid, and not just the tsh.

    Yes, ask to get your thyroid checked. I had this issue at one point - gainined weight unexplainably, and not able to lose it. Turns out I needed medication for my thyroid. It can really mess up how your body functions. Its an easy blood test.
  • LynnSullivan1
    LynnSullivan1 Posts: 24 Member
    If your regular doc does not give you things that seem reasonable and work for you, are you in an area with a good Naturopathic doctor? There are certainly quacks out there, but a qualified naturopath has satisfied patients who give referrals. I'd suspect a hormone imbalance of some kind like thyroid, changing sex hormones = perimenopause which can strike much earlier than suspected. When the regular doc's put me on an older generation statin for cholesterol, all my health markers went from not great to horrible since the statin messed up my liver, glucose control as well as sent me into depression. Hope this is something to consider.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    about another issue with my anixety meds .

    There you go! How long have you been on these? So many of them contribute to weight gain. (ESpecially Seroquel and Geodon)

    This is what i was thinking

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    about another issue with my anixety meds .

    There you go! How long have you been on these? So many of them contribute to weight gain. (ESpecially Seroquel and Geodon)
    Currently I'm on Sertraline. For quite sometime, that's another topic I have to bring up with her is that I'm apparently too groggy in the mornings. Nobody in their right mind should hit the snooze or sleep past thier alarm (which I never hear) for an hour and a half. Oy. but again for another day. :)

    I gained a ton of weight on Sertraline. Im now on Fluoxetine and this seems less inclined to cause weight gain, but i suspect it slows down my weight-loss significantly (im working out 5-7 days a week - it was 5, now ive upped it to a split program of weight-training 6 days/week, each body part trained 2x per week, plus 90 mins cardio 1x week..and im eating at BMR, or below, so a good deficit - 1000-1300 cals a day). For the effort im putting in the weight should be falling off me, but im making slow progress on the scales, although my body shape is changing nicely. I credit my slower losses partly to the anti-depressant medication, as theyre known to pile weight on.