Have a Healthy July!

zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
Because the June accountability challenge seems to have helped us, I thought it would be fun to do that again this month. What do you hope will happen in July? Please let us know! :smiley:


  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I want to be happier and more positive this month than I've ever been, and would be honored to post a nightly happiness level, from 1-10. Yesterday was a 6 because I rediscovered my hobby of reading in June, and continued, using more library material. (BTW, if you/your family don't have a library card(s), I encourage you to get one. I believe that the process is super-easy!)
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    I want to be happier and more positive this month than I've ever been, and would be honored to post a nightly happiness level, from 1-10. Yesterday was a 6 because I rediscovered my hobby of reading in June, and continued, using more library material. (BTW, if you/your family don't have a library card(s), I encourage you to get one. I believe that the process is super-easy!)
    Ugh. 3 right now.
    BTW, I was hoping that y'all would appreciate another check-in/challenge convo. Am I wrong?
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    0! This is not going well.
    P.S.: am I alone in here again!?
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Yesterday was a 2, so that's some improvement. Today, my family is super-sick, so we'll see what that does to my score.
  • C1C2C3
    C1C2C3 Posts: 119 Member
    I'll join in! :)
    My goals for July would be:
    1. Exercise at least 2 times a week for at least 15 minutes.
    2. No snacking anytime between scheduled meals. - I will give myself four exceptions of this rule for the month.

    Zcb94, hope your family feels better soon. Your July goal of being more positive sounds like a great goal to pursue. I have a lot of respect and admiration to those with chronic illnesses that persevere in spite of the difficulties. You are inspiring!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    Yesterday was a 2, so that's some improvement. Today, my family is super-sick, so we'll see what that does to my score.
    Wound up at about a 3. :ohwell:.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    C1C2C3 wrote: »
    I'll join in! :)
    My goals for July would be:
    1. Exercise at least 2 times a week for at least 15 minutes.
    2. No snacking anytime between scheduled meals. - I will give myself four exceptions of this rule for the month.

    Zcb94, hope your family feels better soon. Your July goal of being more positive sounds like a great goal to pursue. I have a lot of respect and admiration to those with chronic illnesses that persevere in spite of the difficulties. You are inspiring!
    Welcome to the Have a Healthy July challenge! Those are admirable goals indeed. Thanks for the feedback. This should be fun!
  • C1C2C3
    C1C2C3 Posts: 119 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thanks! :) Well, today I used two of my "snacking exceptions" :( I snack without even thinking about it. Ugh!!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    C1C2C3 wrote: »
    Thanks! :) Well, today I used two of my "snacking exceptions" :( I snack without even thinking about it. Ugh!!
    I hate when that happens. Don't lose hope. As long as you keep at it, you will be great!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    For the first time in forever, I peaked at a 7, after catching up with a long-lost friend this afternoon and reading another great book. Furthermore, a wound I've struggled with since this past Christmas is actually trying to heal! Yay!!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    0 again yesterday. Rain, sickness and hormones stink!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Landed at a 6 yesterday. Wow, I'm all over the map. It helps that we adopted a beautiful cat, who the neighbors simply have no room for! She's a handful of joy.
  • C1C2C3
    C1C2C3 Posts: 119 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    Landed at a 6 yesterday. Wow, I'm all over the map. It helps that we adopted a beautiful cat, who the neighbors simply have no room for! She's a handful of joy.

    Aw! How neat! Cats are a great pet and definitely can bring cheer! :)

    So I'm down to one snacking exception. :( Haven't exercised yet this week either :( Really want to exercise today - will see what happens. Oh well, I'm doing good in other areas so have to remember I'm not "superwoman"! haha I'll just keep working on it.

  • C1C2C3
    C1C2C3 Posts: 119 Member
    Woohoo!! I finally got one exercise session in! I tried the 25 minute Cardio dance workout posted on the MFP blog July 4. It was fun! :)

    The snacking...we are working on. Today I found myself snacking when preparing supper and putting leftovers away - it is a horrible habit! Although I am keeping the snacking under better control than a month ago, so it is still progress.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    C1C2C3 wrote: »
    Woohoo!! I finally got one exercise session in! I tried the 25 minute Cardio dance workout posted on the MFP blog July 4. It was fun! :)

    The snacking...we are working on. Today I found myself snacking when preparing supper and putting leftovers away - it is a horrible habit! Although I am keeping the snacking under better control than a month ago, so it is still progress.
    Great job! Hey, snacking when cooking is normal. All good cooks taste their food before sharing it!
    I don't feel much better. Checking in at a 2 this evening.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    3 last night. What is wrong with me? :ohwell:
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    3 last night. What is wrong with me? :ohwell:
    Same last night.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    I'm back in! I've been busy at work for the last couple of weeks so although I've been good food-wise, I haven't checked in here much.

    I have 3 weeks until my holiday so need to get my backside back into gear. I will keep my goal the same as last month: To do some form of exercise every day, and to maintain my weight :) So far this month, I've done pretty well!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Landed at a 4 yesterday. That's a little better.
  • C1C2C3
    C1C2C3 Posts: 119 Member
    I have 3 weeks until my holiday so need to get my backside back into gear. I will keep my goal the same as last month: To do some form of exercise every day, and to maintain my weight :) So far this month, I've done pretty well!

    That is an awesome goal and sounds like you are doing a great job! You are more committed than I am, that is for sure. I have a horrible time fitting in exercise and I don't have anyone to blame but myself.

    As far as my goals...snacking habit wasn't so great over the weekend. Doing better today with that. Exercise - hoping to get some in this evening.