UK Doc argues with NHS about anti LC article ‘The Truth About Carbs’

KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
this is a great article..a couple more of his posts are connected to his emailing and demanding they explain themselves.

Dr. Briffa has a lot of great LCHF articles on his site.

at one point the UK health group NHS, like our FDA…argues that the "23 ketogenic studies" are NOT any proof that Low Fat is not better, and pick it apart.

Can we trust the NHS and dieticians to tell us the truth about diet?

by Dr John Briffa on 20 December 2013 in Healthy Eating, Low-Carbohydrate, Unhealthy Eating!, Weight Loss
On twitter, someone recently drew my attention to this article on the UK’s NHS (National Health Service) Choices website regarding dietary carbohydrate. Entitled ‘The Truth About Carbs’ it starts: ( read the link)


  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Thanks for sharing the link. LCHF if it were to catch on with the masses 'might' impact the income of some industries especially the medical and processed food industries.
  • DissLocated
    DissLocated Posts: 43 Member
    I love John Briffa, he started me on the LCHF path. The NHS is like a big old lumbering dinosaur, Lord only knows how long it'll take it turn it's views around. The Change4Life stuff they force onto our kids is a constant source of irritation.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Thanks for sharing the link. LCHF if it were to catch on with the masses 'might' impact the income of some industries especially the medical and processed food industries.

    Corn/Grain industries. Those are major beasts that would have to be conquered, and then theres the increased demand for meat and milk products that would have to be met. Which requires an increase in grain production to feed the cattle and other animals. Sigh, such a complicated issue.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    At least the NHS is now starting to recognise that sugar is the main food "baddy" rather than fat (not in the article referenced by Briffa, but elsewhere). The NHS is an old dinosaur, but I wouldn't be without it!
  • DissLocated
    DissLocated Posts: 43 Member
    The NHS is an old dinosaur, but I wouldn't be without it!

    Amen to that.

  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    The irony here is that endocrinologists recommend LCHF for T2 diabetes patients to avoid medication.
    My own experience proves to me that LCHF is the best thing I could do for lowering cholesterol and triglycerides too.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    I'm just intrigued how NHS (and any other large agencies of any country/in any topic area) can totally nitpick and vilify ANY research they decide doesn't fit the party line.

    and of course what can the masses do? if it is your main source of healthcare you are stuck with it.

    but then, as example, the doctor who advised hand washing between birthing babies was also vilified and ostracized for years…