Let's share our goals

glamcloset70 Posts: 13 Member
Hi everyone
My name is Priya
Height - 5'7
Current weight - 152 pounds
Dream weight - 125 pounds
I just hope I share my success story soon.



  • me2ynot
    me2ynot Posts: 6 Member
    height 5'5"
    Current weight 133.6
    Dream weight 125
    I don't know my accurate body fat
    The generic ones don't really give an accurate account.
    Bust 35
    waist 29
    Hips 39
  • ccurtis35
    ccurtis35 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'8" and am currently in the 150 range, would love to lose no less than 20#. I believe menopause has taken over and I struggle to try and lose weight. Dream weight is 125, but I'd take 130 :)
  • xsintrick
    xsintrick Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'4" and about 140. My dream would be 130. I got down to 136, but then have gained some back. Struggle!
  • kendylfit
    kendylfit Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Kendyl and I am 5/7" and I weigh about 140. I was around 133 earlier this year and felt much more energized. Ideal weight is 125 now that I'm not swimming as much and will likely lose some muscle weight from my shoulders.
  • I'm 5'10" and 155; goal weight is 145 and dream weight is 140
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    I feel heavy over here compared to some of your "dream weights."

    I'm 5'10
    Current weight: 165
    Goal weight: I don't really have one... I think 155 would be good.
    I've got down to an all time low of 142 and was skin and bones. I picked up some weights, grew a booty and good toned arms and I'm never willingly going back that low.

    My main goal is a body recomp. Same weight, less fat, more muscle. Yep. That's my dream! And abs!
  • atrixa
    atrixa Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys, I haven't weighed myself in a while. I really don't find it that useful. I'm currently between a size 10 and 12 (UK size) and I would like to fit comfortably in a 10. It should just need to be a few pounds to lose. I'm going to restructure my diet to lean more toward plant based and less toward sugar. Snacks are my nemesis!
  • Centipede007
    Centipede007 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! I'm 153 right now but based on how I felt when I was 145 my goal weight is 125 (with a pause at 135 for evaluation) for a 5'7 cusp small-med frame. My goal is to get a rocking strong body for Krav and Jiu Jitsu because I would love to have the best frame to get certified as a trainer of Krav. I know, lofty goal by man would it be great? Haha. I talk about my goals too much.
  • BeckieALee
    BeckieALee Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I'm Beckie and currently weigh 160 and my goal weight is 135. I'm 5'7.5".

    My goal is to really be consistent with my eating. I will do well for 2 weeks or so then have a horrible weekend so my weight will go up and down a lot.

    I paddle and run 4-5 times a week, I love to exercise... Just need to get that food under control!

    Would love anyone to add me as a friend so we can encourage one another!
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    5'5" and my goal weight is 130. I'm currently at 137. I wonder if my 29" waist will shrink any.
  • AlinaMek
    AlinaMek Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Happy to join this group and inspire / support each other.

    Height: 5'10 (1,77 cm)
    Starting Weight - 10 Jul 15: 158 lbs (72 kg)
    Current Weight - 23 Jul 15: 155 lbs (70,5 kg)
    Goal Weight - 10 Dec 15: 137 lbs (62 kg)
    Total to loose: 21 lbs (10 kg)

    I follow the Leptin Diet.

    Good luck everyone. :)
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    AlinaMek wrote: »
    Hi everyone,
    I follow the Leptin Diet.

    What is the Leptin Diet?

    We are the same height and 137 seems so skinny for me. I mean, I could only get there when my ED was full blown and taken over my mind... :/
  • petitehealth
    petitehealth Posts: 148 Member
    Hello, here are my status:
    32 years old
    Starting Weight: 133
    Current Weight: 123
    Goal Weight (mini goal): 118
    Dream Weight: 113
  • vnukinga
    vnukinga Posts: 130 Member

    My name is Kinga. I started a new exercise/eating routine almost 2 years ago. I managed to lose almost 10 lbs but unfortunately some of it crept back up over winter. In spring I re-revved my exercising habits. Now I run every day for about 30 minutes daily and do 30 minutes of Yoga per day as well. I need to add some weight training and work more on my abs.
    Here are the stats:
    38 years old
    Starting weight: 123
    Current weight: 119
    Goal weight: 114

  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    edited July 2015
    starting weight at around 153 lbs.
    Current weight 146
    I usually feel "okay" at 135 lbs.

    I'd love to see what 125 lbs. feels like but mostly...

    ...I want to be fit and strong.

    Current measurements:
    bust: 37"
    waist: 29"
    abdomen (2 inches below belly button): 36"
    hips (widest point): 41"

    Oh, and I forgot to mention, I am 49 years young.
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    edited July 2015
    Just wanted to add:

    Here is a GREAT example of how the numbers on the scale are not the end all and be all. LOTS of people want to be less than 135 lbs. I am here to tell you, if I can look like the gal in this video who is 134.4 I would be THRILLED!!


    Trying to embed the video...

  • LyssaRonnell
    LyssaRonnell Posts: 182 Member
    Hey I'm Lyssa! I'm 20, 5'2,and 128lbs. My goal is to look 115lbs. When I started this app I was 140lbs so I've made some progress. I rollerade almost every morning for about an hour 8-12 miles. I enjoy roller blading so going that long isn't too hard for me. I can feel the burn, but I have fun while getting it. Message me for any advice or if you want any. :)
  • hbmortster
    hbmortster Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello:) I'm Jen, 5'6", 156.5, and lots of muscle. My goal is to get to 142 pounds and 22% body fat. I am big into CrossFit and heavy lifting which means I have a lot of weight from muscle and wish to stay at the higher end of my weight range. These last 15ish pounds are really tough and I love the way I look, but know that if I can get down to 22% body fat I'll be in the best shape I can be!!!

    Starting weight- 176
    Current weight - 156.5
    Goal weight - 142
    Current body fat - 25.1%
    Goal body fat - 22%
    Hips - 38
    Waist - 28
    Bust - 35

    Let's do this!!
  • abbeymetz387
    abbeymetz387 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi !
    My name is Abby
    Height - 5'6
    Current weight - 146 pounds
    Dream weight - 125 pounds

  • jushin8
    jushin8 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi~~I am Ju!
    I am 26 and 5'6". I used to weigh between 120-125....and my weight has creeped up and last week I saw 145 on the scale and I got really scared...I weighed myself this morning and I am at 140.5. I want to ultimately go back to 125. But I want to set smaller short term goals so I don't get pressured by the results!!!
    Start (7/27): 145 (most likely due to Aunt Flow visiting...)
    Now (8/5): 140.5
    Short-term goal: 135 (hopefully by end of this month)
    Final goal: 125