Week 16 Update



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Also, the FitBit height adjustment it gives me is 72.6 inches instead of my height of 67. So I'll just plug it back in as 6 feet tall and see how that goes.

    I did the first day on the sheet. Exercise calories 541. Likely TDEE 2308. Likely TDEG 2062. Deficit amount 246. Deficit % 10.66. I think I got it right.

    Remember that the weekly table is purely optional - it was meant for looking at say a past week to see what the avg deficit % ended up being, or tracking a current week for same reason.
    It actually does no math on it's own - you have to supply the figures from the upper section.

    You HAVE to use the cell that says "Today's MFP projected TDEE" - that's it.
    Then you get the Results as Daily Figures - TDEG and deficit and %.

    Didn't want you filling in only the exercise cell in the weekly table thinking you were getting any math done with it.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Okay, I do see it now-- I was looking at the wrong sheet. Mifflin BMR is 1414. Then my RMR pops us as 1,578. I went ahead and just did a body of 28%

    So I know you talk a lot about how unless circuit training, HR monitors inflate calories burned lifting weights and I understand why that would be. I need to enter something though. I pay attention to what my HR monitor (chest strap) does as I'm waiting between sets and it bounces up and down between 95 up to 150 if I'm really pushing. How do I adjust that? Just shave some calories off HR burn?

    I also know you've mentioned HR monitors are inaccurate when doing slower activities. Example, I do a lot yardwork, some of which keeps my HR just around 100bmp. It's not high, but my resting HR is half of that so I feel I need to account for it somehow. What are your thoughts on those kind of activities? That reel push mower however is a full on high intensity cardio workout with the hills. It's crazy. I wear my HR monitor and my HR stays between 145-170!

    I realize a lot of people say don't get too caught up in the numbers, but I like the numbers. To get the deficit right, I think I need to at least try to get my calories burned through out the day close.

    Even circuit training is inflated, but of the resistance workouts, it would be the least inflated as it's more steady-state.

    Manually log as Weights on Fitbit's site if this is lifting with sets, and rests 1-4 min, and reps 5-15 range.
    2 options now - if heavy for you to almost failure, then the more intense option (forgot the name).
    If rests under 1 min, and circuits, and reps 15 and up, then log as circuit training.
    That is more accurate than HRM, unless by sheer coincidence they are close. If they are close, need to workout harder. ;-)

    If moving around doing yard work - Fitbit is seeing that already, no need to log it.
    As you get near 90, the accuracy of HRM formula drops off, so it was losing it already down there.

    Mowing is great workout, sadly my reel only went up to 2.75 inches, and tall fescue prefers taller. And with rain delays to mowing and it growing higher, I preferred taller too. Had to make the switch.
  • MandaLeigh123
    MandaLeigh123 Posts: 351 Member
    Yeah, it took me a minute yesterday to figure out the sheet but I got :) I do the figures on the top then plug them into the bottom just to see. It's a cool sheet. Thx!

    Weights: Usually going to almost failure so will log under that. Every once in awhile if I'm in a rush, I'll do circuits just so that I can get the strength workout in.

    Yard work: I need to clarify my version of yard work I guess. FitBit isn't tracking it, because I'm not moving a ton when I do it. I have a FitBit Flex. I am basing my calories burned doing yard work vs me sitting on the couch. Me sitting on the couch my HR is is 55-60. Me doing yard work, my HR is 90-100 but often I am not moving, so FitBit isn't giving me any burn for that. I'm often in the same spot for 10-15 minutes at at time: planting, pulling weeds, digging around, etc. I've worn my HR monitor out there just to see what happens and that digging by hand shoots my HR up (which surprised me). So at HR 100, that's almost double my resting heart rate, but without the feet movement. I have to be able to account for it in some way.

    I guess that's where I am curious. I understand that 90-100 HR isn't going to be very accurate, but I can't just pretend it doesn't exist when my HR stays that way for three hours compared to sitting on the couch for three hours at HR 55.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Just updated that little spreadsheet for sliding deficit %.
    I figured out how to incorporate no deficit on what could be non-exercise days for when you have a lot to lose, since that's the point - take a diet break on rest days.
    Just the formula in B10 if you want to copy it over.

    Understand about the yard work then, yep, burning higher than they say.

    Easiest way is to get an estimate for you.

    Do a 7 min walk hitting the same HR the whole time.
    See what the calorie burn is that Fitbit gave for it for the 5 min block of time in daily graph.

    Use that for the same level of effort, and per minute calorie burn.
    Manually log gardening with your own calorie burn.
  • MandaLeigh123
    MandaLeigh123 Posts: 351 Member
    Perfect! Thank you. I'm ready to get back to a cut after three months doing a metabolic reset. I needed those three months off more than I realized. I'm coming back into this cut with a stronger sense of what my goals are and a better relationship with food.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I am excited to see how it goes for you Manda. Three months seems like a long time but I know it really isn't in the grand scheme of things. I'm guessing you will see good results :)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    So Manda, did you fall off the planet or something B) ? How is it coming along for you?
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    1) awesome progress
    2) pittsburgh marathon :D holy moly I ran that one that year...totally off topic....