


  • SpicyBaconCake
    SpicyBaconCake Posts: 96 Member
    Hey there :smile: My name's Daisy, I'm 39 with a couple kids and live in Oklahoma. I'm 5'5 with SW of 202, goal around 150ish.
    I'm determined to be a runner, longterm goal of running a 5k while carrying one of my kids...end of the world prep and other scary motivational reasons to run with my kid lol.
    So, I will be adding bodyweight strength to my workout soon, which currently consists of mostly walking, gonna switch to c25k in the fall, but first gonna finish the summer with some indoor videos. Real feel around here is hitting 115 already! the evening!
    Anyway, there's my first ramble for ya lol.
    Look forward to travelling this journey with all of yall :smiley:
  • arya8
    arya8 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi, my name is Daniela, from Michigan, US. I'm 40 years old and I've been overweight most of my life. At my heaviest, I was 202 lb, but lost about 40 pounds about 16 years ago and kept it off until last year when I gained about 12 back. I have problems with controlling the amount of food I eat, and keeping up with exercising. I'm hoping that this group will help me with that! :)
  • Crua7
    Crua7 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi. My name is Salma. This app is new to me so please bare with me. I am 30 years old. Mother of 2. I live in Ilford, London. I have always been overweight my whole life. Finally decided to do something about it 5 years ago and managed to lose 5stones simply through diet and exercise. Sadly it's now crept back on but obviously I did play a part in that. Absolutely love eating! I've put on 3 stones so need to get rid of that. I'm really excited about this group but have no idea how this works. None the less, Feel this will help me stay motivated.

  • Sierrahaleyaz
    Sierrahaleyaz Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I am Sierra. I am a teacher in AZ! I have tried just about every diet there is (17 day diet, weight watchers, paleo, whole30, south beach, Atkins, etc.) and always fall back into old habits. Three years ago I weighed 140 and now I am up to 180. I am 23 y/o and am 5'4". I just got engaged and want to lose 40lbs by the wedding! I am going to the gym and doing strength training (which I have never done) and just eating around 1400 calories and logging my food. I am hoping to be patient and not expect to lose 20 lbs in the first two weeks like all of the fad diets promise. Just healthy, slow weight loss.
  • heeylinda
    heeylinda Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello everyone! My name is Linda! I'm 17 years old, and I'm from Ecuador! (latinamerica). 4 months ago I started going to college, but like 1 month ago I quit it.. I've been dealing with depression for a few years and college made me no good. However, now I'm a bit too free the whole time, and I've decided I want to lose weight, it's hard though, because I find myself not so motivated, but I still want to try this, I know it's something that in the long term, will be good for me:)
    I'm at my heaviest right now! (170 lbs) and I'm only 165 ish tall.. So I'd like to lose 40-50 lbs!

    Let's be healthy!
  • SparklySarah412
    SparklySarah412 Posts: 74 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi I'm Sarah from Yorkshire, UK.
    I'm here to lose the last of my baby weight. I have 2 children, with the first one I gained 40lbs and lost it all using mfp 2 years ago. But no sooner had I finished losing it all and getting super fit and I got pregnant again! I initially tried to continue exercising and logging my calories throughout my second pregnancy but between the morning sickness, ultra tiredness and general pregnancy crappiness, the exercise went out of the window. I did continue to do really well with my eating though, but towards the end of the pregnancy, particularly when I went overdue, I started comfort eating and gained about 30lbs.
    I finished breastfeeding 5 months ago and since then I've lost 13lbs. I have at least another 15lbs to go.
    I'm currently 154lbs but want to be somewhere between 130 and 140.
    I've never been one for fad diets - hate being told what I can and can't do so I can't follow a diet with silly rules!
    I love working out. I'm currently in week 4 of T25, I also go to the gym twice a weekand do a weekly step aerobics class (yes, I know it's old school and I probably get nothing out-of it but I do it for fun!
  • dontgiveup2319
    dontgiveup2319 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi, I'm Samantha. I'm a stay at home wife here in Missouri, US. I'm wanting to lose 60+ lbs. I raise most of my food on my farm. I have the tendency of giving up halfway through my weight loss and I'm really hoping I don't do that ever again lol. It's nice to have everyone here to keep me motivated. Let's do this together!
  • rjneeley
    rjneeley Posts: 59 Member
    Rycbar_123 wrote: »
    Hey there :smile: My name's Daisy, I'm 39 with a couple kids and live in Oklahoma. I'm 5'5 with SW of 202, goal around 150ish.
    I'm determined to be a runner, longterm goal of running a 5k while carrying one of my kids...end of the world prep and other scary motivational reasons to run with my kid lol.
    So, I will be adding bodyweight strength to my workout soon, which currently consists of mostly walking, gonna switch to c25k in the fall, but first gonna finish the summer with some indoor videos. Real feel around here is hitting 115 already! the evening!
    Anyway, there's my first ramble for ya lol.
    Look forward to travelling this journey with all of yall :smiley:

    Daisy, your stats are like mine -- been up and down the weight-loss roller coaster many times, but weighed in at 203.7 last Friday at a health analysis for my hubby's company and decided right then and there that it was time to get seriously motivated. I'm 45, with 3 kids and a hubby, we live in Indiana. I also run -- have run 2 half marathons so far, but at this weight I'd be lucky to finish a 5K. We started running again this week, though, doing intervals, and it's going pretty well. Glad to meet you!

    I am glad this group was started. I am ready to get serious about getting healthy, and am excited to get to know all of you! What kind of challenges will we be doing? Just eating right, exercising, etc? Or will there be daily or weekly challenges as well? That might be fun for a mix-up a few times.

    PS -- I'm Rachel, by the way!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm Shelby and am 60 years old and from CA. I never had much of a weight issue except for the past ten years when my metabolism just gets slower and slower. I run on my treadmill and started T25 a month ago. I lost 20# last year but managed with little effort to gain it all back this year. I want to lose it again and am having a hard time getting motivated.
  • leanne22brown
    leanne22brown Posts: 4 Member
    I'm leanne from bucks I'm 29 and want to get to a healthy weight again and need motivation and a degree of support so I don't fall of the wagon as to say
  • shancourcy16
    shancourcy16 Posts: 49 Member
    Hey everyone! I am shannon from NH, 22, so close to my goal weight hoping this will motivate me to drop those couple extra pounds! Love giving extra motivation if needed! Cant wait
  • krazzy29
    krazzy29 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm Nancy from Oshawa On Canada. I'm 42 a mother of 4 and a new Nana. I have a lot to lose but I'm starting slowly, I'm at 250 and have set a goal of 200 for now hopefully once it starts to come off and I feel better about myself it will continue. Was living a unhappy life for a long time but left that behind a year and a half ago now need to get healthy for myself and my kids. Hope that joining the group helps me stay motivated and any and all support will be appreciated. :#
  • Pmckinzie
    Pmckinzie Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I'm Trish from CA. I am 47 and a mother of 2 daughters in there early teens. :* my husband and I are consistantly busy being softball, soccer, drama, etc. Parents. It is time to find balance and take care of myself. Right now I weight 216lb and I would like to be 160lb. I am hopeful that logging, exercise, and this support group will help me attain my goals! :)
  • karisrunning
    karisrunning Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Kari from Bavaria, Germany. I've been struggling with my weight since I was around 9 yrs old. I'm an emotional/comfort eater which makes it very hard to stay on track. I am dealing with depression, anxiety and PTSD. So I've just been a bit of a yo-yo my whole life. I really want to change and become fit again. Weight loss is important but I would rather develop a complete new mindset, have a permanent lifestyle change and become fit again to do whatever I want to do. I am looking to find supportive, compassionate friends. I hope I can also help others in reaching their goals :)
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Hello! My name is Audrey, I'm 30 years old. Since joining the Navy I've lived in several places, but right now I'm stationed on a ship out of Japan. Being "forward deployed" means we go out on patrols more often than ships state-side but they're shorter (3-4 months out to sea followed by several months in port and the cycle continues). That means I spend a lot of time eating food I don't cook and don't see prepared, which makes logging interesting.

    I was always a bit on the overweight side ever since I stopped growing at age 12, but the last couple of years I've been getting up towards obese. My highest weight was 178 lbs and my limit for weigh-ins for the Navy is 156 lbs (I'm 5'3.5" and they round me up to 5'4"). Being the division officer for my department, I feel like a hypocrite when I tell my guys/gals not to fail their PRT - I've never failed but I've done some extreme things to pass taping (I get taped since I'm over my weight limit). I'm currently 171ish lbs, so I've got a bit more to go but I'm hoping to be under and not have to be taped for my next PRT in the fall.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone and encouraging each other towards that ultimate goal of a healthier version of ourselves :smiley:
  • heather3781
    heather3781 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Heather. I'm 34, from Roanoke, VA and mom to 3 teenage boys. I was always an athlete until my late-twenties, when my kids started getting really involved with their sports. So I went from playing to driving and watching. I'm currently at 230 (holy crap!!!), and looking to drop as much as I can, with a first goal of 200, and 150 as my ultimate goal.
    Joining here since all 4 guys in my house can eat anything put in front of them (as well as anything not) and not put on a pound. With their being athletes, we try and stay fairly healthy foods wise, but I need to watch the portions.
  • MinaMaharet
    MinaMaharet Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I'm Wende (32) from Missouri. I have always struggled with my weight, but college and stessful job made it worse. I started a new, amazing, different-stressful job and have lost 32lbs since 02/14. I did well with MFP, but left to do Weight Watchers (work discount/incentives and dr recommendation) but have plateaued for the last few months. So I said bugger this, dropped WW, and am back to MFP.

    I have an office job, but it's by no means sedentary, and I also go to the gym 3-4x week for yoga, barre, and Zumba, plus I take Argentine tango lessons 1-2x week, and try to run/walk on my treadmill on the weekends. I use the Pact app which is amazing to keep me accountable for workouts, veg/fruit servings, and now tracking with MFP. I got married in October and my husband is ridiculously supportive, as are my office colleagues, but I'm glad to be here with others going through some of the same struggles! I'm happy to meet everyone and look forward to being a part of your personal journey!
  • leanlicorice
    leanlicorice Posts: 84 Member
    Hi everyone,

    It has been nice to read through everyone's introductions. I wish each you the very best of success.

    I recently turned 28 and currently living with my husband in IL (we're Australian). I have been overweight all my life but became obese after enduring a horrible boss in a horrible job. I have been able to prevent further weight gain, thank goodness, but now it is time to release my regrets and bad memories, shed the weight and take the emotion out of eating.

  • thefitpandaproject
    thefitpandaproject Posts: 94 Member
    I'm Amanda, 20yrs old from Singapore. Have been big since I was 8. Hopefully I can start a new chapter in my life being healthy. My goal is currently set at 130lbs. Have a nice day all!
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 421 Member
    Nice to meet everyone. I am Caitlin. I am 26 y/o and from Missouri. I started losing weight last year but I had to stop because I became pregnant with our first child. Now that he is here I am ready to start again. I only have 5 more lbs of baby weight to lose but I have a lot more after that in order to be at a healthy weight.