Why do the doctors even bother with seeing us?

allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
A conversation with a new endocrinologist ( at a leading clinic in Hamburg ) yesterday:
HER: So how do you feel?
ME: Fairly stable, but still experiencing brain fog and digestive problems. And my weight is unpredictable.
HER: ( smiles ) So basically you are fine!!
ME: Could you suggest something to improve my situation?
HER: Oh well you could get some supplements from a drugstore but I personally don't believe in them.

*** And then she carried on with an ultrasound and managed to overlook a node that my small - town doctor spotted half a year ago. And then she suggested that we could see each other in "a year or so" ***

Well I will stick with what my small town doctor suggests, but I will still go to Hamburg because they give you an extensive blood test that is worth the 20€ journey. Otherwise complete fail.


  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I have been through much the same myself. When my TSH was around 5 I was told by an endrinologist that we should wait and see until it gets to 10 and he only tested for TSH and T4 usually. When he tested for thyroid antibodies and they were high he never told me that I had Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I had to look it up and then question him the next time. I saw another endocrinologist who told me that I was great because my TSH had dropped to below 4 while on levothyroxine and that my symptoms of brain fog, constipation, coldness, water retention must be from something else. I am seeing a DO now who recognized that there is something still wrong and actually listens. There are some good doctors out there such as your small town doctor. They are just so hard to find.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    edited July 2015
    So true...it's like if death is imminent or your weight gain isn't 100+ lbs, then everything is "fine". So frustrating.
  • JustMe2C
    JustMe2C Posts: 101 Member
    I told my endo I'd like to try NDT and he nearly shouted at me, "Absolutely not! All my patients who have had cancer take Synthroid because it keeps the cancer from coming back." Uhhh...excuse me? It's a hormone replacement drug, not a miracle cure.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    Deepest Sympathy. Banging Head against a brick wall, yet again. We are supposed to be deferential. We are directed by our own health. We are not permitted to know how we feel. They are directed by budgets and other imperfect numbers. When will we be treated as the intelligent adults we are. We read and learn. When will they try or be permitted to keep up with recent research/ findings and apply generously.

    Allergic - are you having any input for the node? I hope your personal doctor has ideas.

    Wishing you well. I hope the blood tests reveal your free t3 and if this is still low you will have your t4 increased to give your body something to work with. I know here in Europe we are not permitted t3 supplement nor, heaven forbid we contemplate asking for the Natural.

  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    @Fuzzipeg - basically wait and see, check every 6 months.
  • Dietcise
    Dietcise Posts: 10 Member
    Sometimes you just have to literally tell the doctor what to do....
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Unfortunately with the majority of endocrinologist being allopaths, very few take a holistic view and only want to treat the symptom. Very rarely do they have the time to properly diagnose the root cause and thanks to the sheer volume of knowledge out there this often requires a team of specialists.

    I've found that bringing in data helps, especially from peer reviewed studies or journal articles.

    Also critical that when you find a great health care provider you hang on to them as if your life depends on it, because it may at some point.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    "Test drive" endocrinologists until you find one who'll listen to you. And it's so important to educate yourself and advocate for yourself.

    Many doctors refuse to prescribe Cytomel or Armour, and/or adjust dosages based only on levels, rather than levels + symptoms. So frustrating!
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    Here in Europe we are in systems which define the endo's we can access. Many of us do not have personal funds to access to private/Holistic services, availability is another issue. Any who do branch out are vilified by general medicine. Some of the best have passed.

    When the greater world is indicating Hashimoto's thyroiditis responds to t3 because most Hashi patients have problems of conversion which are not investigated by dictate. T3 as a treatment in itself, or perhaps for some in combination is considered dangerous. Here asking for a trial on t3 is laughed at in equal measure to asking for a trial on natural thyroid product. For our endo's, "Numbers are king, and why bother about antibodies they do they matter, your thyroid will be dead before long anyway!" totally unsatisfactory.

    Frustrating does not begin to cover it.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    Here in Europe we are in systems which define the endo's we can access. Many of us do not have personal funds to access to private/Holistic services, availability is another issue. Any who do branch out are vilified by general medicine. Some of the best have passed.

    When the greater world is indicating Hashimoto's thyroiditis responds to t3 because most Hashi patients have problems of conversion which are not investigated by dictate. T3 as a treatment in itself, or perhaps for some in combination is considered dangerous. Here asking for a trial on t3 is laughed at in equal measure to asking for a trial on natural thyroid product. For our endo's, "Numbers are king, and why bother about antibodies they do they matter, your thyroid will be dead before long anyway!" totally unsatisfactory.

    Frustrating does not begin to cover it.

    One of my best friends and colleagues practices in Glasgow, but as he is connected with Doctors Without Borders he conducts a lot of business with his patients on holiday and is able to skirt the law and treat more patients this way. Evidently there's an ability to continue treatment as long as it was initiated outside the country? Very strange. Unfortunate how the best intentions often do not consider the ramifications.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    CSAR. Thank you.

    Yes, if someone comes into the country on medication that script is maintained.

    If I could do one thing, it would be to put Allergicto, in contact with your contacts. I really feel for her.
  • SkinnyKerinny
    SkinnyKerinny Posts: 147 Member
    What is NDT?
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    What is NDT?
    Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT)

    Thyroid Armour is an NDT derivative, whereas levothyroxine (Synthroid) is synthetic.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    Hi sKerinny. NDT, natural desiccated thyroid. This was the treatment of choice for hypothyroid symptoms way back when before the numbers game was started. When doctors probably listened more and had less academic knowledge to ignore. (Please pardon my cynicism). It comes under several different brand names like Amour, however it is spelled, other brands are available.

    It is processed from animals principally pigs, I have seen references to cattle but not convinced of that one. NDT is treated with suspicion by general medicine. Those doctors who are from a holistic persuasion are more than happy to prescribe it usually in the US etc, Europe is restrictive. This should be one of the options to ensure the best treatment for the patient. I see a hobby horse. sorry.

    I noticed you have adrenal issues when you wrote elsewhere else on here. Quite a few of us possibly have as well. Like many we are clutching at straws trying to find our personal underlying problems. All information which may help in this process is welcomed at this table.

  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    edited July 2015
    What is NDT?

    There are three treatment options for hypothyroidism:
    1. synthetic T4, or
    2. synthetic T4 + synthetic T3, or
    3. desiccated pig (or pig + cow) thyroid glands.

    NDT is another name for option 3 (natural desiccated thyroid). Brand names include Armour, NP Thyroid (Acella), Naturethroid, and WP Thyroid (Westhroid).

    Most doctors prefer option 1, levothyroxine. Brand names include Synthroid, Levothroid, Tirosint, Unithroid, Novothyrox, and Levoxyl.

    Option 2 is levothyroxine plus liothyronine. Brand names include Cytomel and Triostat.

    It takes trial and error to find which of these works best for you. A good doctor will adjust your dosage based on both blood tests and symptoms.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    edited July 2015
    The big difference between the synthetics and NDT is that NDT contains all the thyroid hormones -- T1-T4. So, with just NDT, you're getting your T3 in addition to your T4 without having to take another pill like cytomel (T3 synthetic). They don't know what T1 and T2 do -- they believe them to be inert right now. But, some docs (mine included) think that it's possible that they provide some benefit that we just don't know about yet as my doc Hashi's patients tend to do better on NDT than the synthetics. He freely admits that he can't explain why, but it's what he's observed in this practice.

    20+ years ago, NDT was frowned upon because its formulation wasn't as precise -- some docs worried that you weren't getting consistent dosages per pill. But, it's regulated by the FDA now just like the synthetics are (it's not a "supplement" but a medication), so the precision of its formulation falls within those standards now. So, it's no longer a problem.

    I personally don't know why so many docs prefer the synthetics. I think that's what they're often told in medical school/early training, and they are loathe to waiver from it. I strongly suspect its a brilliant marketing campaign by the synthetics manufacturers to doctors (Synthroid in particular) -- just like how certain companies try to get their products into schools so kids grow up with them and they're familiar to buy as adults -- whether it's Coke with free sodas or Apple with free computers. I personally think that ANY kickbacks to doctors for/from pharmaceuticals should be illegal. Talk about a conflict of interest!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member

    20+ years ago, NDT was frowned upon because its formulation wasn't as precise -- some docs worried that you weren't getting consistent dosages per pill. But, it's regulated by the FDA now just like the synthetics are (it's not a "supplement" but a medication), so the precision of its formulation falls within those standards now. So, it's no longer a problem.

    I personally don't know why so many docs prefer the synthetics. I think that's what they're often told in medical school/early training, and they are loathe to waiver from it. I strongly suspect its a brilliant marketing campaign by the synthetics manufacturers to doctors (Synthroid in particular) -- just like how certain companies try to get their products into schools so kids grow up with them and they're familiar to buy as adults -- whether it's Coke with free sodas or Apple with free computers. I personally think that ANY kickbacks to doctors for/from pharmaceuticals should be illegal. Talk about a conflict of interest!

    This is largely due to the nature of allopathic (MD) training and fear of litigation. Identify the symptoms, root cause, and base your treatment on the symptom (root cause analysis). In thyroid issues, previously the only reliable indicator was TSH level and treating other variables, such as T3, opens up the possibility of doing harm. So if there's no indication of T3 insufficiency, the focus is on T4.

    Holistic practitioners (DO) are trained to treat the patient and will attempt to get an understanding of all the variables before attempting to identify a treatment regimen. Even so they will opt for the regimen with lesser risk.

    The other issue is the nature of the regulatory approval process and the clinical studies involved. Doctors will always move towards the product with a lower risk adverse event profile. NDT simply has more variables and greater risk, thus levothyroxine becomes a more desirable product to prescribe.

    Any form of compensation from pharmaceutical companies is currently illegal.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Listening to a thyroid patient and adjusting her (we're mostly women) NDT dosage based on symptoms as well as on levels takes way more time than testing TSH & T4 and prescribing Synthroid.

    My endocrinologist treats me like crap. When I complain of fatigue, he says I have an unreasonable expectation of how well I should feel at my age. My T3 was super low, but it took me a year & a half to persuade him to prescribe Cytomel. (Yes, I'm looking for a new endo, but it's complicated.)

    When I first asked about Cytomel, he asked, "who have you been talking to?!" If I hadn't read about Cytomel and Armour here in this group, I would've thought Synthroid was the only option.
  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    "he says I have an unreasonable expectation of how well I should feel at my age". Nice. I was told that "low T3 must be my natural level that my body gravitates to" :-) True gems of wisdom!