I'm new!

Not new to MFP, but starting back up again. I have been off and on the wagon (mostly off) for about a year now and the last month has been the worse! I'm talking eating fast food almost every day (sometimes 2 times a day!!), eating tons of junk food, and also drinking (alcohol) 2-3 times a week. To the point where I am feeling like absolute *kitten* both physically and mentally. So I decided the other day to get my act together again! I just turned 39 last month, and am back up to 307 pounds :open_mouth: .... so I decided today was the day! I joined this group last night, and have already added a couple new people as friends, but I am always looking for more!! I need the accountability, motivation, and all that jazz. So please, feel free to add me! I do keep my diary open to friends, so this way I can be held accountable. Hope you all have an amazing day! :smiley:


  • Miss_Mania
    Miss_Mania Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome to the group!!
  • Summershowalter
    Summershowalter Posts: 49 Member
    This is a great group for accountability. You should join the accountability thread and there is a weight loss challenge every month. You've got this!
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
  • SweetDesiderata
    SweetDesiderata Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you everyone! Yes, I did see the accountability thread and the monthly challenges. They look very helpful for motivation. I will join in on those soon :smile:
  • leesamahree
    leesamahree Posts: 27 Member
    I think I've been off and on MFP since 2013!! But I've never been consistent, until now (67 day tracking streak so far). I'm 38 and started at 315...sending a friend request! :smile:
  • SweetDesiderata
    SweetDesiderata Posts: 22 Member
    Accepted! And congrats on the 67 days! I dont think I have ever made it that long, lol. I am hoping with all these amazing people that I am adding to my friends, that I can stick with it this time. :smile: