Disaster dinner! LOL - lesson learned

tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
edited July 2015 in Social Groups
OMG. I just made the biggest disaster of a dinner. I was going to go over a bit today (by choice). I was making chicken wings and Zucchini fries (for me, regular fries for hubby). I decided to use a keto crispy wings recipe using baking powder as the coating...

Well, I didn't pay close enough attention to the recipe. I should have read all the comments first. It said to use 2 TBS of baking powder for 2kg wings. I had 1 kg wings and I just dumped about 1/2 cup of baking powder into a bag with some seasoning to shake the chicken in.

Now I am generally a very good cook, but my head was NOT screwed on today, kind of foggy. I didn't really think about what I was doing.. They were SO salty, they tasted of baking soda, and if we HAD eaten, our intestines would probably have exploded!
I had to throw the whole batch away. We had fries for dinner. It will be pork rinds a wine later.. LOL..

I can think of maybe 20 times in 15 years I have ruined dinner and 2 times I had to throw the food away! lol..

Anyone else have any cooking low carb cooking disasters?


  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Lol I think we've all had a cooking disaster.

    I found a recipe for keto gnocchi. Sounded amazing. Got it all mixed up, rolled it out, cut the gnocchi, put nice little lines through it with a fork, threw them in the boiling water and they just went to complete liquid. I missed the part where it said to use low moisture mozarella. Lol. Tasted amazing but looked like scrambled eggs ;)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I made an "oopsie bread" recipe for the first time and I thought I didn't whip the egg whites enough but then I made it again whipping them more and turns out that is just the way it is. lol.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Haha, aww Timelyn, sorry for laughing, but bwoy those wings would have been VILE! I cant imagine why anyone would write a recipe using Baking Powder as a coating - that stuff tastes nasty as hell in very small quantities. There is no time, ever, that i would suggest using more than 1 tsp baking powder - and that's in a big recipe for its raising abilities, not for flavor or a coating. Urgghhhh! Whoever wrote that recipe needs to take up a new hobby... obviously cooking is not for them! :open_mouth:

    I've done that before a few times - followed a hopeless recipe and been too foggy to realise where im going wrong. Very frustrating.

    I tend to use a 50-50 mixture of ground almonds & grated parmesan, plus seasonings, to coat my chicken or fish recipes (1st dipped in egg). Before i went Keto i used also Tapioca Flour to dust chicken or fish - it works excellently and is gluten free, but depending how much you use can rack the carbs up, so i tend to omit it nowadays. What i do most of the time now is leave off the coatings all together and just get the chicken skin really crispy and golden. I actually prefer it. That's what we had for dinner tonight - Crispy Chicken Thighs with Chicken 'Crackling'. I just dusted the meat-side with some paprika, onion powder, salt & pepper (just a wee bit) and the skin side lots of pink himalayan salt & black pepper (spices can burn). Then i fried them skin-side down in a really hot pan with a little coconut oil for 8 minutes until the skin was golden & crisp. Turn them over & fry the meat side for 5 minutes. Then pop them in a preheated 450F oven for 25 minutes, or until a meat thermometer reads 170C. Honestly it was the best chicken we've had. Simple but delicious. I'll bet it would work great for chicken wings.

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    My hubby loves the Cracklin Chicken! He said, "That needs to be in the regular rotation" ( of meals). We had it for supper on Tuesday. Nom nom! :smiley:
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    I usually use almond flour or nothing, just seasoning for whatever type of cuisine it is. I don't know what possessed me! I have always wanted to try that cracklin chicken. But I have never found thighs with the skin on them here. I have found thighs once and they were skinned. Norway is very weird with food. No turkey legs or wings, just breast or whole, Ground turkey is hard to find, just ground chicken Ack,, but I will keep looking, because that recipe sounds great!
  • randiewilliams72
    randiewilliams72 Posts: 119 Member
    Lol I think we've all had a cooking disaster.

    I found a recipe for keto gnocchi. Sounded amazing. Got it all mixed up, rolled it out, cut the gnocchi, put nice little lines through it with a fork, threw them in the boiling water and they just went to complete liquid. I missed the part where it said to use low moisture mozarella. Lol. Tasted amazing but looked like scrambled eggs ;)

    I made them too. I thought the same thing. luckily mine didn't fall apart. but now I know the trick after you pointed it out. lol
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    Too funny! I haven't flubbed on a Keto recipe yet, but only because I haven't made enough of them. I still can't chicken liver to taste good, though.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    My hubby loves the Cracklin Chicken! He said, "That needs to be in the regular rotation" ( of meals). We had it for supper on Tuesday. Nom nom! :smiley:

    My fiance was the same - he said he could eat it every day. That's saying something coming from him as he's a carb-a-holic and deliberately critical of anything he thinks may be "keto food".

    We tried Pork Belly the other night, roasted in the oven, with a salt, pepper & ground fennel seed rub, until the crackling was perfectly crunchy, the fat was golden & crisp & the meat was tender & succulent. Oh. My. Gosh. I think ive found a new favorite food! Pure lushness! Whilst i was eating it i decided how lucky i was to be Keto. :smiley:

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    I usually use almond flour or nothing, just seasoning for whatever type of cuisine it is. I don't know what possessed me! I have always wanted to try that cracklin chicken. But I have never found thighs with the skin on them here. I have found thighs once and they were skinned. Norway is very weird with food. No turkey legs or wings, just breast or whole, Ground turkey is hard to find, just ground chicken Ack,, but I will keep looking, because that recipe sounds great!

    Do you have chicken leg quarters with skin on? Or chicken drumsticks with skin on? They would work. Or chicken wings. Chicken breasts with skin on would work too - just not quite as nice as the darker meat imo, but still yummy im sure.

    P.S. Id stay away from Turkey anyway. Its too lean. Go for the nice fatty cuts of meat - they taste better and theyre very keto :)

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Too funny! I haven't flubbed on a Keto recipe yet, but only because I haven't made enough of them. I still can't chicken liver to taste good, though.

    Have you tried making Chicken Liver Pate? That there is some serious deliciousness.

  • AreteAndWhimsy
    AreteAndWhimsy Posts: 150 Member
    I was experimenting with keto mug cakes, playing with adapting my favourite non-keto recipe to use coconut and stevia but for some ungodly reason they came out tasting like bitter, sulfuric eggs, and were so so so salty. All the ingredients were fine, and every time I try a recipe with eggs/coconut flour/stevia in any proportion, I get the same nasty results.

    Mr. Whimsy still speaks of them in hushed tones of horror...
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member

    Do you have chicken leg quarters with skin on? Or chicken drumsticks with skin on? They would work. Or chicken wings. Chicken breasts with skin on would work too - just not quite as nice as the darker meat imo, but still yummy im sure.

    P.S. Id stay away from Turkey anyway. Its too lean. Go for the nice fatty cuts of meat - they taste better and theyre very keto :)
    we do have legs with the skin on. I could try that. Thanks. I wouldn't try it with the breast, because I think the conking time would make the breasts dry (nothing worse to me)
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    tlmeyn wrote: »

    Do you have chicken leg quarters with skin on? Or chicken drumsticks with skin on? They would work. Or chicken wings. Chicken breasts with skin on would work too - just not quite as nice as the darker meat imo, but still yummy im sure.

    P.S. Id stay away from Turkey anyway. Its too lean. Go for the nice fatty cuts of meat - they taste better and theyre very keto :)
    we do have legs with the skin on. I could try that. Thanks. I wouldn't try it with the breast, because I think the conking time would make the breasts dry (nothing worse to me)

    That's great - Legs are just thighs with the drumstick attached, theyre perfect for this.

  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    edited July 2015
    well I meant they usually only have drumsticks with the skin attached, but I lucked out today and found the whole legs with skin, so I will be making that tonight!!! thanks for the reminder. Redemption dinner. with cheesy Cauliflower and a salad.
  • SkinnyKerinny
    SkinnyKerinny Posts: 147 Member
    I've been thinking of making faux "bread crumbs" made with pork rinds (made in food processor). Has anyone tried that? It sounds good in theory anyway.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited July 2015
    I've been thinking of making faux "bread crumbs" made with pork rinds (made in food processor). Has anyone tried that? It sounds good in theory anyway.

    Yup, tastes delicious, but the caveats are a) depending what brand you get the pork rinds can come out quite damp and clumpy-togethery (i guess from all the fat) after grinding them, so it can be quite difficult to evenly coat
    your chicken/fish/ w/e, without using a lot, which brings me to b) pork rinds have soooo many calories that when used as coating they can really bump up your calories. For some on higher cals than me this wont be a concern, but i find it hard to fit pork rinds into my cals in the amounts needed for this recipe.

    I used to mix the ground pork rinds 50-50 with almond flour. This helped dry out the crumbs a bit for easier 'breading'.
  • LittleMamaVas
    LittleMamaVas Posts: 35 Member
    Lol I think we've all had a cooking disaster.

    I found a recipe for keto gnocchi. Sounded amazing. Got it all mixed up, rolled it out, cut the gnocchi, put nice little lines through it with a fork, threw them in the boiling water and they just went to complete liquid. I missed the part where it said to use low moisture mozarella. Lol. Tasted amazing but looked like scrambled eggs ;)

    I made those but sauteed them instead of boiling. They turned out and were really good.

    But my low-carb disaster happened yesterday when I tried to make bacon and spaghetti squash patties. They didn't hold their shape at all. And what I got in the end was a mush. Still tasty, but a bit too oily since the mush just soaked everything up in the pan, and looked pretty unappetizing on the plate.
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    I made the Cracklin' Chicken. It was yummy and a hit with the hubby, so I will make that whenever I can find the legs and coat my wings in almond flour as usual for me and flour for him... lol..
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    I made the Cracklin' Chicken. It was yummy and a hit with the hubby, so I will make that whenever I can find the legs and coat my wings in almond flour as usual for me and flour for him... lol..

    Yay @tlmeyn , so glad you enjoyed your Cracklin' Chicken... and hubs too?! Great to get the nod of approval from your OH. Is he low-carb too? Mine is adamantly refusing to give up bread and potatoes and is pretty unsupportive about this WOE tbh, but he loves Cracklin' Chicken (and all the roast/fried meat joints and steaks ive been serving him lately). Maybe i'll get him on board the low-carb train eventually... although he's Irish - have you ever tried to deny a Paddy his potatoes?! Ive got my work cut out! :smile:

    Did you use any seasoning on the Cracklin' Chicken or just S&P? I couldnt believe how flavorful ours were, even the plain S&P ones i did for my LO. Amazing how much tastier thighs are to breast. I always went for breast b/c i thought it was healthier pre-keto and i was kind of scared of the brown meat for some reason (i thought it would be grizzly and slimy & soggy-fatty.. I think i had a badly cooked slimy chicken leg once and it just put me off for life), but bwoy was i missing out. And the skin!... I thought i disliked that too (again, a vague memory of biting into soggy, pale, flaccid chicken skin once and never tried it again, urgh), but crispy chicken skin, i now realise, is the food of the Gods!

    I read one lady, on this forum i think, buys chicken skin specially from her butchers to make crispy chicken skin 'chips'. I thought when i read it how gross that sounded, but now i totally get it. Crispy chicken skin and pork rinds are pure keto deliciousness. I dont usually have enough available cals to indulge, but theyre top of my treat list :)

  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    edited July 2015
    He loved it. No hubby is not low carb. I had the cheesy cauliflower and gave him fries .. What? I wrote a huge reply and it's gone! Anyway I will make it shorter. I used Cajun Seasoning on the back side and only salt on the skin. (Norwegians are just as potato crazy as the Irish! Believe me). There is an Asian market that sells chicken skins frozen here, so that is a treat once or twice a year. They are crazy good!