ETL Like Joel in July



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Mihani, do your higher-ups at your job know how hard you are working? Seems like they should reassign some of your duties, or hire you an assistant.

    Karrie, what a cool treehouse! When do you think it will be ready? I don't want to show up too soon

    You know, I've had quite a few people ask that very same question :lol:

    We raised rafters this past weekend. Will be sheeting and shingling soon!! Then it's railing and ladder time. Then my dad leaves for 3 weeks and we have to pause construction until he gets back (but the kids will be able to use it, at least!!). When he gets back we move to the interior finishing (and the door & window framing on the exterior).

    Then I'm attaching a slide, a rope ladder and a hammock to make it a bit more fun. :smiley:

    My TerraFit challenge started last week, and those workouts are TOUGH!! I am gonna be buff after these 12 weeks are over for sure!! :wink:

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    We're both working like crazy but something is going to have to give soon.

    Honestly, you have crazy stamina. For me, something would have cracked a LONG time ago!!!

    Once I was a manager and all my union employees were on strike, so I had to do overtime and do as much of everyone's job as I could. They were on strike for 9 days. I was a mess. And that was before I had kids, to boot!!! :smirk:
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys, I'm baaccckkkkk!! Felt like a long two weeks away from here. Honeymoon was an awesome break; we had beautiful weather and got to see and do a lot of things and also nothing!!! First day back at work was a disaster but that's expected.

    Treehouse looks AMAZING!!!! A hammock would be perrrrfect. I love that the trees are actually part of it, what a dream!

    Hi Sabine! Good goals for July :)

    Peas, I second the motion for getting an assistant for Mihani! What's new with you?

    Mihani, love the title and referring to ol' Joel by his first name, lol. Maybe that will help us relate to him on an ETL level?!?! Hope you are hanging in there today :)

    Post vacation, I have renewed appreciation for ETL!! We are implementing a workout schedule and also bought all healthy groceries with NO junk or sugar. I feel so puffy that for the first time in a long time, I'm excited about smoothies and ETL!

    How is everyone doing this Monday?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Lia's back yay! Glad to hear you had a wonderful time.
  • Phoenix4me18
    Phoenix4me18 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi all. Sorry for the very extended absence. It has been a busy 30 days first with closing out my company's fiscal year. Just as I was getting out from under that stress we received some shocking news Sunday. My mom went in for some routine blood tests Saturday and received a panicked call from her doctor Saturday asking her to call him immediately. She did not get the message until very late and was not able to talk to him until Sunday morning. When she spoke to him he told her that her white blood cell count was 20 time higher than what it should be and she needed to go directly to the ER. My sisters and I all rushed to be by her side and now, several days later we know she has leukemia. This is a total shock. She had no symptoms at all and it was just on a whim this was discovered. If there can be any good to all of this it is that the type of leukemia she has (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia) can be managed through medication she will have to take the rest of her life. There has been a lot research done on this and the medication has been used for the last 15 years with a 95% success rate at people living symptom free. The doctors have reassured her this won't be something she will die from. It has been a weird place to be - knowing she has cancer but feeling appreciative that she at least has something that can be managed and she will live a long life. All this has thrown us into a bit of a tailspin. We had just hit the 6 year mark since my middle sisters breast cancer diagnosis and things felt like they were finally getting into a comfortable normal. These are the two strongest people I know. The most pivotal people in my life. It has pretty much been a punch to the gut. There has been endless tears, no real sleep (other than drug induced) and walking around in a fog.

    Between my mom's recent diagnosis and things occurring with my grandmothers health it hit me like a brick just how important it is for me to focus on my health. The fact is - I have GOT to get my weight under control. Not just for me, but, for my family. If my mom can get leukemia and is one of the healthiest people I know it really scares me what I am doing to myself by being so overweight. So, despite feeling like I am filled with lead and not able to truly function I came back to work today and started logging my food. This needs to be a priority - even with everything going on.

    Hug the ones you love today.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Laura, that is so stressful. I got goosebumps reading it. I can't imagine how hard it must be right now, but good for you for finding something positive to focus on for a bit (ie. counting calories). It's great your family bands together so well, I hope you find some comfort in them! Hang in there, we are thinking about you. So thankful that there is medication for your Mom to continue living a mostly "normal" life!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    edited July 2015
    Laura, sending positive thoughts to you and your family during this difficult time. So glad to hear it is something that can be managed though. You're so right too, that you have to take care of yourself and your own health. I am realizing I'm no good to anyone lately. I'm working too much, not eating right enough of the time, not exercising. If there was any sort of crisis I'd be sunk.

    Lia, hope work was better today. It's always a mess when you leave for a bit, but the time away is necessary for sanity! And you had a really really good excuse for a vacation. :) How did the vegetarian wedding go over with people? Can't wait to see pics of you in your beautiful wedding dress.

    Been a crazy week. Boss is off for a long weekend after today, thank goodness. I was ready to throw things at him lol. I'm going shopping this weekend and stock up on stuff for smoothies and salads, and I'm going to try to figure out a way to get back to the gym regularly. I need that time mentally as much as physically.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Up and at 'em early, have to go deal with some things for a client and there were a couple files I forgot to throw in my briefcase before I left the office yesterday so I'm going to run down there first and grab those before heading off to the client's house. Going to the grocery on the way back home later for green things, then I can work from home the rest of the day. Tomorrow I'll be in the office, and the way things look I'll be working most of next weekend too, but after that I really am going to have to put my foot down and take at least one day a week off.

    Gearing myself up to hit the gym Monday after work. I think if I can get myself back there regularly for a couple weeks I'll fall back into the habit. I enjoy going, but it's like everything else in my life lately, work is sucking up all my time and energy. I'd like to get back to my old m/w/f gym routine.

    Hope y'all have a good weekend!
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Just munched down half a golden honeydew (sweet, lovely, made me feel like I was somewhere my mind and belly!) and stopping by a second. My goals for today are to eat lightly, work on a paper diligently, and...that is about it.

    Welcome back Lia, I hope your vacation was the bomb! sorry about that news! My dad is the one who is taking many many steps backwards right now. I am an RN, my focus area is cardiovascular surgery, and knowing his options and the way those options can potentially not helping me right now. I think about the future all the time.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Laura you in our prayers.

    Finally getting caught up and getting into the groove again. This year my business has really taken off. I am getting to the point I may have to hire someone. For now my Dad has decided to help me out. So, very nice of him.

    My parents are visiting for the next 2 weeks and I will work on training my Dad to help me out.
    We will be going to Nantucket for a couple of days. Looking forward to that. Even though I have lived in MA for over 20 years I have never been to Nantucket.

    Have been pretty strict since Wednesday and I am already feeling better. I do not know what happened but 1 week ago I woke up and my legs, feet and ankles were so swollen Plus i have been getting reflux again. I knew it was time to clean up my act again. I need to take off 10-15 lbs. But it all depends where my body wants to go. I want to try and eat more calories this time and not starve myself. Just focus on this is how I will eat every day.

    Well off to make a few dinners: Better Burgers and Mexican Lentils.

    Have a nice Sunday super hot here today :)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Good to see you Terri! Glad to hear business is going so well.
  • Phoenix4me18
    Phoenix4me18 Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words and prayers. It means so much to me.

    Friday I took mom to see her primary care doctor and to get her blood drawn. Her main doctor came in and basically said "what the heck happened??" He said she now holds the record for most shocking diagnosis. He reiterated how lucky she is to have caught it when she did. Her last blood draw was in 2010, so, it is likely she has been walking around with this for years and didn't even know it. Her blood draw went well. It was hard being there with her, but, she said she appreciated it and said I am going to be her official organizer to ensure everyone is updated on things and all the information on her condition is kept up to date. I told her for every appointment it is probably good to have a second set of ears if possible. I know from my sister that this can be valuable as it can be hard for the person who is the patient to catch everything. We did hang around for the results of her blood tests and were rewarded with good news - her white blood cells are down to 77,000. Last Tuesday they were at 123,000 so, continued progress! The medication appears to have at least stopped all bone marrow production which is allowing her white blood cells to reduce. Which this is still way too high it is much better than what it was before. She has an appointment today to get final results of all the tests and hopefully this will provide the final results needed to get her started on a more permanent medication.

    During the appointment with her primary care doctor she brought up information about my grandmother (she is the person who handles their medical conditions) and I found out surprising information. I knew my grandmother was dealing with some heart issues which they are going to have to try to medically fix first, but, found out that based on her latest lab results she is diabetic. It was hard to internalize, but, part of me was like "how many signs do you need in order to understand how important it is for you to take care of yourself Laura??"

    Saturday was the first down day we had experienced in the last week and I think everything hit me pretty hard. I spent a large part of the morning out on my deck just crying. It was the first time I had been alone and could actually really let anything out and not feel like I had to be strong or put up a brave front to anyone. I think DH and the kids picked up on the fact that it wasn't a great day and did a good job at giving me my space initially and then distracted me the rest of the day.

    We got our grocery shopping done yesterday and am ready for a week of healthy eating and exercising. I am hoping to add more layers of normal back into my life and hopefully it will help me cope a little bit more.
  • tdh1991
    tdh1991 Posts: 511 Member
    Laura I am so sorry your family has to suffer like this. Hopefully, she can be treated correctly and be on her road to recovery.

    Have been doing well. Made Pablano Peppper stuffed with Mexican lentis was so delicious. Even my husband gobble down this dinner. Definitely, going to make this again. I ended up having it for breakfast today.

    My parents arrive today, so lots of cleaning. Hoping to get time to go to the gym today as well.

    Have a great day everyone

    Mexican Lentils

    Serves: 4
    Preparation Time: 10 minutes

    1 cup lentils, uncooked
    1 cup frozen or fresh corn
    1 cup low sodium tomato sauce (I used a spicy sauce)
    1 medium onion, chopped
    1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
    1 teaspoon chili powder
    2 tablespoons fresh cilantro
    jalapeno or chilli peppers
    (server over polenta squares or stuff in peppers)

    Boil the lentils in 2 cups of water for 30 minutes and drain. Add corn, tomato sauce, onion, cumin powder and chili powder and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Stir in cilantro.

    Note: For an interesting variation, stuff into halved Poblano chili peppers.
    We love this recipe! I cut 2-3 poblano peppers lengthwise, and then stuff the mixture into each half. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
    Per Serving:

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Jean I totally missed you there. I love honeydew melon!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Laura, hang in there. Glad you got some time for yourself. Terri I'm definitely trying that recipe.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Terri, I'm so happy you posted that mexican lentils recipe - I love everything lentils and I love everything mexican, looks delicious!

    Mihani, how is this week looking for you? A bit of peace without the boss around? My work has just been insanity too. I was thinking about you and wondering how you do it year round? For us it only lasts about 5 months at least. How are the hands?

    Laura, what a tough situation. I'm glad you got a good cry to yourself too! Sometimes it helps. I'm sure your Mom is so appreciative of all your help too! I hope this week is a better one, and that this sort of becomes more of a new "normal" soon for you guys.

    Jean, nice to see you!! What is new and exciting?

    I am trying to be better with consistent ETL and intuitive eating. It's always a process and struggle. I made a bunch of food last night, all ETL and SO many veggies, and then I still ended off the meal with chocolate and pb lol. Sigh. I had a bachelorette on the weekend though and aside from a few drinks, I had a totally healthy day. It was weird, I kept thinking, "I did it?!?!" and barely believing it myself. I abstained from ball park junk, brought hummus/pita/veggies and ate those as snacks, and then ordered a salad at the restaurant. So maybe I can do it?!? Lol.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    PS we got a few photos from our photog!! I actually still worry about not having lost much weight for the wedding, but I'm happy with how it went and the photos and the memories :)

    087.jpg 447.2K
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Mmmm, Mexican lentils! Can't say I have made this recipe, but variations on a it stuffed into peppers. That is one of our family vegan everyone can agree on!

    My TSH is finally...after a "normal" range. And I do feel better., but maybe I am comparing to my 20 something self, I dunno. Anyway have been more awake lately, hahaha. I am taking August off of classes because I am so burned out on writing papers I can hardly stand myself. I want to have a month of summer to enjoy without thinking I "should" be writing.

    I am having a lovely peach off the peach truck, lol! So tasty...I am not into peach flavored things even a little bit, I find them generally awful. But a fresh ripe peach that was picked shortly before getting to me, oh yes!

    I think about unexpected diagnosis a lot. But, I work in a place that lends itself to that thing...people always joke about a headache being a brain tumor, but where I often is. Just recently I cared for a woman who ...hit a bunny while riding her bike. She broke her arm badly, but in addition, when we were looking for injuries from the fall, we found all sorts of tumor activity in her head. What's up with that? I find myself often knowing things about people's health and futures before they do, and I often think about those last few hours, those last few minutes, of blissful unawareness before they find out. Heck, I was a just turned 40 year old who thought I had a small GI bleed from taking too much advil for knee pain related to exercise. A day later, being sucked into the vortex that is cancer treatment. It's all a lot to think about.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,945 Member
    Lia, you look beautiful!!! So glad the wedding went well. And congrats on getting back to normal so quickly after all the whirlwind of activity and the honeymoon. Hope work is settling down. It's not happening here. I have put on 5 pounds, the stress is getting to me and it is really starting to tick me off that I am letting stress derail me again. I start every day off with good intentions and then I screw it up. But again I'm sure that the key for me is simplicity. Lots of smoothies, salads, soups and stir-frys. Avoid the starchy carbs. They are such a slippery slope for me. And I absolutely have to get back to the gym. I just don't seem to enjoy working out at home since the treadmill has been broken. I will just have to go treadmill at the gym, which isn't nearly as fun as having my netflix right there in front of the treadmill here at home, but I can have my kindle and read at least. I am going out with a friend on Thursday after work, dinner and drinks, but after that I'm going to avoid alcohol for at least a month. I think it makes me more tired and contributes to the starchy carb cravings.

    Jean, deep thoughts. I am glad to hear you're feeling good now though! I hope you enjoy your time off and can recharge your batteries.
  • Phoenix4me18
    Phoenix4me18 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi all. Had a good day yesterday. Though my eating wasn't fantastic I logged it all, so, that is a big step from where I have been. Also came home after stopping to visit with my mom and just desperately wanted to skip my workout. I have not been sleeping well and was just exhausted. But, the more I thought about it and my goals the more I realized that even though I really didn't WANT to do my workout I NEEDED to do my workout. It turned out to be one of my best workouts with 6 2 minute intervals of jogging and hit the two mile mark. I had barely been able to run a full minute two weeks ago and hadn't hit the 2 mile mark yet. One of my goals is to get back to jogging a 5k with no walking. It has been 9 years since I was able to do that and I want it back! I know nutrition is such a key part of that, so, as I tweak things and get it to where it needs to be I am trying to keep that in mind.

    Lia - oh my goodness - you are so beautiful! What a wonderful picture. I am so glad the wedding went well.

    Jean - glad to hear your TSH levels are normal now. Unexpected diagnosis definitely changes things. For myself, I hadn't ever spent too much time giving it too much thought up until about 6 years ago. At that point, everything in my life changed. Suddenly these started popping up all around us - my FIL received his undetected and advanced colon cancer diagnosis and my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. It shook my world. It makes me value every moment I have with those I love. I had hoped we were through it all, but, this diagnosis is a huge reminder how important it is to keep doing that.

    Terri - the lentils sound delicious! I am definitely noting that down to try. Thanks for sharing.

    Mihani - hope you have a good night out with your friend on Thursday. Hopefully it will help relieve some of your stress. Stress is a killer for me too when it comes to my food choices, sleep and workouts. It just seems to kill everything. I love it when my food is a simple and no brainer choice. I think if it were just me I would just have a refrigerator filled with individual pre-measured baggies and containers so I could literally just grab and go!

    Well, gotta get to work. Hope everyone has great days!