Motivation, support and accountability thread July 13 to July 19

HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
So bring on your goals for the week! strive for success while keeping them real!

Mini goal: drink, drink, drink! If you don't watch your water intake, watch it this week! Share with us your success and struggles with this refreshing drink!


  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    My goals this week:
    1) stay off the scale except wednesday and saturday
    2) increase my evening water since i tend to stop at 4 pm
    3) exercise 3 times this week and do 2 strength days
    4) log all even the bad stuff
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    My goals this week:
    1. Log everything including weekends
    2. Don't let weekends be a complete diet derailment.
    3. Resist Kraft Service at work.
    4. Go for my lunch walk 4/5 days, with the ramp 3x at least. I usually take Monday off, because on the weekend we are busy busy moving, and it is my busy payroll day, but maybe a little walk to get moving, we'll see I guess.
  • lillie917
    lillie917 Posts: 60 Member
    I am going to begin with baby steps.

    My mini goal this week is to drink water each day. (I usually only drink tea)
    Log food.
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Lillie: Getting started is half the battle. Good work on getting here.
  • 300to1derland
    300to1derland Posts: 32 Member
    1. Stop weighing myself every day. Weight fluctuates too much :( Only weigh in on Thursdays.
    2. Log everything, even if I go over my calories. Not every day can be perfect.
    3. Begin working out with weights and start upper body and squats.
    4. Cardio at least 3 days a week and try for 45 minutes this week.

    I like the mini goal - I'm still having troubles getting in water 8 times a day.
  • Summershowalter
    Summershowalter Posts: 49 Member
    ok so this week is repair from the weekend week. I did awful with my eating this weekend. my will power just isn't there to resist all the junk that was around plus every time it was meal time we went out to eat and these people don't believe in eating at healthy restaurants. so I didn't log. I wasn't even sure how to. I know I went over my cals everyday just with all the stuff going in my mouth. going back home today so it will be better this week. Im just hoping I haven't completely sabotaged myself.

    ok now my goals for this week:
    1) cook my food at home
    2) work out at least 3 days this week....either body weight or just a walk
    3)don't be mad on Monday if I have gained weight...yes this is a problem for me

    MINI GOAL: water water water.....ive had lots of soda on hand and of course I didn't resist it so i'll be rehydrating this week. I'll check in on that one later.
  • Turtlegal83
    Turtlegal83 Posts: 42 Member
    My goal this week is small since I'm just starting, but a small goal is better then no goal right.

    1. No fast food
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Goals are going better this week, i am down on my water a bit today but i will make it up this evening! i have been logging my stuff too! I am still not feeling really well from this weekend! So i am slow moving!

    Every day at work i drink my hot tea and then line up 3 500ml (16oz) bottles of water and start drinking this keeps me drinking water at work, i need some tricks for home
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Shayla: One step at a time helps.
    HLaR: Good work keep going.

    My goals are getting their. However this week I'm finding harder to say no to Kraft Service. In the afternoons I've been having the Chicago Mix Popcorn. But staying within my calories.

    As mentioned, Monday I didn't go for my walk, but today I did. I did the incline 2x2 times. So getting better.

    Mini Goal, most days I have enough water (weekends are harder) because I have .75-1 liter of water while getting ready in the morning to get my system going. Then I try and drink one more through the day at least. Today I'm down, so I'll try and make up for it tonight.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    No goal this week as I am sick due to an ulcer. I am slowly getting better but my eating and exercise is far from typical. So I guess I'll just be the cheerleader this week.

    D R I N K your water!

  • SweetDesiderata
    SweetDesiderata Posts: 22 Member
    Ok, well here goes!
    Since I am only on day two, I am keeping my goals simple, so as not to overwhelm myself.
    So, this week's goal: Track all the things! If it's going in my mouth I will track it!
    Seems a bit simple, but the times I have been doing this and fall off the wagon almost immediatley it's been because I set all these crazy goals and then get overwhelmed. I am definitely a baby steps kind of girl :smile:
    Good luck to everyone on their goals!
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Sweet: keeping it simple is a great plan.
    Jitheis: I hope your doing better soon
  • Turtlegal83
    Turtlegal83 Posts: 42 Member
    I set myself up to fail without even realizing it. My nieces bday party is planned for Saturday and dinner will be eating out. So I will go for no fast food next week and go with ..

    Eat a new veggie this week :)
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Violet: maybe packing a snack from home could help stay away from the goodies, but most important is logging so wtg for keeping it up
    I am too weird for chicago mix i eat all the caramel than the cheese lol! Great job walking!

    Jltheis: we all need cheerleaders, feel better soon

    Sweet abd Shayla simple is better, this is a marathon not a sprint! Its okay to master one change than master another

    I did good in food and water today, but oh my goodness the heat or more specifically humidy just kicked my *kitten* today, we walked for our lunch not worth it! i need some sleep! I am sorry i am a summer hater!!!

  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    HLaR I hear you on the heat, not fun.

    As far as food today, I did fairly well resisting Kraft service. I did pack some snacks and ended up having some trail mix for the afternoon, along with yogurt and berries. I was avoiding the veggies I had packed. I wasn't in the mood, but I was board at work and eating to fill the void and so I caved into the carrots for munching.
  • SweetDesiderata
    SweetDesiderata Posts: 22 Member
    HLaR79: I am with you on hating summer! I am in FL, and the heat and humidity here is just insane in the summer! I do NOT do any walking this time of year aside from the walking I get done during school.

    I am proud of myself today... I forgot my credit card when I left the house this A.M. so I started out my day having to grab snacks from the vending machine with the couple bucks I had on me. But I tracked them! And then by the time my day was over, I was sooo hungry, so I stopped at Panda Express on my way home. Definitely NOT the best option, but I did not order near as much as I normally would have, and again, I tracked it. (Over 1k in calories for that meal!! YIKES) I am wearing my FitBit, and with all the walking I did today, I earned an extra 400 cals, so that helped, because I am still under my goal!

    And great job to everyone else!
  • Turtlegal83
    Turtlegal83 Posts: 42 Member
    I feel like all I've done today is eat lol I am horrible at eating regularly. I don't get hungry so I will go all day with nothing but water and then by dinner time I'm nauseous from no food. Well since I've been focused on eating better and being more active that also means I'm more aware of setting regular meals. When you go from eating once a day to 3 times a day and a snack, that's a lot more chewing lol. It was yummy food and good for me food which was even better :) and I was under my cals by a few 100. I kicked today's *kitten*!!!
  • 300to1derland
    300to1derland Posts: 32 Member
    Good job, Shayla! I'm not the greatest at eating regularly either, but MFP has helped me to overcome that.
  • leesamahree
    leesamahree Posts: 27 Member
    With kids, eating regularly can be a challenge. I'm a serious coffee drinker so I add Premier Protein to my coffee when I can't get food in. Good for you for tracking, even if it wasn't ideal. That was a huge hurdle for me. Either I wouldn't track my binges or cheats or higher calorie foods or I would give up all together...and you still were under cals? Awesome! B)
  • SweetDesiderata
    SweetDesiderata Posts: 22 Member
    That was a huge hurdle for me. Either I wouldn't track my binges or cheats or higher calorie foods or I would give up all together...and you still were under cals? Awesome! B)

    Yep, this is what always ends up getting me!! Before I would allow myself a cheat day and just go crazy (and not track it), but I think this time around I am not going to do that. I am still eating what I want but also tracking it. I am also not going to allow myself to have temptation around me. Last night for instance, if I had some chips or something around, I may have eaten them! Night time is the hardest for me... its the time that I want to snack!