Newbie - Morbidly Obese seeking reassurance



  • archanajoyce
    archanajoyce Posts: 219 Member
    I was 240 when I began the c25k, and I managed to complete it. I'm still around 220, and I'm now on week 12 of a 10k program. I run rather slow, less than 4 mph, averaging 17-18 minutes per mile. But it is running, not jogging. When I first started, my running pace was about 19-20 minutes per mile. I haven't done any speedwork to increase my pace, it's all just from consistent running. Slowing down and good shoes are key.

    I'm also doing weights and a stretching routine now. Even though I haven't lost a lot of weight, I feel better. I'm slimmer now, and running is more important to me than how much weight I lose. I've only been on this journey for a few months. It can only get better in time.

    Congratulations! Wow @Autumnfilly2005 , 4mph is like double my speed I think! But you have stirred hope in me that I may be able to speed up someday. And fist bump on 10K training! Maybe I can try that next 

    Weight loss wise, I have 16 kg to go before the doctor can declare me healthy. However, I’m also going to start a strength training routine  Do you think it is wise to strength train and after than do a short run?

    Would love your opinion!
  • archanajoyce
    archanajoyce Posts: 219 Member

    Today will be Week 8 Day 3 - What I thought was impossible... It's like looking at the peak of a mountain I've been climbing for ages, knowing that in a few more steps I would've scaled it. Just a few more...

    Thank you everyone. You are all part of my success <3
  • archanajoyce
    archanajoyce Posts: 219 Member
    I did it! Week 8 complete! Now to run a 5k this weekend and time myself :)
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    @archanajoyce Congratulations!! Enjoy your run this weekend!
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    I've just read this post in its entirety and I'm beginning to think maybe I'm crazy. In a good way, of course!

    From my teen years forward I've always dreamt of being a runner. And until I was 53, I've never even considered it possible. I made a lifestyle change mid January because, at 400+lbs, I most likely wasn't going to be around much longer. Currently I weigh 324# and yesterday I completed w3d1.

    I've been doing the weeks in the house, running in place. Not ideal, but manageable. The past several days I've been challenging myself with slow runs during my outside walks. I can do it, I CAN run! It may not look all svelty runneresque, actually it may look more jiggly jelloesque, but I DON'T CARE!! Yesterday, on a whim, I jogged 2/3 of the outer perimeter of a soccer field. In very tall grass. In flip-flops. After about 10k steps already completed for the day. But I did it.

    For those of you who are concerned about what you look like running - don't worry about it. Stop and consider for a moment what YOU would think if you saw me, a 324# older woman, running slowly past you. For me, I'd be in AWE! I'd be so impressed that she was out there working hard to improve her quality of life that I wouldn't even give much thought to how she looked. It just simply does not matter!

  • adam145
    adam145 Posts: 32 Member
    For those of you who are concerned about what you look like running - don't worry about it. Stop and consider for a moment what YOU would think if you saw me, a 324# older woman, running slowly past you. For me, I'd be in AWE! I'd be so impressed that she was out there working hard to improve her quality of life that I wouldn't even give much thought to how she looked. It just simply does not matter!

    ^^^This, a million times.

    Fantastic. Well done, and keep it up!
  • archanajoyce
    archanajoyce Posts: 219 Member
    I've just read this post in its entirety and I'm beginning to think maybe I'm crazy. In a good way, of course!

    From my teen years forward I've always dreamt of being a runner. And until I was 53, I've never even considered it possible. I made a lifestyle change mid January because, at 400+lbs, I most likely wasn't going to be around much longer. Currently I weigh 324# and yesterday I completed w3d1.

    I've been doing the weeks in the house, running in place. Not ideal, but manageable. The past several days I've been challenging myself with slow runs during my outside walks. I can do it, I CAN run! It may not look all svelty runneresque, actually it may look more jiggly jelloesque, but I DON'T CARE!! Yesterday, on a whim, I jogged 2/3 of the outer perimeter of a soccer field. In very tall grass. In flip-flops. After about 10k steps already completed for the day. But I did it.

    For those of you who are concerned about what you look like running - don't worry about it. Stop and consider for a moment what YOU would think if you saw me, a 324# older woman, running slowly past you. For me, I'd be in AWE! I'd be so impressed that she was out there working hard to improve her quality of life that I wouldn't even give much thought to how she looked. It just simply does not matter!

    You are so amazing! Can't wait to read your graduation entry!
  • gi62nny
    gi62nny Posts: 3 Member
    I am so very frustrated, I had knee surgery in January and gained 10lbs and just been cleared to start running again and its a much harder process than what I thought. I think I have been in denial about what I look like until I saw myslef in a 360 mirror. OMG - i'm awful. I am so obese - I'm 5'6' and over 200 lbs I track everyday and strength train 2 days a week and hopefully going out for a run tomorrow morning. I'm so discouraged. I hope I can make it do this
  • DaveAkeman
    DaveAkeman Posts: 296 Member
    @gi62nny, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your post. I was almost 300 pounds when I started my C25K. It's been 6 months, and I graduated C25K several months ago. I'm running 10 miles a week. I have lost 80 pounds and, although I know I have a way left to go, I look and feel better now than I ever have in my life.

    I am currently 5'6" and over 200 pounds.
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    @gi62nny - I, too, and 5'6" and over 200 pounds! I just started week 5 and while what's ahead of me seems scary and hard, I'm determined. I believe that you can do this, too!!